Nelson City Council Minutes - 7 May 2018


Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson City Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Monday 7 May 2018, commencing at 9.00a.m.


Present:              Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Chairperson), Councillors L Acland, I Barker, M Courtney, B Dahlberg, K Fulton, M Lawrey, B McGurk, G Noonan, M Rutledge, T Skinner and S Walker

In Attendance:   Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Acting Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald), Team Leader Governance (R Byrne) and Governance Advisers (J Brandt and E Stephenson)

Leave of Absence: Councillor Matheson


Opening Prayer

Councillor Noonan gave the opening prayer.

1.       Apologies

          Her Worship the Mayor discussed availability with Councillors. Apologies were noted on appropriate days.


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to order of business.


3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum

There was no public forum.

5.       Draft Long Term Plan 2018 - 2028 - Late Submissions

Document number R9277, agenda pages 8 - 69 refer.

Resolved CL/2018/073

That the Council

Receives the report Draft Long Term Plan 2018 - 2028 - Late Submissions (R9277) and its attachments (A1959969, A1959727 and A1960028); and

Accepts late submissions to the Draft Long Term Plan 2018 – 2028.

Her Worship the Mayor/Courtney                                     Carried



6.       Hearing of Submissions to the Draft Long Term Plan 2018 - 2028, Development Contributions Policy and Waimea Dam

Monday 7 May – Infrastructure


6.1           Jenna Stallard, Nathaniel Rais, Alex Hunter, Robbie Anderson, Cassie Hagan and Others - Nelson Youth Council (18764), page 372 refers


Youth Councillors tabled a supporting document and highlighted survey results. In response to a question, they noted that the area to target for lighting on the Maitai walkway was from the Collingwood Street bridge. The Youth Park Stoke, parking metre technology and the importance to have the best environment possible to increase Council performance were noted.



1    A1963042 - Nelson Youth Council (18764) tabled document


6.2           Ms Noeline Inglis (18912), page 705 refers.


Ms Inglis tabled a supporting document and stressed her request to Council to focus efforts on the core services of Council enabling the day-today running of the city, such as stormwater and sewerage. She highlighted issues affecting Douglas Road.



1    A1963982 - Noeline Inglis (18192) tabled document

6.3           Mr Trevor Garnett (18693) spoke about homelessness in Nelson as well as the state of cricket grounds as per the map provided in the submission, highlighting the risks to health and safety for players.

Mr Garnett also spoke to DC Policy submission 18695, pages 271 and DC 1 refer. Mr Garnett urged Council to stop increasing costs to the ratepayer.

6.4           Mr Ian Goldschmidt (18782) for Nelson Mountain Bike Club, page 411 refers.

Mr Goldschmidt highlighted the club’s desire to bring a high level mountain biking event to Nelson and funds needed.  Mr Goldschmidt answered questions regarding the quality of tracks and the positive long term impact on the region improvements to tracks would bring.

6.5           6.5      Mr Ishna Jacobs (18825) - The Hollow and Bridge Street Studios, page 532 refers.


Ms Jacobs tabled a supporting document and answered questions about specific ideas to enhance Bridge Street, incorporating the existing blue stripes on the footpath. Ms Jacobs explained how funds would be used, with the first year focusing on installation of nine frames to fix artworks and illuminate these at night. Another focus was on shared office space.



1    A1963984 - Ishna Jacobs (18825) tabled document

6.6           Mr John Jennings (18422), page 128 refers.

Mr Jennings stressed the urgency for action by Nelson City Council to prepare for the effects of climate change, and answered questions about the build of the proposed sea wall.

6.7           Ms Glenys MacLellan (19130), page 1367 refers.

Ms MacLellan spoke to her submission and stressed that the lack of public toilets at Queens Gardens had resulted in the Suter toilets being used instead. In relation to footpaths, Ms McLellan urged Council that more funding be put into footpaths and added that brick pavers posed potential health and safety risks to some users.

6.8           Mr Murray Cameron (18656 and 18744) and Malcolm Saunders - Individual and Champion Green Facilities Group, pages 198 and 333 refer.


Mr Cameron tabled a supporting document and highlighted the request to bring the timing of Champion Green facilities forward, and the wish of the Champion Green Facilities Committee to be formally consulted. In response to a question, Mr Saunders confirmed that their submission had support from the cycling groups.



1    A1963985 - Murray Cameron and Malcolm Saunders (18656 and 18744) tabled information

6.9           Ms Jenny Easton (18735), page 314 refers.

Ms Easton expanded on the duties she envisaged for the role of Climate Change Manager she was proposing for Nelson City Council to introduce, and highlighted the importance of taking a long term view and providing leadership in this area.

Attendance: Councillor Acland left the meeting from 10.24a.m. until 10.32a.m.


6.10        Mr Ian Price (18900), page 677 refers.


Mr Price tabled a supporting document and highlighted his frustrations with the the Paremata Flats project and clarified that he was asking that Council halt pastoral management of the reserve and manage the land through mowing instead of grazing.



1    A1963987 - Ian Price (18900) tabled document

The meeting was adjourned at 10.37a.m. and reconvened at 10.53a.m. Councillor Skinner was not present.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner returned to the meeting at 11.02a.m.


6.11        Mr Steven Mitchell (18824) - Tasman Rugby Union, page 530 refers.


Mr Mitchell tabled a supporting document, highlighted issues with field quality and explained the provision situation experienced by rugby at Neale Park.  Mr Mitchell stressed that a long term sports strategy would bring improvement to the management of grounds and field allocation for Nelson.



1    A1965337 - Steven Mitchell (18824) Tasman Rugby Union tabled document

6.12        Mr Peter Riley (18728), page 302 refers.

Mr Riley noted his support for Council’s housing plan and the Brook Sanctuary. Mr Riley highlighted public transport solutions to prevent traffic congestion between Richmond and Nelson.

Attendance: Councillor Acland left the meeting from 11.13a.m. to 11.16a.m.


6.13        Mr Gustaaf Beullens (18779), page 407 refers.


Mr Beullens spoke to his Powerpoint presentation exemplifying the issues of the failing stormwater issues affecting Milton Street.



1    A1961108 - Gustaaf Beullens (18779) PowerPoint presentation

6.14        Mr John Gilbertson (19051) and Rob Stevenson - Tahunanui Business Association, page 1130 refers.

Mr Gilbertson spoke to the submission and stressed the importance of Council prioritising infrastructure upgrades to address stormwater and waste water issues, and said that ring-fencing funding to the area may be part of the solution.

Mr Stevenson asked that the recreational cycleway near the Tahunanui holiday park be timed to occur with other work in the area, e.g. the rock wall and spoke in support of Council renewing the lease with the Tahuna Holiday Park.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey left the meeting at 11.32a.m. and returned at 11.40a.m.      

6.15        Mrs Karen Price (18848) - Homeowners - Tipahi St & Eckington Tce, page 600 refers.

Mrs Price emphasised the considerable length of time residents had been waiting for stormwater and street lighting to be improved at Tipahi Street.


