Hearings Panel - Other Minutes - 10 July 2018


Minutes of a meeting of the Hearings Panel - Other

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 10 July 2018, commencing at 2.00p.m.


Present:              Councillors L Barker (Chairperson) and S Walker

In Attendance:   Team Leader Roading and Solid Waste (M Bruce), Contracts Supervisor Roading, (T Chapman), Roading Network Coordinator (M Ramsay) and Governance Adviser (E Stephenson)

Apologies :          Nil



1.       Apologies


          There were no apologies.

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

The Chairperson advised of one late item for the public part of the meeting, and that the following resolution needed to be passed for the item to be considered:

2.1      Extension to Light Nelson Road Closure

Resolved HEA/2018/013

That the Hearings Panel - Other

Considers the item regarding Extension to Light Nelson Road Closure at this meeting as a major item not on the agenda, pursuant to Section 46A(7)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, to enable a timely decision to be made.

Walker/Barker                                                                            Carried


3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum – All Blacks Game Notification of Road Closure   

Councillor Gaile Noonan addressed the meeting as a resident of Hathaway Terrace, to voice her concerns regarding the notification process for the road closure for the All Blacks v Argentina rugby game on 8 September 2018. Mrs Noonan referred to the ‘Application for temporary road closure’ form, noting the advertising requirements. Mrs Noonan advised that Hathaway Terrace residents had not received notification in their letterboxes and that she had not seen a Traffic Management Plan.

5.       Road Closures - All Blacks/Argentina Rugby Game and City Activation - 8 September 2018

Document number R9327, agenda pages 5 - 10 refer.

Roading Network Coordinator, Melissa Ramsay, spoke to the report. In response to questions, Ms Ramsay advised that she had communicated with the Hathaway Terrace Bodycorp, and had responded to feedback received from them. It appeared that the Bodycorp had not passed this information on to its residents and that she would convey this to Councillor Noonan. Ms Ramsay confirmed that, as for previous events, the residents of Hathaway Terrace had been allocated a section of the carpark for the event and that Council officers had been provided with a draft Traffic Management Plan.

Ms Ramsay also advised the Panel that the Sprig and Fern had withdrawn its application, referred to in paragraph 4.9 of the agenda report.

Resolved HEA/2018/014

That the Hearings Panel - Other

Receives the report Road Closures - All Blacks/Argentina Rugby Game and City Activation - 8 September 2018 (R9327) and its attachment (A1983350); and

Approves the road closures required for the All Blacks/Argentina International rugby game and City Activation on 8 September 2018 as detailed in report R9327.

Walker/Barker                                                                            Carried

Pursuant to Standing Order 22.5 - Revocation or alteration by resolution at the same meeting, The above decision was revisited by the Panel later in the meeting, as further information had been received.


6.       Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw (2011), No 207 Amendments to Schedules

Document number R9450, agenda pages 11 - 26 refer.

Team Leader Roading and Solid Waste, Matt Bruce, and Contracts Supervisor Roading, Troy Chapman, spoke to the report, noting that the proposed amendments were aimed at increasing efficiency, addressing safety concerns and as a result of subdivisions. In response to questions they advised that most were changes other than losing car parks, and that approximately three car parks on Vickerman Street would be lost.

The Panel considered the amendments individually and requested further information on the following amendments:

4.1 Extension of bus stop at Main Road Stoke (map – agenda page 17)

The Panel requested that officers provide more information on this proposal to consider the implications of relocating the carpark from the southern end to the northern end of the bus stop and to check the standard length for bus stops in the city.

4.4 and 4.9 Dodson Valley bus stop alterations (map – agenda page P20)

Discussion took place regarding the location of the Give Way sign, returning the current bus-stop to carparking, whether the amendment would create a shortage of carparks in the area, whether angled parking was an option, and the possibility of leaving some car parks in the area. Officers advised that locating car parks prior to the bus stop was not ideal due to visibility issues and that 60 metres of no-stopping zone was required prior to the bus stop.

Officers advised that consultation had taken place with schools and local residents, that there had been a letter drop for those directly affected and that the feedback had been positive. They also advised that having a footpath without no-stopping would not be ideal because of sight lines and that there was a pram crossing just north of the new bridge which entailed a kerb drop-down but with no zebra lines or centre refuge.

Officers noted that there were quite a lot of changes in this area which fell under different schedules.

The Panel requested that officers check if there were any areas where reinstatement of carparks could happen and whether the current bus stop could be reinstated to car parking and provide further information on this.



Resolved HEA/2018/015

That the Hearings Panel - Other

Receives the report Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw (2011), No 207 Amendments to Schedules  (R9450) and its attachment (A1995955)

Barker/Walker                                                                            Carried

The Panel requested that officers provide more information on amendments 4.1, 4.4 and 4.9, prior to making its decisions, therefore the matter was left to lie on the table.

Item of business to lie on the table HEA/2018/016

That the Hearings Panel - Other

Leaves the item Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw (2011), No 207 Amendments to Schedules to lie on the table and not be further discussed at this meeting.

Barker/Walker                                                                          Carried



7.       Extension to Light Nelson Road Closure

Document number R9517, late items agenda pages 3 - 4 refer.

Roading Network Coordinator, Melissa Ramsay, spoke to the report and clarified the reason for the decision. Ms Ramsay said that no negative feedback had been received.

Resolved HEA/2018/017

That the Hearings Panel - Other

Receives the report Extension to Light Nelson Road Closure (R9517); and

Approves the application to extend the temporary Road Closure for Light Nelson until 3pm 11 July 2018.

Barker/Walker                                                                            Carried


The meeting was adjourned in order for officers to provide the extra information requested by the Panel.


