Community Services Committee Minutes - 12 July 2018


Minutes of a meeting of the Community Services Committee

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House , 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Thursday 12 July 2018, commencing at 9.02a.m.


Present:              Councillor G Noonan (Chairperson), Councillors M Courtney (Deputy Chairperson), K Fulton, B McGurk, P Matheson and M Rutledge

In Attendance:   Councillors I Barker, T Skinner and S Walker, Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Community Services (R Ball), Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald) and Governance Adviser (E Stephenson) and Youth Councillors (A Hunter and N Rais)


Apologies:           Her Worship the Mayor R Reese and Councillor M Lawrey



1.       Apologies

Resolved CS/2018/019

That the Community Services Committee

Receives and accepts the apologies from Her Worship the Mayor R Reese and Councillor M Lawrey.

Courtney/McGurk                                                                       Carried


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

The Chairperson advised that Item 8 -      Stoke Library Weather Tightness Report would be considered after Item 4 - Public Forum.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

Attendance: Councillor Rutledge entered the meeting at 9.04a.m.

4.       Public Forum

4.1      Public Forum - Jenna Stallard - Scholarship to United World College


Youth Councillor Jenna Stallard addressed the committee regarding her scholarship to the United World College. A PowerPoint presentation was provided.



1    A2007035 - Jenna Stallard Scholarship to United World College Powerpoint presentation


5.       Stoke Library Weather Tightness Report (Agenda Item 8)

Document number R9489, agenda pages 20 - 66 refer.

An Interim Stoke Library Weathertightness report (A2006114) was tabled.

Manager Parks and Facilities, Rosie Bartlett, provided background information on the tabled interim report. Ms Bartlett advised that a non-invasive investigation into other areas of the library had raised concerns so an invasive inspection would take place on Saturday 14 July. She clarified that the library would remain open on that date.

Property Parks and Facilities Asset Manager, Andrew Petheram, spoke to the report. He advised that he would report back to the next committee meeting to provide a further update and future options. Mr Petheram answered questions regarding Council’s obligations around safety under the Health and Safety Act, the extent of construction work and risks, maintaining public and staff safety, health risks, when the first signs appeared, whether there was any action to check other council properties, regular formal condition assessments and whether there were other similar buildings that officers were aware of.

Resolved CS/2018/020

That the Community Services Committee

Receives the  Stoke Library Weather Tightness Report (R9489) and its attachment ‘Weathertightness Report Structural Roof Beams at Stoke Library’ A1999139; and

Directs officers to report back to the Community Services Committee at its next meeting on:

1. Further details and costs relating to the weather tightness of the Stoke Library; and

2. Options to respond to the issues discovered.

McGurk/Matheson                                                                      Carried


1    A2006114 - Stoke Library Interim Weathertightness report 6 July 2018


6.       Confirmation of Minutes (Agenda Item 5)

6.1      12 April 2018

Document number M3421, agenda pages 7 - 11 refer.

Resolved CS/2018/021

That the Community Services Committee

Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee, held on 12 April 2018, as a true and correct record.

Courtney/McGurk                                                                       Carried


7.       Chairperson's Report (Agenda Item 6)

Document number R9490, agenda pages 12 - 14 refer.

The Chairperson provided a verbal addition to her report, reading out an email passed on to Group Manager Community Services, Roger Ball, from the Stoke Library regarding comments received from a library user who had mentioned that young people had recently carried her books and groceries and that youth worker input continued and was having a positive influence on youth in the area.

Group Manager Community Services, Roger Ball, answered questions regarding budget for the gifted Airport sculptures and the reasons for amending the committee’s previous decision were confirmed.  

Group Manager Strategy and Communications, Nicky McDonald provided a verbal update on revising Council’s Positive Ageing policy and the possibility of developing a strategy for addressing Nelson’s ageing demographic. She advised that a report would be presented to a future committee meeting looking at options for the work, including the possibility of a community-led strategy.

Ms McDonald answered questions regarding links with the Urban Development Capacity, public seating and infrastructure, the need for a broader approach, allowing older people to engage and being age friendly. Ms McDonald was asked to bring a report to the Committee.


Resolved CS/2018/022

That the Community Services Committee

Receives the report Chairperson's Report (R9490); and

Amends the resolution CS/2018/18 of the Community Services Committee 12 April 2018 to read:

Accepts the gift of nine sculptures for the city from Nelson Airport Limited; and

Thanks the Board of Nelson Airport Limited for making the nine sculptures available as public art for the community to enjoy; and

Delegates decision making on the sites of the nine gifted artworks sculptures that Nelson City Council will receive from Nelson Airport Limited to Councillors Mel Courtney and Kate Fulton, based on advice from the Arts Selection Panel, with an emphasis on exploring options for enhancement in the CBD.