6.16        Kevin & Gwen Gilmore and others (18951) - Homeowners - Arapiki Road, page 780 refers.


Mr Aaron Ward tabled a supporting document and video which illustrated the significance of flooding issues experienced on Arapiki Road.

Mr Gilmore highlighted that residents had made submissions on the matter for nearly a decade and were frustrated with delays to having the underground infrastructure issues addressed. He stressed that curb and channel issues needed to be addressed at the same time and requested to have the current timeline for planned works revisited and brought forward.



1    A1965285 - Kevin and Gwen Gilmore and others (18951) tabled document

Attendance: Councillor Skinner left the meeting at 11.55a.m. and returned at 11.57a.m.

6.17        Les Hollyman and Jan Gillanders and others (18979) - Landowners - Hillwood, page 911 refers.


Ms Gillanders spoke to the presentation illustrating the drainage issues affecting their farmland and highlighted the causes leading to the flooding. She stressed the need for Council to take action, in particular to clean the drains, maintain flood gates and maintain flood storage capacity. In response to a question, Mr Hollyman spoke about riparian planting and the impact ducks had on the streams.



1    A1963633 - Les Hollyman and Jan Gillanders and others (18979) PowerPoint presentation

Attendance: Councillor Rutledge left the meeting at 12.08p.m. and returned 12.10p.m.

6.18        Mr Mike Stevens (18896) - Blind Citizens NZ Nelson Branch, page 666 refers.

Mr Stevens spoke to his submission and answered questions about the accessibility of the Nelson City Council website, which needs to be compatible with screen reading programmes.


6.19        Ms Jackie McNae, John Hutton & Andrew Fenemor (18904) - Community Water Solutions Advisory Group, page 24 WD refers.


Mr Hutton tabled a supporting document and spoke to the submission stressing that the Waimea Dam would provide long term reliability for the region.

In response to a question Mr Hutton spoke on the potential  impact of climate change on the medium and long term future water needs of the region. In response to a question Mr Fenemor explained that if there was sufficient water then subdivisions could happen closer to the hills rather than the Waimea Plains, ensuring productive land was retained. Mrs McNae noted recent decisions made by Tasman addressing issues relating to productive land.



1    A1964645 - (18904) Community Water Solutions Advisory Group tabled document

6.20        Mrs Jackie McNae (19088) - Personal, page 60 WD refers.

Mrs McNae highlighted key points of her submission and answered questions regarding alternatives for Nelson South and stressed that connectivity of supplies is key to strengthen resilience.

At the conclusion of the morning session of the hearing, members asked for clarification and feedback from officers on a number of matters.

The meeting adjourned was adjourned at 12.46p.m. and reconvened at 1.20p.m. Councillor Rutledge was not present

Attendance: Councillor Rutledge returned to the meeting at 1.24p.m.

Monday 7 May – Community Services

6.21        Mr Ian Bowell (18640) - Nelson Arts Community, page 152 refers.

Mr Bowell summarised key points in the submission relating to development of the Refinery Artspace and associated land and answered questions regarding activities leaving the CBD, access points, the redevelopment, budget and funding, the walkway and a business plan.

6.22        Mr Simon Duffy & Mr Chris Butler (18660) - Uniquely Nelson, page 216 refers.

Mr Duffy demonstrated the Uniquely Nelson website and the Nelson Advantage Newsletter website and highlighted challenges for retailers.

6.23        Mr Roger Wilson (17632) - Nelson Santa Trust, page 1 refers.

Mr Wilson spoke in support of the submission and gave a brief history of the Trust and its activities. He highlighted key issues, including the lack of funding from local businesses, and answered questions regarding getting community and business involvement and the Community Events Fund.


6.24        Mr Don MacLennan (18678), page 246 refers.

Mr MacLennan spoke regarding the lack of charging facilities for mobility scooters and answered a question regarding chargers and the requirement for power points.

6.25        Ms Lea Beaven (18798), page 469 refers


Ms Beaven tabled supporting information relating to her submission and spoke about health problems relating to damp and poor housing conditions.



1    A1953139 - Lea Beaven (18798) tabled document

6.26        Mr Colin Clough (18656), page 262 refers.

Mr Clough highlighted key points in his submission regarding library extensions and a range of activities in libraries, including coffee shops.


6.27        Mr Grant Rosewarne (18666) - NZ King Salmon Co Ltd, page 221 refers.


Mr Rosewarne provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke to the submission highlighting the issues of improved social and economic outcomes for Nelson from sustainability utilising top of the South environment and infrastructure, the Norway role model for salmon farming, the potential of aquaculture, biosecurity, offshore farming and answered questions regarding tipping points for toxic organisms, Council advocacy, avoidance of ecological damage, organic salmon and antioxidants.



1    A1965071 - Grant Rosewarne (18666) - NZ King Salmon Co Ltd PowerPoint presentation

6.28        Ms Shelagh Noble (18924), page number 719 refers, did not attend.

6.29        Ms Catherine Walker, representing Ms Shelagh Noble (18924), page 719 refers.

Ms Walker highlighted key points in Ms Noble’s submission relating to housing affordability, development contributions and the need for a Housing Champion.


6.30        Mrs Ruth Halsey (18830) - Nelson Women’s Centre, page 553 refers.


Ms Halsey tabled supporting information, spoke to the submission highlighting the issues of homelessness and the lack of affordable rental accommodation, the need to provide emergency short term shelter for vulnerable women and children the need for a local community hui. Ms Halsey answered questions regarding the numbers of women requiring emergency housing and possible solutions.



1    A1965038 - Ruth Halsey (18830) - Nelson Women's Centre tabled document

The meeting was adjourned at 2.51p.m. and reconvened at 2.56p.m. Councillors Fulton and McGurk were not present.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton returned to the meeting at 2.57p.m.

Attendance: Councillor McGurk returned to the meeting at 2.58p.m.

6.31        Dr Peta Wellstead (18832) - Freelance Information Services, page 557 refers.

Dr Wellstead spoke to her submission and highlighted key points regarding library redevelopment, information hubs, engaging non-users,  and the changing needs of the entire community and answered questions regarding the need for libraries, modern libraries in the future, library usage, loss of quiet space and differing needs.

Attendance: Councillor Dahlberg left the meeting at 3.03p.m.

6.32        Mr Derek Nees (18811) - Nelson Returned Services Association, page 508  refers.

Mr Nees spoke to the submission regarding funding for commemorative events and the lack of RSA assets and answered a question regarding council support in the rest of New Zealand, which he said varied.

6.33        Mrs Zoe Gray (19001) - Education Nelson-Marlborough, page 946 refers.

Ms Gray, accompanied by Ms Ewing, spoke to the submission regarding funding for the programme and the programme’s primary function as an international student destination. Ms Gray highlighted the benefits of international connections. Ms Ewing noted the importance of promoting the region to international students. Ms Gray and Ms Ewing answered questions regarding becoming a commercial model and the timeline for that.