Adjournment of Meeting

Resolved HEA/2018/018

That the Hearings Panel - Other

Adjourns the meeting until Thursday 12 July at the conclusion of the Community Services Committee meeting.

Barker/Walker                                                                            Carried


The meeting was adjourned at 2.51 p.m.



Minutes of a meeting of the Hearings Panel - Other

Reconvened in Ruma Marama, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Thursday 12 July 2018, commencing at 1.04p.m.


Present:              Councillors L Barker (Chairperson) and S Walker

In Attendance:   Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), , Team Leader Roading and Solid Waste (M Bruce), Contracts Supervisor Roading, (T Chapman), Roading Network Coordinator (M Ramsay), Asset Engineer Transport (K Goldthorpe) and Governance Adviser (E Stephenson)

Apologies :          Nil





6        Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw (2011), No 207 Amendments to Schedules (continued)

Officers provided the requested further information on amendments 4.1, 4.4 and 4.9.

4.1 Extension of Bus Stop at Main Road Stoke

Officers advised that the southern carpark could not be relocated to the northern end of the bus stop for the following reasons:

·                parking north of the bus stop would prohibit access for buses         approaching the stop, particularly with the newer/longer buses coming    online shortly

·                the length of that bus stop had been futureproofed to cater for         reinstatement of the Stoke Loop

·                the bus stop was longer as a result of it effectively being an ‘exchange’      for both NBus and the Stoke Loop.

Officers noted that the bus stop required a 15 metre entry and exit taper (as per the Traffic Control Devices Manual) and that the extent of the 15 metre tapers could be seen on the aerial photograph.

4.4 & 4.9 Dodson Valley Bus Stop

Officers reiterated that alterations to the Dodson Valley bus stop were as a result of safety concerns for school children crossing Atawhai Crescent in close proximity to commercial shops and a busy intersection. The reasons for no-stopping the existing bus stop and providing new no-stopping near the proposed location were as follows:

·              Returning the current bus-stop to car parking was deemed unfavourable for a number of reasons:

o    car parking would encourage those accessing local shops to park and cross the road at an undesignated crossing, which was the very problem officers were trying to solve

o    the car parking would be in close proximity to the shared path/footpath interface, which would be undesirable from a safety point of view

o    the Chorus exchange building was located directly opposite the existing bus stop, therefore on-street residential parking was not required

o    a playcentre was located in close proximity to the existing bus stop. Drop-off and pick-up was encouraged to take place away from the street. Officers felt that providing carparks in this location would encourage drop-off and pick-up to occur on-street which was undesirable in terms of safety

·              The no-stopping installation prior to new bus stop had been proposed for the following reasons:

o    sight lines and taper lengths for the new bus stop required the extent of no-stopping shown due to a number of reasons:

Ø the curve in the road (near Oldham Creek Bridge) reduced sight lines, therefore allowing parking would further reduce visibility

Ø the new kerb and channel installed was on the road reserve boundary with lane widths being too narrow to accommodate parking

Ø parking was still available north of the proposed bus stop location, although officers had not witnessed extensive parking in that area

o    the new footpath and pram crossing had been designed to direct pedestrians across the road at a safe location. Any changes would impact on that crossing location.



Resolved HEA/2018/019

That the Hearings Panel - Other

Approves amendments detailed in the report R9450 to the following Schedules of the Bylaw, Parking and Vehicle Control (2011) No 207:

·Schedule 4: Special parking areas

·    Schedule 8: Time Limited Parking

·   Schedule 9: No stopping and No parking Areas

·   Schedule 14: Give Way Signs

As per Option 1 in report R9450 without changes.

Barker/Walker                                                                            Carried


Pursuant to Standing Order 22.5 – Revocation or alteration by resolution at the same meeting, Item 5 - Road Closures – All Blacks / Argentina Rugby Game and City Activation – 8 September 2018, was revisited due to further information being received.

5        Road Closures - All Blacks/Argentina Rugby Game and City Activation - 8 September 2018 (revisited)


The Chairperson advised that further concerns had been raised regarding adherence to Council’s road closure procedure on its website and noted that the process was extensive. Roading Network Coordinator, Melissa Ramsay, confirmed that all residents were able to get in and out during the event. Ms Ramsay clarified that the closure was not stopping residents’ access, it was stopping the general public’s access, although the residents’ access might be delayed if it was unsafe, for example if a large crowd was entering or leaving the venue.

Officers provided an A0 copy of the Traffic Management Plan at the meeting to form the basis of a discussion which included identifying residents, contractor responsibilities and improving the process in the future. Officers confirmed that residents would be targeted more specifically in the future.

Group Manager Infrastructure, Alec Louverdis advised that legal advice was that the public notice in ‘Our Nelson’ distributed to all met the public notice requirements of the Local Government Act and that notification to individual owners/occupiers was not necessary for a temporary closure. He said that there would be an extensive communication plan leading up to the event and confirmed that a letter drop would be made to every property inside the road closure area notifying directly affected owners/occupiers of the Transport Management Plan. Mr Louverdis confirmed that the information on Council’s webpage for application for a road closure was already being reviewed and would be amended as soon as possible. He advised that communication prior to the game would be timed appropriately.

The Panel added a further clause to its previous decision.


The substantive motion was put.


Resolved HEA/2018/020

That the Hearings Panel - Other

Receives the report Road Closures - All Blacks/Argentina Rugby Game and City Activation - 8 September 2018 (R9327) and its attachment (A1983350); and

Approves the road closures required for the All Blacks/Argentina International rugby game and City Activation on 8 September 2018 as detailed in report R9327; and

Notes that a communication will be delivered to all properties directly affected by a street closure prior to the event, no more than one week out from the event.

Barker/Walker                                                                            Carried





There being no further business the meeting ended at 1.35p.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date