Minutes of a meeting of the Community Investment Funding Panel

Held in the Chamber of Commerce, 63 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Wednesday 4 October 2017, commencing at 9.30am


Present:              C Ward (Chairperson), R Saunders, S Hawthorne and K Steele

In Attendance:   Manager Community Partnerships (S Raggett), Community Contracts Adviser (M Ellis), Community Partnerships Adviser (M Walters) and Governance Adviser (E Stephenson)

Apology:             G Thomas



1.        Apologies


Resolved CIF/2017/004

That the Panel

Receives and accepts the apology for attendance from Mr G Thomas.

Hawthorne/Steele                                                                       Carried


2.        Confirmation of Order of Business

It was noted that Item 6 on the agenda would be considered after Item 8.


3.        Interests

Ms K Steele declared that she was on the committee of Adult Learning Support (Item 8.1).

4.        Public Forum 

There was no public forum.


5.        Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      5 July 2017

Document number M2743, agenda pages 5 - 11 refer.

Resolved CIF/2017/005

That the Panel

Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Community Investment Funding Panel, held on 5 July 2017, as a true and correct record.

Ward/Saunders                                                                          Carried



        Item 6 of the agenda - Community investment Fund Draft Contribution Areas and Priorities was considered after Item 8 of the agenda – 2017/18 Community Investment Funding Small Grants Allocation.



7.        Additional Information for the 2017/18 Community Investment Small Grants Allocation Meeting

Document number R8417, agenda pages 15 - 16 refer.

Manager Community Partnerships, Shanine Raggett presented an overview of applications and noted the total fund for disbursement was $50,000.00. She advised that the agenda included a staff assessment of each application and officers could provide the panel with further information as they moved through the applications, although officers did not provide a recommendation whether to fund.

8.        2017/18 Community Investment Funding Small Grants Allocation

8.1      Adult Learning Support Nelson Incorporated – request $2,440.00

           K Steele declared an interest in this item and left the room at 9.36am

           The provision of a tutor for cooking classes for up to ten people with poor diets and health issues, with the aim of teaching them to cook healthier food for themselves and their families


           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $1,760, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget                                                                   

           K Steele returned to the meeting at 9.38am

8.2      Age Concern Nelson Tasman Incorporated – request $2,500.00

           Project to use young volunteers to teach older adults how to use devices to keep in contact with friends and family

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application had not demonstrated an ability to deliver the project, and that there was a crossover with other similar projects in the community

8.3      Alzheimers Society Nelson Inc. – request $2,500.00

           To provide monthly Support Groups for all people living with dementia in the Nelson/Stoke Community. It was agreed that this would benefit friends and families of sufferers as well as sufferers themselves

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,500.00

8.4      Angels Trio Trust – request $2,500.00

           Towards the provision of school lunches for needy children across the Nelson Region

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,500.00

8.5      Annesbrook Community Trust – request $2,500.00

           Provision of positive youth development services within the Nelson community

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application had not demonstrated how funding would contribute to the

           delivery of outcomes

8.6      Atawhai Playcentre – request $2,500.00

           Replacement of broken equipment that is essential in the day-to-day running of the centre

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria and that it did not demonstrate a wider community benefit

8.7      Bhutanese Society of Nelson New Zealand Incorporated – request $2,500.00

           Funding for support of ethnic radio programme, Radio Lhotsampa, run by the Bhutanese community of Nelson                                                           

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $1,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.8      The Cawthron Foundation - request $2,500.00

           To support the hosting of a Renew workshop, helping parents to

           Connect and reflect, including growing support networks

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria

8.9      English Language Partners - request $2,500.00

           For literacy classes teachers and assistants for refugees with less than seven years education in their own language

           It was agreed that the application be declined on basis that there was limited funds available and the fund was highly contested

8.10    Epilepsy Association of New Zealand Incorporated - request $2,500.00

           To assist with operational expenses incurred with the delivery of its Field Service Programme, which supports people living with epilepsy and their whanau in the Nelson region