6.34        Mr Wayne Harrison (18769) - Nelson Volunteer Coastguard Inc, page 381 refers.


Mr Harrison provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke to the submission’s key points, including the role of the Coastguard, the rescue vessel replacement project and answered questions regarding funding requirements from both NCC and TDC ($100,000 each), the price of the proposed vessel, the prices charged for its services, the timeline, and engagement with the Marina Advisory Group.



1    A1963634 - Wayne Harrison (18769) - Nelson Volunteer Coastguard Inc, page 381 refers.

The meeting was adjourned at 3.33p.m. and reconvened at 3.40p.m. Councillor Skinner was not present.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner returned to the meeting at 3.42p.m.

6.35        Frans Dellebeke CEO (18838) - Nelson Tasman Hospice, page 575 refers.

Mr Dellebeke spoke to the submission regarding the Hospice’s services and facilities, future plans and funding needs and the lack of government funding for buildings.

6.36        Mr Doug Hattersley & Yvonne Bowater (18790) - Melrose House Colonel Noel Percy Adams ( Melrose) Society, page 439 refers.

Mr Hattersley highlighted key points in the submission, including renewal of the lease, options on partial funding for different facilities and events, heritage protection and the lower stage area events. Ms Bowater spoke on the role of the voluntary Governance Board and past Council support and answered questions regarding a coordinator for the Society, earthquake proofing, the need to furnish the house, the café’s contribution, heritage issues with the grounds, informal discussions with neighbours on outside events, storage facilities and security.


6.37        Ms Susan Hawthorn (18826) - Community Investment Fund panel of community representatives, page 536 refers.


Ms Hawthorn, accompanied by Mr Graeme Thomas and Ms Rachel Saunders tabled supporting information and spoke to the submission. Ms Hawthorn highlighted that the fund was oversubscribed and requested that the funding be returned to its previous level. Mr Thomas spoke of the importance of people and communities and supporting volunteers. Ms Saunders spoke of partnerships with Council creating true communities. Further discussion took place regarding what the fund covered, the growing social need, clarification of the funding required and the history of the change made.



1    A1965120 - Susan Hawthorn (18826) - Community Investment Fund panel of community representatives, page 536 refers.

Attendance: Councillor Acland left the meeting at 4.13p.m.

Attendance: Councillor Noonan left the meeting at 4.19p.m.

6.38        Mr Gordon Oldfield (18835) - Volunteer Nelson, page 564 refers.

Mr Oldfield spoke to the submission and highlighted key aspects, including whether there was sufficient investment in social wellbeing, sustainable funding, the core purpose of the centre and the need for volunteers and answered questions relating to a community hub, venues for events, advertising within the community, the cost of obtaining speakers, current contracts, long-term base funding requirements and ratepayer contributions.

Attendance: Councillor Courtney left the meeting at 4.33p.m.

At the conclusion of the afternoon session of the hearing, members asked for clarification/feedback from officers on several points.

The meeting was adjourned at 4.56p.m. to be reconvened on Tuesday 8 May at 9.05a.m.



Minutes of the reconvened meeting of the Nelson City Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Monday 8 May 2018, commencing at 9.05a.m.


Present:           Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Chairperson), Councillors L Acland, I Barker, M Courtney, B Dahlberg, K Fulton, M Lawrey, B McGurk, G Noonan, M Rutledge, T Skinner and S Walker

In Attendance:    Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Acting Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald), Group Manager Environment (C Barton), Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Acting Group Manager Community Services (R Ball), Team Leader Governance (R Byrne) and Governance Adviser (R Terry)

Leave of Absence: Councillor Matheson

Apologies:       Councillors Acland and Noonan for lateness.


7.       Apologies

Resolved CL/2018/074

 That the Council  

Receives the apologies for lateness from Councillors Acland and Noonan.

Courtney/Walker                                                                 Carried

6.39        Mr Dan McGuire (18181/18129) - Speaking to LTP as well as Waimea Dam, pages 2 WD and 55 refer.

Mr McGuire spoke to the LTP submission and highlighted the rapid increase in rates, he followed up on his submission on the Waimea Dam.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton entered the meeting at 9.09a.m.

6.40        Mr Dennis J Win (18684/18686) - Speaking to LTP as well as Waimea Dam, pages 8ED and 258 refer.

Mr Win spoke to his LTP submission and amended the following:

1)   Infrastructure – line 2, should read Commuter Cycle ways.

2)   Stormwater rating  - Line 3, should read inequality.

3)   Infrastructure , Paragraph 2, it is noted in scientific predictions and media that sea level increases could now reach 3 metres.

Should the Doom Sayers be correct, Council on behalf of the Ratepayers has more than major problems. What is being done in Planning and action in case these predictions are correct?

4)   Council Performance – 12 months and 3 written requests for an “Official Information Request” leaves little confidence in performance in systems.

Mr Dennis also spoke to his submission on the Waimea Dam.

6.41        Mr Murray Dawson (18737), page 13 WD refers.


Mr Dawson spoke to his submission and tabled supporting information. He highlighted his concerns on the Opus Report.



1    A1963749 - Murray Dawson (18737) tabled document


6.42        Mr Lewis Tinson (18763), page 16 WD refers.


Mr Tinson spoke to his submission and tabled supporting information, he spoke about his concerns that the underlying assumptions of the Opus Report were wrong and discussed the impact on repairing the significant leaks in the Nelson and Tasman water infrastructure.



1    A1964785 - Lewis Tinson (18763) tabled document

Attendance: Councillor Noonan entered the meeting at 9.38a.m.

6.43        Mr Richard Sullivan (18994/18998) - Speaking to LTP as well as Waimea Dam, pages 53 WD and 921 refer.  

Mr Sullivan joined the meeting via conference call. Mr Sullivan spoke to his LTP submission and highlighted his concern that rates were increasing beyond that which people could afford. He acknowledged that Council needed to get fit for the future but it should sharpen incentives by limiting rates increases and limiting spending increases to core services.  

In speaking to his submission on the Waimea Dam he noted Nelson did not need this and the proposed resilience benefits were unfounded.


6.44        Mrs Deb Daniell-Smith (18926/18988)- Speaking to LTP as well as Waimea Dam, pages 30WD and 921 refer.

Mrs Deb Daniell-Smith spoke to her LTP submission and highlighted that she would like to see a Heritage Strategy in place and asked Council to put more work into the pedestrian islands at the bottom of Day’s Track and the wharf.

Mr Brett Daniell-Smith spoke to the submission on the Waimea Dam highlighting that he was principally concerned about the use of Nelson City Council money going to a project that hadn’t been sanctioned by the Tasman community.   


6.45        Mr Trevor Riley (19090), page 63 ED refers.


Mr Riley tabled supporting information highlighting the instability of the area for the Waimea Dam with maps.



1    A1964776 - Trevor Riley (19090) tabled documents


6.46        Mr Barry Thompson (19111) - Thompson Daly Co, page 111 WD refers.


Mr Thompson spoke to his submission and tabled supporting information. Mr Thompson spoke in favour of the Waimea Dam proposal and raised his concerns about the high rates the Council charged for inner city property compared to the Tasman District CBD rates.



