Planning and Regulatory Committee Minutes - 5 April 2018


Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Regulatory Committee

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Thursday 5 April 2018, commencing at 9.01am


Present:              Councillor B McGurk (Presiding Co-Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Co-Chairperson), Councillors L Acland, I Barker, B Dahlberg, K Fulton, S Walker and Ms G Paine

In Attendance:   Chief Executive (P Dougherty, Group Manager Environmental Management (C Barton), Group Manager Community Services (C Ward), Governance Adviser (E Stephenson) and Youth Councillors E Grant and R Fell

Apologies :          Her Worship the Mayor for lateness



1.       Apologies

Resolved PR/2018/018

That the Planning and Regulatory Committee

Receives and accepts the apology from Her Worship the Mayor for lateness.

McGurk/Barker                                                                           Carried


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum 

There was no public forum.

5.       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      22 February 2018

Document number M3291, agenda pages 7 - 15 refer.

Resolved PR/2018/019

That the Planning and Regulatory Committee

Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Regulatory Committee, held on 22 February 2018, as a true and correct record.

Paine/Walker                                                                              Carried



6.       Status Report - Planning and Regulatory Committee - 5 April 2018

Document number R9169, agenda pages 16 - 18 refer.

Resolved PR/2018/020

That the Planning and Regulatory Committee

Receives the report Status Report - Planning and Regulatory Committee - 5 April 2018 (R9169) and its attachment (A1736802).


Walker/Dahlberg                                                                        Carried


7.       Chairperson's Report   


           There was no Chairperson’s Report.

8.       National Policy Statement - Urban Development Capacity Quarterly Monitoring Report

Document number R8924, agenda pages 19 - 40 refer.

Strategy and Environment Senior Analyst, Chris Pawson and Team Leader City Development, Lisa Gibellini provided a PowerPoint presentation and answered questions regarding the price of rural and urban land, pressure on urban boundaries, geographical constraints, intensified urban living, clarification of land parcels, the MBIE ratio of 1.5 land cost to final cost, SHAs and the number of building consents, demand on social housing, the flow through effect on rental properties and the impact on holiday rentals.

Attendance: Her Worship the Mayor entered the meeting at 9.44a.m.

Resolved PR/2018/021

That the Planning and Regulatory Committee:

Receives the report National Policy Statement - Urban Development Capacity Quarterly Monitoring Report (R8924) and its attachment A1927466; and

Agrees to the report being circulated to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and placed on Council’s website. 

Fulton/Walker                                                                             Carried


1    A1939890 UDC Monitoring Report Summary PowerPoint presentation


9.       Draft Water Quality Primary Contact Targets

Document number R8846, agenda pages 41 - 48 refer.

Manager Environment, Matt Heale and Water Quality Scientist Doctor Paul Fisher tabled supplementary information, spoke to the report and they and the Group Manager Environmental Management answered questions regarding engagement with stakeholders, national figures for comparison, whether targets were realistic and achievable, pressure on smaller streams, the effect of stormwater events on figures, adequate future funding

Attendance: Councillor Dahlberg left the meeting at 9.53a.m. and returned at 9.55a.m.

Resolved PR/2018/022

That the Planning and Regulatory Committee:

Receives the report Draft Water Quality Primary Contact Targets (R8846) and its attachments (A1924208 and A1923665); and

Notes the draft water quality primary contact targets of 100% for E-coli in Nelson’s fourth order rivers; and

Authorises officers to consult on water quality targets as part of stakeholder engagement on the Nelson Plan; and

Requests that a report is brought back to the Planning and Regulatory Committee to finalise water quality targets so that the public and Minister for the Environment can be advised by 31 December 2018 in accordance with National Policy Statement Freshwater Management requirements.

Paine/Fulton                                                                               Carried


1    A1946737 - Regional information for setting draft targets for swimmable lakes and rivers


10.     Changes to the Nelson Resource Management Plan to Give Effect to the National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry

Document number R9128, agenda pages 49 - 65 refer.

Manager Environment, Matt Heale introduced Planning Adviser Jacqui Jones, spoke to the report and answered questions regarding recent events, changes in forestry practices and maintaining standards across the industry.

Resolved PR/2018/023

That the Planning and Regulatory Committee:

Receives the report Changes to the Nelson Resource Management Plan to Give Effect to the National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry (R9128) and its attachments (A1929734 and A1923819); and

Requests officers to consider whether changes should be made to the Nelson Plan forestry provisions as part of the Nelson Plan review.

Fulton/Barker                                                                             Carried




Recommendation to Council PR/2018/024

That the Council

Approves that changes be made to the Nelson Resource Management Plan in accordance with A1923819 of Report R9128 in order to implement the National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry.


Fulton/Barker                                                                             Carried


11.     Exclusion of the Public


Resolved PR/2018/025

That the Planning and Regulatory Committee

Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

Barker/Walker                                                                            Carried



General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interests protected (where applicable)


Status Report - Planning and Regulatory Committee Public Excluded - 5 April 2018


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·   Section 7(2)(a)

     To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person

The meeting went into public excluded session at 10.08a.m. and resumed in public session at 10.12a.m. 


Please note that as the only business transacted in public excluded was to receive the status report, this business has been recorded in the public minutes. In accordance with the Local Government Official Information Meetings Act 1987, no reason for withholding this information from the public exists.

12.     Status Report - Planning and Regulatory Committee Public Excluded - 5 April 2018

Document number R9170, agenda pages 3 - 4 refer.

Group Manager Environmental Management, Clare Barton, spoke to the report.

Resolved PR/2018/026

That the Planning and Regulatory Committee

Receives the report Status Report - Planning and Regulatory Committee Public Excluded - 5 April 2018 (R9170) and its attachment (A1863070).

Acland/Fulton                                                                             Carried


13.     Re-admittance of the Public

Resolved PR/2018/027

That the Planning and Regulatory Committee

Re-admits the public to the meeting.

Barker/Acland                                                                             Carried



There being no further business the meeting ended at 10.12a.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date