           It was agreed that the application be declined on basis that there was limited funds available and the fund was highly contested

8.11    Habitat for Humanity Nelson Ltd - request $2,354.00

           To purchase and install trailer components for the purpose of tool and material transportation

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria

8.12    Health Action Trust (Nelson) - COMPASS Peer Support & Advocacy Service - request $2,100.00

           To help with the running costs of its freephone and expenses of its Peer Support group

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,100.00

8.13    Hearing Association Nelson - request $2,500.00

           To facilitate effective communication for the Hard of Hearing and Deaf in Nelson

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application had not demonstrated an ability to deliver the project

8.14    Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower Trust - request $2,100.00

           To provide three Early Childhood Centres that haven’t previously had its programmes, with its Kidpower for Young Children Programme and Resource Kit

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $1,400.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.15    Life Linc Nelson Inc - request $2,500.00

           To provide two pilot courses providing group work for clients experiencing anxiety, depression or grief

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.16    Male Room Inc. - request $2,500.00

           The development of a support kit for those who have been served with a Police Safety Order

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,500.00

8.17    Men's Shed Waimea Incorporated - request $1,500.00

           To purchase a digital projector

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria

8.18    Neighbourhood Support Nelson - request $1,500.00

To promote Neighbours Day Aotearoa and offer vouchers as an incentive for neighbourhoods to take part

It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that there was limited funds available and the high contestable nature of the fund

8.19    Nelson Bays Community Laws Service Inc - request $2,500.00

           Funds to pay interpreters for refugee family reunification legal help

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,500.00

8.20    Nelson Central School - Tamariki Toa Kapahaka Campaign - request $2,500.00

           Financial support to enable Nelson Central School’s kapa haka team - Tamariki Toa, to attend Te Mana Kuratahi, the National Primary Schools kapa haka competition in Gisborne

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not meet funding criteria



8.21    Nelson Community Foodbank Trust - request $2,500.00

           The reimbursement of volunteers' fuel costs involved in the delivery of food parcels

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.22    Nelson Community Toy Library Ltd - request $2,500.00

           To purchase quality toys for the Nelson Community Toy Library

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that there was limited funds available and the high contestable nature of the fund

8.23    Nelson District Parents Centre - request $2,500.00

           Funding towards bringing Mike King to Nelson's Trafalgar Centre on 15 November 2017 to give a talk to the community about mental health

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria

8.24    Nelson Fringe Arts Charitable Trust - request $2,500.00

           Festival funding including in-kind support

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria

8.25    Nelson Intermediate School - request $2,300.00

           To provide local families and adults the opportunity to access affordable swimming throughout the summer

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2000.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.26    Nelson Male Voice Choir Inc - request $2,046.00

           Funding towards annual expense cost of choir's conductor and accompanists

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria

8.27    Nelson Multicultural Council - request $1,495.00

           Funding towards specific training for the governance committee

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that there was limited funds available and the high contestable nature of the fund and the existence of alternative funding sources

8.28    Nelson Railway Society Incorporated - request $2,500.00

           Funding for transportation of a steam locomotive, located in Wellington, to Nelson, for restoration

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria

8.29    Nelson Roller Sports Club Inc - request $2,500.00

           Funding for purchase and maintenance of hire skates at the Nelson Roller Rink

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria

8.30    Nelson Santa Parade Trust - request $2,500.00

           Funding towards the Nelson Santa Parade

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that funding sources have been provided through the Nelson Regional Development Agency

8.31    Nelson Seed Library under umbrella of Nelson Environment Centre - request $1,200.00

           To develop educational resources and deliver training to enhance sustainable gardening practices in the Nelson community

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria

8.32    Nelson Tasman Youth Workers Collective - request $2,000.00

  Funding towards the two-day Youth Development Workers hui 2018

It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that it did not demonstrate a wide community benefit