1    A1964774 - Barry Thompson (19111) - Thompson Daly Co tabled document

6.47        Ms Rona Spencer (19020/19014)- Speaking to LTP as well as Waimea Dam, pages 55 WD and 1004 refer.

Ms Spencer spoke to her submissions highlighting that she supported the CBD development including community spaces; she would like to see a limit to tourism numbers, reduction in mountainbikers using the Brook and wanted Nelson to be a country town not a Smart Little City.

In speaking to her submission on the Waimea Dam, Ms Spencer advised she did no support Council funding the Dam as we did not need more water in the Nelson area and suggested subsidising water tanks to capture roof water. 

The meeting was adjourned at 10.38a.m. and reconvened at 11.00a.m.

6.48        Mr Graham Thomas on behalf of Mr John McLaughlin (18847/19115) - Speaking to LTP as well as DC, pages DC5 and 1293 refer.

Mr Thomas spoke to Mr McLaughlin’s submission on Development Contributions seeking that development contributions be deferred to when buildings are completed.

Mr Thomas spoke to the LTP submission about the cost of transportation connections relating to Marsden Valley and discussed options for administering development contributions in such cases. 

6.49        Mr Garry Adcock (18997/18940/18982) - Kohatu Park Trust & Personal -Speaking to LTP as well as DC, pages DC8 and 767/915 refer.

Mr Adcock spoke to his submission on the Development Contributions policy highlighting that what was proposed regarding reserve land appeared very complex and not very effective.

He also spoke to the submission on behalf of Kohatu Park Trust asking Council to support the establishment of the Trust to open a Motorsport and Adventure Park near Tapawera. He advised Tasman District Council had supported the Trust with $300,000 towards the first consents process.

6.50        Mr Iain Sheves (19106/19041) - Wakatu Inc - Speaking to LTP as well as DC, pages DC63 and 1080 refer.

Mr Sheves spoke to Wakatu Incorporation’s submission on Development Contributions with regard to high density housing.

He also spoke to the submission to the LTP in relation to Special Housing Areas, development of the Elma Turner library and their support of inner city living. He noted that Wakatu Inc strongly supported closer working relationship with Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey left the meeting from 11.41a.m. until 11.44a.m.

6.51        Mr Mark Lile & other speakers (19089/19023/19104/19128) - Various Organisations - Speaking to LTP as well as DC, pages DC 15/23/61 and 1359 refer.


Mr Lile spoke on a number of submissions and provided background on Swimming Marlborough.

Hamish Neill joined him to speak on behalf of Swimming Nelson Marlborough’s  submission on the LTP and tabled supporting documents. He requested that Council join a group of stakeholders to discuss how to move forward. 

Mr Lile spoke to Coastal Views Lifestyle Village Ltd.’s submission on the Development Contributions Policy which sought clarification on transition between current and new policies.

Mr Lile spoke to Summerset Village Ltd.’s submission on the LTP and Development Contributions Policy and noted their concern at the proposed methodology of calculating contributions toward reserves for higher density housing.

Mr Scott Gibbons joined Mr Lile to speak to GP Investments Limited’s submission on LTP and Development Contributions and tabled supporting documents. He highlighted that Nelson CBD was no longer meeting the shopping needs of residents and also discussed the new Land Development Manual (LDM) floor level adding significant costs to development. Mr Lile added that the LDM was very conservative and low risk and could be prohibitive to development as increased cost in land preparation costs would be around 10%-15% the cost of the land.



1    A1965035 - Mark Lile and other speakers (19089/19023/19104/19128) - Various Organisations tabled documents

Attendance: Councillor McGurk left the meeting from 11.50a.m. until 11.52a.m. 

6.52        Jackie McNae  (19092/19093/19094/19095) Various Organisations - Staig & Smith, pages DC26/37/47/51 refer.


Ms McNae presented on behalf of a number of submitters and presented a supporting document showing comparison of reserve changes on urban subdivisions, she highlighted that the submitters were concerned at the disproportionate penalty on inner city development which did not encourage higher density development.

Ms McNae spoke to Stoke Valley Holdings and Solitaire Investment Ltd.’s submission on the Development contributions Policy with regards to  Ngawhatu reservoir highlighting their concern at the very high price for water compared to other developers.



1    A1964134 - Jackie McNae (19092/19093/19094/19095) Various Organisations - Staig and Smith tabled document


6.53        Mr Graeme Dick (19061) - Projects and Ventures, page DC21 refers.


Mr Dick spoke to his submission and tabled a supporting document. Mr Dick highlighted points on market developments, reserves and the cost increase to contributions.



1    A1965030 - Graeme Dick (19061) - Projects and Ventures tabled document

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey left the meeting from 12.40p.m. until 12.42p.m.

6.54        Ms Pauline Hadfield (19004) - Davis Ogilvie & Partners Ltd, page DC9 refers.

Ms Hadfield presented her submission which related to development areas under the policy, highlighting that she supported neighbourhood reserves and Council’s intent for these to be created at subdivision stage, however was concerned at the methodology of calculating contributions toward reserves for higher density housing.

The meeting was adjourned at 1.00p.m. and reconvened at 1.35p.m.

Tuesday 8 May – Environment

6.55        Mr David Sissons (18836) - Waimea Inlet Forum working group, page 568 refers.

Mr Sissons presented his submission on behalf of the Waimea Inlet Forum working group. He requested that Council manage and prioritise environmental protection, in particular the rise in sea level, plants and birds.

6.56        Mr Leeson Baldey & Paul Brockie (18828) - Warmer Healthier Homes, page 540 refers.


Mr Baldey and Mr Brockie provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke on behalf of Warmer Healthier Homes.  They noted that in order to continue delivering their initiative, they would require Council funding.  A number of homes were still inadequately insulated, mainly low income homes.  Mr Baldey and Mr Brockie answered questions around heating, insulation, ventilation and funding.  They noted that any funding received would be spent in the areas with the highest need among Nelson City residents.



1    A1954587 - Leeson Baldey and Paul Brockie (18828) - Warmer Healthier Homes PowerPoint presentation

6.57        Mr Ren Kempthorne (18958), page 862 refers.

Mr Kempthorne presented his submission, noting that a small city is a smart city.  He emphasised the need to expand the school bus system in order to reduce congestion. 


6.58        Mr Lindsay Wood (18930), page 730 refers.


Mr Wood provided a PowerPoint presentation, spoke to his submission and tabled a supporting document.  He spoke about a rideshare system in Nelson and the benefits to Nelson city.  He highlighted the issues of climate change and greenhouse emissions and felt the zero funding approach needed to be reconsidered and would like to see these issues prioritised. Mr Wood answered questions about Port Nelson and regional coordination.



1    A1965546 - Lindsay Wood (18930) tabled document

2    A1963964 - Lindsay Wood (18930) PowerPoint presentation


Councillor Rutledge declared an interest in Submission 18957 and left the meeting at 2.08p.m.