Noonan/Fulton                                                                           Carried



8.       Community Services Report 1 January to 31 May 2018

Document number R9409, agenda pages 15 - 19 refer.

An update to the Community Services Report 1 January to 31 May 2018 to include the statistics for May and June (A2009383) was tabled.

Acting Manager Libraries, Anthony Lewis answered questions regarding trends in library usage statistics and data for longer term trends and said that he could provide further information to the Committee on this if required.

Group Manager Community Services, Roger Ball, answered questions regarding arrangements for Council events related to the All Blacks game, and confirmed that he would provide details of arrangements for the civic component to Councillors via email once they were finalised. 



Resolved CS/2018/023

That the Community Services Committee

Receives the report Community Services Report 1 January to 31 May 2018 (R9409).

Matheson/Fulton                                                                        Carried


1    A2009383 - Update to Community Services Report 1 January - 31 May 2018 (R9409)


9.       Youth Council Update

          Youth Councillor Alex Hunter provided her verbal update on the Youth Council’s activities, which included:

·         Youth Councillors had received presentations training in June

·         Youth Council had been approached by the Roading and Utilities Manager and given the opportunity to promote bike safety out in the community

·         Youth Council had nominated community groups for the Trustpower Community Awards as well itself, and Youth Councillors were looking forward to attending the awards ceremony later this year

·         As a result of a forum last year, when it was decided that youth should be included on boards, Miss Hunter had been accepted onto the Big Brother Big Sister Nelson Tasman board.

           Miss Hunter also congratulated fellow Youth Councillor Jenna Stallard on achieving her scholarship.                                                                                    

           Youth Councillor Nathaniel Rais provided his verbal update, which included:

·         Youth Councillors had been spreading awareness about Youth Council at the two Rockquest events via newsletters and a $200 voucher award

·         Youth Councillors attendance as youth representatives at meetings of a joint partnership between Nelson City Council, the Ministry of Youth Development and Youth Training Providers

·         Youth Council had submitted to the Long Term Plan 2018 – 2028

·         Youth Councillors had been involved in a project painting O’l Lumpy (Nelson Bowl) Skatepark, they had handed the project over to Council officers to complete. Youth Councillors were designing a sign for the park to increase awareness of the Youth Council, he said that this was a good opportunity to support heritage and to make it a good place for youth.              

10.     Greenmeadows Centre - Progress Update

Document number R9486, agenda pages 67 - 70 refer.

The Chair noted that, in light of the recent media release, reasons for confidentiality no longer existed for a substantial amount of the information in the public excluded report on this issue. A redacted public excluded report containing all of the information that was able to be made publicly available (A2009124) was tabled.

Group Manager Infrastructure, Alec Louverdis and Manager Capital Projects, Shane Davies provided background on the issues. They answered questions regarding:

·         the reasons that some of the public excluded information needed to remain confidential

·         tenant occupation

·         cladding issues

·         commitment to quality

·         building progress

·         resourcing

·         meetings with the contractor

·         project management going forward

·         payment of suppliers and subcontractors

·         reputational risk

·         the tendering and contract evaluation process

·         completion date

·         review and assessment of lessons learned after the project completion

·         review of the tendering policy.

Attendance: Councillor Matheson left the meeting at 10.27a.m. and returned at 10.36a.m.

Attendance: The meeting was adjourned at 10.37a.m. and reconvened at 10.56a.m. Councillor Matheson was not present.

Attendance: Councillor Matheson returned to the meeting at 10.58a.m.

Mr Louverdis and Mr Davies answered further questions regarding project management, additional onsite supervision, the independent assessor, the intention to report back to Council, clarification of additional costs, provision of wiring for an external emergency generator, timeframes and the review process.



Resolved CS/2018/024

That the Community Services Committee

Receives the report Greenmeadows Centre - Progress Update (R9486).

Noonan/Fulton                                                                           Carried


1    A2009124 - Greenmeadows Centre Progress (Public Excluded) Update - redacted



3.       Exclusion of the Public


Resolved CS/2018/025

That the Community Services Committee

Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

Rutledge/McGurk                                                                       Carried



General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interests protected (where applicable)


Greenmeadows Centre - Progress Update


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·   Section 7(2)(h)

     To enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities

The meeting went into public excluded session at 11.28a.m. and resumed in public session at 12.22p.m. 



There being no further business the meeting ended at 12.22p.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date