Works and Infrastructure Committee Minutes - 28 June 2018
Minutes of a meeting of the Works and Infrastructure Committee
Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
On Thursday 28 June 2018, commencing at 9.05a.m.
Present: Councillor S Walker (Chairperson), Councillors L Acland, Councillor P Matheson, M Lawrey, G Noonan, T Skinner and M Rutledge (Deputy Chairperson)
In Attendance: Councillors M Courtney, K Fulton and B McGurk, Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Environmental Management (C Barton), Team Leader Governance (R Byrne) and Youth Councillors Samantha Cronin and Jacob Mason.
Apology: Her Worship the Mayor R Reese; Councillors L Acland and M Lawrey for lateness
1. Apologies
Resolved WI/2018/026 That the Works and Infrastructure Committee Receives and accepts an apology from Her Worship the Mayor Reese and Councillors Lawrey and Acland for lateness. |
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
There was an additional Public Forum speaker, David Stephenson, who the Chair had agreed to include at late notice.
The Chair confirmed that Item 9 on the Agenda: Tahunanui Cycle Network: Preferred Option, would be the first report to be considered to allow the representatives attending to return to work.
There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.
4.2 Aaryn Barlow, Health Promoter, Nelson Marlborough Health in support of Tahunanui Cycle Network Project.
Mr Barlow spoke in support of the Tahunanui Cycle Network Project and congratulated the Committee on a potentially fantastic community asset. He spoke about initiatives Nelson Marlborough Health and Nelson City Council collaborated on. A recent initiative was bikes in schools, which included Tahunanui school. Nelson Marlborough Health would prefer a separated cycleway connecting the Haven to Tahunanui. Mr Barlow spoke about the aspiration of Nelson/Tasman becoming New Zealand’s cycle friendly city providing an international standard of transport infrastructure.
4.3 David Stephenson in support of Waimea Road improvements.
Mr Stephenson spoke in support of the Waimea Road improvement and referred to the report Waimea Road Severance - Pedestrian refuges R9361 on the Agenda. He spoke about living in Bishopdale and witnessing high speed accidents. Mr Stephenson asked the Committee to consider a trial of Option 3c in the report as it would cost less to implement and could be completed quickly in order to test the effectiveness.
5.1 22 May 2018
Document number M3499, agenda pages 8 - 13 refer.
That the Works and Infrastructure Committee Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Works and Infrastructure Committee, held on 22 May 2018, as a true and correct record. |
Document number R9417, agenda pages 14 - 17 refer.
The Chair presented his report which provided a list of infrastructure work completed.
Group Manager Infrastructure, Alec Louverdis, answered questions on hybrid cathodic protection.
Resolved WI/2018/028 That the Works and Infrastructure Committee Receives the Chairperson's Report (R9417). |
7. Tahunanui Cycle Network - Preferred Option
Document number R8979, agenda pages 85 - 119 refer.
Group Manager Infrastructure, Alec Louverdis advised there were some amendments in the report that were inconsistent with the recommendation. Future options would not be presented to the Regional Transport Committee but would be included in the Activity Management Plans which would inform the Long Term Plan.
Councillor Walker invited members of the Tahunanui Cycle Network Advisory Group to join officers at the table. The group was represented by Chris Allison, John Gilbertson and Barbara Bowen. The Group members spoke in support of the options provided, consultation enabled by forming the group, the impact on children being able to ride to school and the vital role a cycle network would play in future transport infrastructure.
Senior Asset Engineer, Paul Deveraux and Senior Engineering Officer, Andy High presented the report and answered questions on the impact of losing car parks, future works, NZTA funding and next steps to progress the work.
Manager Roading and Utilities, Marg Parfitt, updated the Committee on a suite of travel demand management initiatives that officers were discussing with businesses in Tahuna which included public transport, ride-share, and promotion of walking and cycling.
Group Manager Infrastructure, Alec Louverdis confirmed that further work and linkages into the preferred spine (Route 1 – Annesbrook Roundabout to Beach Road) would be considered in a future Activity Management Plan.
The meeting adjourned from 10.40am until 10.55am.
Resolved WI/2018/029 That the Works and Infrastructure Committee Receives the report R8979 Tahunanui Cycle Network - Preferred Option , and its attachments (A1948256, and A1979013); and Approves as the top priority for progression to targeted consultation, detailed design and construction Option 1: Route 1 – Annesbrook Roundabout to Beach Road as detailed in Report R8979; and Recommends the package of work as identified in Attachment 2 (A1979013 of Report R8979) to be considered in the next review of the 2021-2031 Transport Activity Management Plan and Council’s Long Term Plan 2021-2031. Rutledge/Matheson Carried unanimously |
8. Joint Waste Management and Minimisation Plan
Document number R8965, agenda pages 18 - 75 refer.
