Item : Motion: Attachment 1
Ordinary meeting of the
Hearings Panel - Other
Tuesday 6 March 2018
Commencing at 9.00am
Council Chamber
Civic House
110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
10. Objection to Bark Notice - Yuri Schokking and Leita McKellar - Dog named "Kobe"
A. Attachments: A1925771 Objection to Bark Notice 3
11 Objection to Classification of a Dog as Dangerous - Mr Robertus Schiefer and Ms Silvia Randma - Dog named "Ebba"
A. Attachment: A1925838 Objection to Dangerous Dog 39
9 Application for naming of a Private Right of Way - 253, 255 and 255A Nayland Road
A. Attachment: A1926005 Naming Rose Way 64
Item 12: Objection to Classification of a Dog as Dangerous - Mr Robertus Schiefer and Ms Silvia Randma - Dog named "Ebba": Attachment 1