6.59        Dr Meg Rutledge, Stephen Standley & Alan Hinton (18957) - Natureland Wildlife Trust, page 817 refers.

Mr Hinton spoke to the submission and noted the importance of regional biodiversity and strategic alliances. Mr Standley spoke about the need for renewal work and the ability to raise additional funding to up-spec the existing facilities.  Dr Rutledge answered questions about their relationship with The Brook, funding opportunities and external sponsors. 

6.60        Mr Bruce Dyer (18766), page 377 refers.

Mr Dyer spoke to his submission and the need to be independent of the world economy and take into account the current unstable economic environment.  He suggested that the Council look at adopting the Alaskan model in regards to fishing quotas. He spoke about cooperatives in a social development capacity and the United Kingdom’s economics foundation, called Local Multiplier – an initiative to encourage buying local.

Councillor Rutledge returned to the meeting at 2.22p.m.

6.61        Mr Mike Ward (18974) - The Creative Alliance, page 899 refers.

Mr Ward spoke to his submission and highlighted the need for a cycleway along the waterfront and suggested that Council purchase the Brook walkway (Grampions) and Nelson 2060. 

6.62        Glenn Cousins (19141)

Mr Cousins spoke to his submission and requested funding for the Brook Sanctuary and free access for locals.  He noted the benefits of exercise and the need to encourage residents to be active and make the most of our local spaces. He answered questions and emphasised the importance of having free access to Council land for local residents.

6.63        Miss Cynthia van de Loo (18980), page 912 refers.

Miss van de Loo spoke to her submission and answered questions about foraging fruits and herbs and said that she supported the fact the Council was planting fruit but would prefer this to be spray-free.     


6.64        Mr Lawrence Carter (18880) – Engineers for Social Responsibility, page 646 refers.


Mr Carter spoke on behalf of the Engineers for Social Responsibility and presented a supporting document.  Climate change will have an increasing impact on Nelson and they requested that Council future-proof infrastructure and assets in flood-prone zones and look at re-housing residents in low-lying coastal areas. Mr Carter answered questions on flood prone areas and climate change.



1    A1963713 - Lawrence Carter (18880) Engineers for Social Responsibility tabled document

Attendance: Councillor Fulton left the meeting from 2.48p.m. until 2.50p.m.

Attendance: Councillor Noonan left the meeting at 2.49p.m.

6.65        Mr Derek Shaw, Karen Driver and Robert Taylor (19108/19117) - Nelson Environment Centre and Top of the South Athletics Charitable Trust, page 1301 refers.

Mr Shaw spoke to the submission and suggested that the Council engage with community partners in regards to a climate change strategy.  He noted waste management strategies and felt there would be further opportunities for waste to be diverted.

Mr Shaw and Mr Taylor spoke to the submission and noted the current state of the track at Saxton Oval.  They highlighted the need for work to be done as the conditions report identified hardening of the top layer and this  would need resurfacing or potentially full replacement. Mr Shaw answered questions about the track resurfacing and reorientation and current funding options for the Trust. 


6.66        Ms Joanna Plows (19123/19121) - Speaking to LTP as well as Waimea Dam, pages 120 WD and 1324 refer.


Ms Plows tabled a supporting document and noted that the state of the environment should be Council’s number one priority.  She said that she felt that a highway would encourage more traffic and was concerned with debris left by the forestry industry.  Ms Plows said that she would like to see funding allocated for affordable and emergency housing and suggested a warrant of fitness for housing. 

Ms Plows said that he was not in support of the Waimea Dam proposal as it was on the earthquake fault line and because of the silting behind the dam.



1    A1965808 - Joanna Plows (19123/19121) tabled document



Councillor Noonan returned to the meeting at 3.09p.m.

6.67        Susan Jenkins (18843) – Abbeyfield NZ Inc, page 595 refer.

Ms Jenkins spoke on behalf of Abbeyfield NZ Inc and the great work being done around sustainable growth and the ageing population.  Ms Jenkins requested further funding for the ageing populating, in particular for land, potentially reallocating existing sites.


6.68        Mr John-Paul Pochin and Will Andrews (18956) - Bicycle Nelson Bays, page 811 refers.


Mr Pochin provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke about the current layout of the CBD, he said he thought it could benefit with more green space.  He suggested re-purposing some areas for the community such as existing car-parking spaces and increasing the numbers of people cycling and walking by providing incentives. He noted that a lack of transport options isolated people, particularly the older population.



1    A1966136 - John-Paul Pochin and Will Andrews (18956) PowerPoint presentation


6.69        Mr Dallas Mathieson (18883) - UAE Advertising Group, page 652 refers.


Mr Mathieson spoke to the submission and tabled supporting information.  He proposed creating a new centralised Performing Arts Centre in the old ANZ building with the Council being the primary tenant.



1    A1966201 - Dallas Mathieson - UAE Advertising Group (18883) PowerPoint presentation

6.70        Ms Laura Irish (18909) - Ghost Light Theatre, page 693 refers.

Ms Irish spoke on behalf of the Ghost Light Theatre and noted that the theatre has been in use for the majority of the days since it opened.  She noted they are attracting talent to the region and want to ensure they can be retained.  She highlighted the economic and cultural benefits that the theatre provides and requested assistance with funding for their rent.  She answered questions around the location of the theatre and accessibility issues.

The meeting was adjourned at 3.06p.m. and reconvened at 3.15p.m. Councillors Lawrey and Fulton were not present.

6.71        Ms Penny Molnar (18954), page 786 refers.

Ms Molnar spoke to her submission and highlighted the need for stable housing for families.  She noted the need for further emergency housing and requested further funding in order to sustain the current housing.  The Mayor clarified an issue regarding funding for the Community Investment Funding Panel. 

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey returned to the meeting at 3.55p.m.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton returned to the meeting at 4.03p.m.


6.72        Ms Amy Shattock & Ms Linda Kelly (19113), page 1257 refers.


Ms Shattock presented a supporting document and noted the importance of Kelly’s Bush and protection and maintenance of biodiversity in Nelson. She said the bush was essential for the re-establishment of the bird life around the Brook Sanctuary and the Grampians. Ms Shattock proposed an agreement between the Council and the owners of Kelly’s Bush.



1    A1966204 - Amy Shattock and Linda Kelly (19113) tabled document


6.73        Ms Luz Zuniga (19064) - Nelson Multicultural Council Incorporated, page 1151 refers.


Ms Zuniga spoke on behalf of the Nelson Multicultural Council Incorporated and tabled a supporting document. Ms Zuniga discussed unity and diversity in Nelson and noted that a language and communication strategy would assist in breaking down the barriers and enhancing inclusion.



1    A1958675 - Luz Zuniga - Nelson Multicultural Council (19064) tabled document

Attendance: Councillor Noonan left the meeting at 4.11p.m.


6.74        Ms Gillian Wratt (19045) - Nelson Tasman Cycle Trails Trust, page 1117 refers.


Ms Wratt provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke on behalf of her submission.  She said that she hoped to see the funding available for the Great Taste Trail as soon as possible and would like to see this extend this from the airport around the waterfront.



1    A1964843 - Gillian Wratt - Nelson Tasman Cycle Trails Trust (19045) tabled document

Attendance: Councillor Acland entered the meeting at 4.22p.m.