Resolved WI/2018/030 That the Works and Infrastructure Committee Receives the report Joint Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (R8965) and its attachments (A1831374, A1987259 and A1987256); and Approves the Statement of Proposal (A1987256 of report R8965) and the draft Joint Nelson Tasman Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (A1987259 of report R8965) for the purposes of community consultation subject to an equivalent resolution being passed by the Tasman District Council; and Delegates authority to approve any minor changes to the draft Joint Nelson Tasman Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (A1987259 of report R8965) and Statement of Proposal (A1987256 of report R8965) to the Chair (Councillor Kit Maling – Tasman District Council) and Deputy Chair (Councillor Stuart Walker – Nelson City Council) of the Joint Nelson Tasman Waste Working Party. |
Recommendation to Council WI/2018/031 That the Council Approves the draft Joint Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (A1987259 of report R8965) and the Statement of Proposal (A1987256 of report R8965) that will allow the Special Consultative Procedure to commence; and
Approves, following the decision by the Tasman District Council’s Engineering Services Committee on 21 June 2018 to add two additional Tasman councillors to the Nelson Tasman Joint Waste Working Party to hear and deliberate on submissions to the Joint Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, that in addition to Nelson City Councillors Walker, Barker and Lawrey that Nelson City Councillors Matheson and Dahlberg be added to the Working Party; and
Approves that the Nelson Tasman Joint Waste Working Party Terms of Reference (A1831374) be amended to reflect the additional Nelson City Councillors of Matheson and Dahlberg as well as the addition of Tasman District Councillors Ogilvie and Wensley. |
9. Recycling - Effect of International Markets
Document number R9280, agenda pages 76 - 84 refer.
Group Manager, Alec Louverdis presented his report and answered questions on Smart Environmental Limited’s storage capacity, the 40% increase in recycling since wheelie bins were provided, alternative markets and promotion of waste minimisation.
Attendance: Councillor Matheson left the meeting from 11.24a.m. until 11.26a.m.
The Chief Executive noted prices for recycling had dropped in the past and could pick up quickly; the impact of this was long term and would be debated in the next Long Term Plan process. Alternative markets were being researched nationally and internationally.
Resolved WI/2018/032 That the Works and Infrastructure Committee Receives the report Recycling - Effect of International Markets (R9280); and Agrees to continue with recycling in Nelson recognising the strong commitment from Nelsonians; and Agrees to accept the costs resulting from the global drop in commodity prices, for the 2018/19 financial year at an estimated cost of between $88,500 and $94,500, funded from current reserves in the Solid Waste account; and Requests a further follow-up report to a future Works and Infrastructure Committee in early 2019 advising of the longer term future of recycling. |
Recommendation to Council WI/2018/033 That the Council Approves the funding resulting from the global drop in commodity prices for the 2018/19 financial year at an estimated cost of between $88,500 and $94,500, funded from current reserves in the Solid Waste account. |
The meeting adjourned from 12.05pm until 12.41pm at which time Councillor Matheson left the meeting.
Document number R9055, agenda pages 120 - 145 refer.
Group Manager Environment, Clare Barton and Team Leader Engineer, David Light presented the report which provided four options for the upgrade of Church St and answered questions on the project rationale, timeline for the city centre activation report and aligning the Church St upgrade with the city centre activation, the opportunity for the Farmers Market to use the site and access from Rutherford Hotel to city centre.
Councillor Rutledge moved the officers recommendation, seconded by Councillor Skinner.
Councillor Acland foreshadowed that if the motion was lost he would move a recommendation that the matter be considered by Council.
The meeting adjourned from 1.15p.m. until 1.25p.m.
The motion was put and a division was called:
Resolved WI/2018/034 That the Works and Infrastructure Committee Receives the report Church Street Upgrade (R9055) and its attachments (A1990747, A1977465, A1977517, A1979152 and A1952746); and Confirms the additional costs are significant and unbudgeted and that any upgrade of Church Street should be included in the City Centre Strategy being completed in the 2018/19 year and prioritised accordingly.
11. Waimea Road Severance - Pedestrian refuges
Document number R9361, agenda pages 146 - 160 refer.
Manager Roading and Utilities, Marg Parfitt presented her report and answered questions on consultation, impacts on future options for reducing congestion in Waimea Rd and impacts on affected residents.
Councillor Walker moved the officer’s recommendation, seconded by Councillor Rutledge.
Councillor Skinner foreshadowed that if the motion was lost he would move a motion to support Option 3C.
Recommendation That the Works and Infrastructure Committee Receives the report Waimea Road Severance - Pedestrian refuges (R9361) and attachments (A1985032, A1989357, A1985289, A1981206); and Approves the installation of a pedestrian refuge in the preferred location depicted on Option 3D (subject to approval by all private landowners to a change in their Right of Way status) as detailed in Report R9361, to allow progression to detailed design and construction; and Approves the installation of a pedestrian refuge in location Option 3C (as detailed in Report R9361) should Option 3D be shown to be impractical following consultation. |
The motion was put and the vote being equal the motion was lost. |
Resolved WI/2018/035 That the Works and Infrastructure Committee Receives the report Waimea Road Severance - Pedestrian refuges (R9361) and attachments (A1985032, A1989357, A1985289, A1981206); and Approves the installation of a pedestrian refuge in the preferred location depicted on Option 3C. |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 2.11pm.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:
Chairperson Date