6.75        Mrs Heather Thomas and Karen Stade (18996) - Nelson Historical Society, page 938 refers.

Mrs Thomas spoke on behalf of the Nelson Historical Society and recommend that the heritage advisory role be extended.  The Stoke Legacy trail is a good example of linking history, cycling and family activities. She noted that updating the Heritage Strategy would be useful.

Attendance: Councillor Rutledge left the meeting at 4.29p.m.


6.76        Ms Kindra Douglas (19110) - Community Action, page 1250 refers.


Ms Douglas provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke to the submission, discussing affordable homes and options for Nelson city. She noted the need for further research into the dynamics of issues and other funding options.



1    A1966157 - Kindra Douglas - Community Action (19110) PowerPoint presentation

Attendance: Councillor Rutledge returned to the meeting at 4.50p.m.


6.77        Ms Jane Murray and Mr Stephen Bridgeman (19105) - NMDHB Public Health Service, page 1203 refers.


Ms Murray and Mr Bridgeman spoke to the submission and said they were supportive of the Long Term Plan.  Ms Murray said that she would like opportunities to work with the Council at a strategic and operational level, including smoke-free policies for outdoor dining in Nelson. They supported investment for active and public transport and noted the importance of good quality cycle paths and walkways near schools.  Mr Bridgeman noted that alcohol related illnesses were a concern would like to see at-risk groups targeted, such as youth.



1    A1966206 - Jane Murray and Mr Stephen Bridgeman  - NMDHB Public Health Service(19105) tabled document

Attendance: Councillor Fulton left the meeting from 4.50p.m. until 4.55p.m.

Attendance: Councillor Acland left the meeting from 4.53p.m. until 4.57p.m.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton left the meeting from 4.59p.m.until 5.02p.m.

6.78        Ms Lucinda Blackley-Jimson and Ms Olivia Hall (19048) - Tasman Bays Heritage Trust, page 1125 refers.

Ms Blackley-Jimson and Ms Olivia Hall spoke on behalf of the Tasman Bays Heritage Trust.  Ms Blackley-Jimson noted that the research facility at Isel Park in Stoke was at the end of its functional life and requested Council funding towards a new facility.  

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey left the meeting at 5.03p.m.

6.79        Mrs Faye Wulff (19049) - Community Art Works, page 1127 refers.

Mrs Wulff spoke to the submission and confirmed that she was happy with the space they were in currently.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey returned to the meeting at 5.11p.m.

6.80        Mr Mark Soper & Karl Wulff (19116) - Community Art Works, page 1296 refers.

Mr Soper and Mr Wulff spoke on behalf of Community Art Works.  Mr Soper said they would like to build an amphitheatre to encourage performances that are low or no cost for the community. 


6.81        Mr Ian Paterson and Nic Foster (19060) - Nelson Bays Football Inc, page 1142 refers.


Mr Paterson and Mr Foster provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke on behalf of the Nelson Bays Football Inc.  Mr Foster requested better quality pitches, a regional football hub and an all-weather pitch and noted his concern about a lack of maintenance at Neale Park.  They answered questions about co-funding with the football community.



1    A1964505 - Ian Paterson and Nic Foster (19060) - Nelson Bays Football Inc PowerPoint presentation

Attendance: Councillor Fulton left the meeting from 5.26p.m.until 5.29p.m.

6.82        Mr Peter Gibbs (18874) - Nelson Triathlon & Nelson Sea Swimming, page 637 refers.

Mr Gibbs spoke on behalf of the Nelson Triathlon & Nelson Sea Swimming.  His club was seeking an access point at Richardson Street to the water for swimmers and the general public along this area. He noted further parking in the area would also be required.

Attendance: Councillor Walker left the meeting at 5.34p.m.

6.83        Ms Megan Birss (18655) - Gymnastics Nelson, page 194 refers.

Ms Birss spoke on behalf of Gymnastics Nelson, noting that their heating system was not compliant with Health and Safety requirements.

Attendance: Councillor Rutledge left the meeting from 5.36p.m. until 5.38p.m.


6.84        Ms Helen Reynolds (19044) - Tasman Broadcasting Trust/Fresh FM, page 1112 refers.


Ms Reynolds spoke on behalf of the Tasman Broadcasting Trust/Fresh FM and provided supporting documentation.  Ms Reynolds requested funding of $10,000 from Council, noting the educational role of their organisation in the community and that the funding would go towards their operational costs.



1    A1966210 - Helen Reynolds (19044) Tasman Broadcasting Trust/Fresh FM tabled document


6.85        Mrs Sarah Holmes (18984) - Nelson Tasman Business Trust, page 916 refers.


Mrs Holmes spoke on behalf of the Nelson Tasman Business Trust and provided supporting documentation.  She noted that they had access to community funding, however this had been cut recently and they required further funding.



1    A1966209 - Sarah Holmes (18984) - Nelson Tasman Business Trust tabled document

Attendance: Councillor Fulton left the meeting from 5.44p.m. until 5.46p.m.

6.86        Dr Hans Everts (18911) - Nelson Tasman Settlement Forum, page 703 refers.

Dr Everts spoke on behalf of the Nelson Tasman Settlement Forum.  He spoke about community partnerships, youth strategies and the importance of including these in the ten year plan and requested a reference to a partnership with the Council.


6.87        Ms Sarah Kennedy (17927) - Ngawhatu Pool Users Inc., agenda attachment, page 10 refers.


Ms Kennedy provided supporting documentation and spoke on behalf of the Ngawhatu Pool Users Inc. submission. Ms Kennedy proposed building a new therapeutic pool, ideally located on Salisbury Road Richmond, and sought funding assistance from the Council. She noted that this would provide vital services to the ageing community.



1    A1960715 - Sarah Kennedy (17927) - Ngawhatu Pool Users Inc. tabled document

Attendance: Councillor Rutledge left the meeting at 6.06p.m.

Attendance: Councillor Barker left the meeting at 6.10p.m.

At the conclusion of the afternoon session of the hearing, members asked for clarification/feedback from officers on several points.

The meeting was adjourned at 6.18p.m. to be reconvened on Wednesday 9 May 2018.




Minutes of the reconvened meeting of the Nelson City Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Wednesday 9 May 2018, commencing at 1.05p.m.


Present:           Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Chairperson), Councillors L Acland, I Barker, M Courtney, B Dahlberg, K Fulton, M Lawrey, B McGurk, G Noonan, M Rutledge, T Skinner and S Walker

In Attendance:    Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Acting Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald), Group Manager Environment (C Barton), Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Acting Group Manager Community Services (R Ball and Governance Adviser (E Stephenson)

Leave of Absence: Councillor Matheson

Apologies:       Councillor Fulton for lateness and Her Worship the Mayor for early departure


8        Apologies


Resolved CL/2018/075

That the Council

Receives and accepts the apologies from Councillor Fulton for lateness and from Councillor Noonan and Her Worship the Mayor R Reese for early departure.

Her Worship the Mayor/Lawrey                                         Carried



Wednesday 9 May – Corporate Services

6.88        Mr Tim Dean on behalf Mr Gaire Thompson (19129) - Thompson Property Group, page 1361 refers.

Mr Dean spoke to the submission highlighting key points, including levels of commercial rates, free parking, efficiency, library spending, Civic House and Council staffing, the Waimea Dam, ratepayer funded facilities, debt levels and iwi representation on committees.


6.89        Mrs Kate Malcolm (19003), page 959 refers.


Ms Malcolm tabled a supporting document and spoke to her submission highlighting the impacts of climate change and the need for a bolder approach by Council on climate action and answered questions regarding transport choices.



1    A1966329 - Kate Malcolm (19003) tabled document

6.90        Mr Steve Cross (18802), page 476 refers.

Mr Cross spoke to his submission and highlighted his concerns regarding Council debt and unsustainable budget deficits, emergency event funding provisions, the level of rate increases, grants, the Suter Gallery, Council’s publicity spending, deferred infrastructure, the NRDA, Government regional development funding, water charge increases, the need for a business review, the number of council workshops and smart water meters. Mr Cross answered questions regarding budgets, debt levels and outsourcing expertise.

6.91        Mr Luke King (18785) - Glen Café, page 432 refers.

Mr King spoke to the submission highlighting the issues of mental health and crime in the area and the lack of support for men in Nelson. He spoke regarding the need for an external team from the building sector and answered a question regarding support for drug users.

6.92        Mr David Rogers (18816), page 519 refers.

Mr Rogers summarised his submission regarding planned growth in the area, raising development fees, infrastructure and the environment, the need for the Southern Link road, rates increases, the need to under promise and over deliver.

Attendance: Her Worship the Mayor left the meeting at 1.52p.m. and Councillor Barker assumed the Chair.


6.93        Ms Hilary Clifton and Mr Bill Johnson (18687) - Citizens' Advice Bureau - Nelson Tasman, page 265 refers.

Mr Bill Johnson and Ms Hilary Clifton spoke to the submission highlighting the redevelopment of the Elma Turner Library and the CAB’s desire to be situated within the library. Mr Johnson answered questions regarding timeframes, possible sites, working with similar groups and confidentiality issues. Ms Clifton spoke about partnerships.

6.94        Mr Mike Kolff on behalf of Mr Greg Rzesniowiecki (18178), page 71 refers.

Mr Kolff summarised the four recommendations in the submission including a request that Council supports the Local Government (Four Well-beings) Amendment Bill.


6.95        Mrs Christine Tuffnell and Mr George Truman (18971) - Nelson Grey Power Association, page 887 refers.


Mrs Tuffnell tabled a photograph and spoke to the submission highlighting key points. Mr Truman also spoke about unclaimed rates rebates, a rock weir in the Maitai River and the promotion of Nelson’s sunshine hours. Mrs Tuffnell and Mr Truman answered questions regarding the GST component of rates, rates rebates schemes and ratepayer numbers.



1    A1967380 - Christine Tuffnell and Mr George Truman (18971) - Nelson Grey Power Association tabled document

Attendance: Councillor Rutledge left the meeting from 2.08p.m. until 2.09p.m.

Attendance: Councillor Dahlberg left the meeting from 2.25p.m. until 2.30p.m.

Attendance: Councillor Noonan left the meeting from 2.26p.m. until 2.28p.m.

6.96        Mr Tony Steenhart (18966), page 879 refers.

Mr Steenhart spoke to his submission in support of the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary. He invited Elected Members to visit the Sanctuary and answered a question regarding residents’ access to tracks.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton entered the meeting at 2.31p.m.


6.97        Mr Ralph Bradley (19077) - Dark Sky committee - Nelson Science Society, page 1157 refers.


Mr Bradley provided a PowerPoint presentation, spoke to the submission regarding concerns about light pollution and answered a question about dialogue with NZTA on the issue.



1    A1962186 - Ralph Bradley (19077) - Dark Sky committee - Nelson Science Society PowerPoint presentation

6.98        Ms Jan Marsh on behalf of Mr Clive Richards (19101) - Religious Society of Friends, Quakers, page 1194 refers.

Ms Marsh highlighted points in the submission relating to climate change and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions requesting that Council review progress made and report back and answered a question regarding membership numbers.


6.99        Mr Ian Wishart (19126) , page 1344 refers.


Mr Wishart tabled a supporting document and spoke to his submission regarding to solar energy, encouraged Elected Members to read several useful reports and advocated for public commitment to a climate change strategy.



1    A1966336 - Ian Wishart (19126) tabled document


6.100    Mr Ian Wishart (19125/19124) - Royal Forest & Bird Society – speaking to LTP and WD, pages 123 WD and 1327 refer.


Mr Wishart tabled a supporting document, summarised the submissions and answered questions regarding Activity Management Plans in relation to the LTP.



1    A1965858 - Ian Wishart (19125/19124) - Royal Forest and Bird Society tabled document

6.101    Mr Peter Olorenshaw (18955) – Convenor NELSUST, page789  refers.

Mr Olorenshaw spoke to the submission highlighting key issues, including the decoupling of the Rocks Road project from the Southern Link Investigation, creation of a new Townhouse zone and comparison of rates income for different zones. Mr Olorenshaw answered questions regarding the Rocks Road walk/cycleway project, congestion reduction, esplanade requirements, concentrated inner city living and awareness of NZTA strategies.

The meeting was adjourned at 3.05p.m. and reconvened at 3.25p.m.


6.102    Mr Steve Cross (18967, 31WD) Water Information Network (speaking to WDC)


Mr Cross provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke to his submission regarding the Waimea Dam proposal and the modelling used in the Opus report including the demand forecast, incorrect assumptions, levels of water rates, security of water supply, water demand management and scope for improvement. Mr Cross answered questions regarding Nelson’s moral obligation to contribute, cross-boundary cooperation, security of supply, major events, engineering services agreements, water revenue, and employment opportunities.



1    A1963649 - Steve Cross (18967, 31WD) Water Information Network PowerPoint presentation

6.103    Mr Glen Patchett (19018), page 1018 refers.

Mr Patchett spoke to his submission regarding library development and highlighted key points in the submission relating to the services provided and accessibility. Mr Patchett answered questions relating to accessibility.


6.104    Mr Nigel Muir (18078) - Sport Tasman, page 1158 refers


Mr Muir provided a PowerPoint presentation and summarised key points in the submission including community facility investment criteria, engagement with codes, recreation data, participation peaks, motivation shifts. Mr Muir answered questions regarding female and young people satisfaction with the club mode, recreation figures, walkways fit for needs, ageing demographics, social involvement and barriers.



1    A1966616 - Nigel Muir (18078) - Sport Tasman PowerPoint presentation

6.105    Mr Aaron Adcock, Kohatu Park (18939), page 764 refers.

Attendance: Councillor Noonan left the meeting from 4.06p.m. until 4.08p.m.

Mr Adcock spoke to the submission advocating for inclusion of and support for Kohatu Park in the LTP. He spoke about participation, the park as a tourism destination for the region, the potential for an industry cluster, alignment with community outcomes in the LTP. Mr Adcock answered a question regarding future funding.

Attendance: Councillor Rutledge left the meeting from 4.10p.m. until 4.14p.m.

6.106    Ms Megan Courtney (18882), page 650 refers.


Ms Courtney provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke to her submission on behalf of residents in Bay View Road supporting inclusion of funding for planning and upgrade of reserves in Atawhai in the LTP to allow the Atawhai reserve network to be more strategically connected and promoted. Ms Courtney answered a question regarding the community’s priorities.



1    A1965781 - Megan Courtney (18882) PowerPoint presentation


6.107    Mr Ash Price (18941) - NZ Central Motorsport & Adventure Park Inc, page 768 refers, did not attend.


6.108    Mr Ashley Hilton (18928) - Nelson North Cycleway Collective, page 722 refers.


Mr Hilton tabled supporting information and spoke to the submission. He advocated support for funding for community projects, including Atawhai Share Path extension to Todds Valley, Wakapuaka Sandflats bridges and walkway and investigating a link along the boulder bank to the Glen.



1    A18928 - Ashley Hilton (18928) - Nelson North Cycleway Collective tabled document

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey left the meeting from 4.24p.m. until 4.25p.m.

6.109    Mrs Julie Baxendine and Ms Lindsay Filiatia (19006) - Nelson Netball Centre, page 972 refers.

Ms Filiatia highlighted the Netball Centre’s achievements over the last year and summarised the Centre’s submission, she spoke of the need for increased/more powerful flood lighting, increased seating, courts resurfacing, quality netball experiences and working with Council and court quality. Ms Filiatia and Mrs Baxendine answered questions regarding trends in netball numbers, the Sky platform, funding requirements, submitting to TDC’s LTP, numbers for evening training and lack of facilities and the Centre working with Sports Tasman.

Attendance: Councillor Rutledge returned to the meeting at 4.26p.m.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton left the meeting at 4.30p.m.

6.110    Mr Alan Bartlett on behalf of Mr Andrew Stanton (19007) - Nelson Roller Sports Club, page 975 refers.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton returned to the meeting at 4.33p.m.

Mr Bartlett, accompanied by Emily, a young speed skater, spoke to the submission. He highlighted the need for a purpose built closed sports circuit that could be used by cyclers, skaters, runners and walkers. Emily exhibited a medal that she had won and a photograph. Mr Bartlett answered questions regarding the suitability of Trafalgar Park cycleway or the Velodrome and widening of the Velodrome track.

6.111    Mr Hudson Dodd and Mr Derek Shaw (19037) - Brook Waimarama Sanctuary Trust, page 1057 refers.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey left the meeting from 4.42p.m. until 4.53p.m.

Mr Shaw acknowledged fellow trustees and supporters and spoke to the submission. He highlighted key issues, activities, developments, pest eradication, storm events, a lift in bird numbers and the increase in species, reintroduction of native species and development as a tourism attraction, its contribution to bio-diversity in Nelson, investment in education, plans for reopening of the Sanctuary, strengthening of the Board and working in partnership with Council. Mr Dodd reiterated appreciation for Council’s support to-date. Mr Dodd answered questions regarding the amount of operational grant required to allow free admission for Nelsonians and progress with the MoU with Council, the Brown Kiwi, overlap with Natureland projects and future increased funding requirements.

6.112    Ms Carrie Mozena (18978) - Nelson Tasman Housing Trust, page 908 refers.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton left the meeting from 4.58p.m. until 5.00p.m.

Ms Carrie Mozena spoke to the submission highlighting the need for more warm, dry, affordable, social housing, the review of Council’s community housing policy, the extension of rates remissions and waiving of development contributions to community and social housing providers and Council’s continued contribution to the Warmer Healthier Homes project. Mr Mozena answered a question regarding assisting private developers to build affordable houses.

Attendance: Councillor Noonan left the meeting at 5.13p.m.


6.113    Mr Ray Caird (19114), page 1291 refers.


Mr Caird provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke to his submission regarding support for the extension of the Grampians Reserve into the Brook Valley.



1    A1967366 - Ray Caird (19114) PowerPoint presentation

6.114    Mr Roger Burton (19112), page 1254 did not attend.

6.115    Dr Caroline Wheeler (18919), page 712 refers.

Attendance: Councillor Rutledge left the meeting from 5.19p.m. until 5.22p.m.

Dr Wheeler spoke to her submission requesting that Council cease its use of glyphosate and highlighted concerns regarding increasing toxicity. Dr Wheeler answered a question regarding long-term use of glyphosate and detoxification.


6.116    Mrs Clare Scott (18855), page 613 refers.


Mrs Scott provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke to her submission regarding smart innovative transport solution planning and the removal of highways as a suggestion for reducing congestion. Ms Scott answered questions regarding bus routes and frequency in Palmerston North and the Dutch cycling/roading model.



1    A1964511 - Clare Scott (18855) tabled document

Attendance: Councillor Walker left the meeting from 5.26p.m. until 5.28p.m.

6.117    Dr Annika Wagenhoff (19035), page 1052 refers.

Dr Wagenhoff spoke to her submission highlighting concerns regarding a new arterial route and its detrimental effects on the Victory community and supporting a collaborative stakeholder group process. Dr Wagenhoff  answered a question regarding scientist concerns regarding the Southern Link.

Attendance – Councillor Lawrey left from 5.39p.m. until 5.40p.m.

6.118    Mr Zachary Domike (19040), page 1078 refers.

Mr Domike spoke to his submission regarding the collection of rainwater, second dwellings as of right, difficulty in crossing SH1, the Southern Link Investigation and congestion. Mr Domike answered questions regarding reinstatement of the south-bound lane, increase in traffic numbers using rat-runs.

6.119    Mr Richard Brudvik (19136).

Mr Brudvik spoke to his submission, which was attached to the original agenda, encouraging the Council to think bigger and noting that Nelson had an opportunity to make changes. Mr Brudvik highlighted the ageing population, the use of strategic debt, CBD activity, economic development and intellectual capital. Mr Brudvik answered questions regarding thinking bigger or better and concrete actions.

6.120    Mr Graeme O'Brien (18485) - Ratepayer, page 137 refers.

Mr O’Brien spoke to his submission highlighting his concerns regarding the use of Council workshops, lack of transparency, the timing of the release of agendas, non-livestreaming of Regional Transport Committee meetings and accountability of Elected Members and Council staff.



6.121    Mrs Rose Brady (18969) - Queens Rd Re-roading Runoff Residents' Group, page 883 refers.

Mrs Brady spoke to her submission on behalf of five residents regarding runoff on Queens Road and the problems caused by upgrade work completed on the road several years ago which changed the camber of the road. Mrs Brady asked for help to resolve the slip issue. Mrs Brady answered questions regarding a response by Council drainage staff and the timing of the work that caused the problem.

At the conclusion of the afternoon’s session of the hearing, members asked for clarification/feedback from officers on several points.




There being no further business the meeting ended at 6.16p.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                Date