8.33    Nelson Women's and Children's Refuge - request $2,472.00

To support its local Crisis Line, which works 24/7

The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,400.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.34    Nelson Womens Centre - request $2,300.00

Towards the running of creative and life skills workshops for women of all ages and abilities who are on low income

The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2000.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.35  No child left inside! - request $2,500.00

Funding towards the delivery of fundamental movement and manipulative skills programmes in 24 primary schools in the Nelson and Tasman regions

It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria

8.36  Parent to Parent - request $2,000.00

To host a Renew workshop focusing on growing support networks, building a resilient family, coping with stress and understanding the effects of grief

The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2000.00   

8.37  People First New Zealand, Nga Tangata Tuatahi - request $2,500.00

Towards a People First Top of the South Region office 

The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $1,500.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.38  Port Nelson Mission to Seafarers - request $2,500.00

To help fund the wages of a Chaplain who provides support to the Seafarers and the surrounding Port Personnel

It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that it did not demonstrate a wide community benefit

8.39    Postnatal Depression Support Network Inc - request $2,500.00

           Funding for a fortnightly social group for mums who are experiencing difficulties with postnatal depression and/or anxiety

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.40    Richmond Riding for the Disabled Incorporated - request $338.23

           To purchase cones and extendable barriers to partition the arena into smaller spaces, providing safe and separate areas

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $300.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.41    Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind - request $2,500.00

           To purchase new digital talking books for the Blind Foundation Library so that people who are blind or have low vision can enjoy reading for pleasure, access information for lifelong learning and reduce their feelings of isolation



           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria and that it did not demonstrate high enough community need as other providers, such as the public libraries, provide similar services

8.42    Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Incorporated - request $2,500.00

           Towards a Plunket-developed national parent education programme, which consists of a series of five courses, aimed at supporting parents in their parenting role through the different stages of their child's early development

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.43    SeniorNet (Nelson) Incorporated - request $540.00

           To upgrade two computers and to install a wall bracket to hang a smart TV

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $540.00

8.44    Silveraires Leisure Marching Team - request $1,000.00

           Towards new music equipment for marching practices

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria

8.45    St John Nelson Area Committee - request $1,000.00

           To assist with the cost of hall rental over four terms for the Stoke Youth Division

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $1,000.00

8.46    St Stephens Community Church (Nelson Anglican Diocese) - request $2,500.00

           Funding towards the Carols by the Beach event

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with priorities and funding criteria and to refer the application to the Nelson Regional Development Agency for consideration 

8.47    Stoke Bowling Club, Inc - request $2,500.00

           Contribution towards the purchase of a commercial dishwasher, as part of a major kitchen upgrade

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with priorities and funding criteria

8.48    Stoke Community Centre Inc. - request $2,500.00

           To provide part wages for the General Assistant in a programme designed to enhance the quality of life of the Seniors at the Centre

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.49    Stoke School - request $2,500.00

           This application was withdrawn as it is already receiving funding for this project

8.50    SVS-Living Safe - request $2,500.00

           A project working with 10-17 year olds to increase safety for young people addressing youth violence/anger

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.51    Tahunanui Community Centre - request $2,500.00

           Connection project for Tahunanui community providing footpath signs and comfortable outdoor furniture

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the

           application did not align closely with priorities and funding criteria

8.52    Te Ataarangi ki TeTauihu o te Waka-a-Maui Inc - request $2,500.00

           To provide low cost community classes in Te Reo Maori me ono tikanga for the people of Nelson

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000.00 on condition that the funding be targeted to lower socio-economic groups, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.53    The City of Nelson Highland Pipe Band - request $2,500.00

           Funding towards tutoring for a learners programme and weekend workshops

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with priorities and funding criteria

8.54    The International Centre for Entrepreneurship Foundation - request $2,500.00

           Governance, strategy and innovation building with Maori community organisations

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that there was limited funds available, the high contestable nature of the fund and alternative funding sources are available

8.55    The Tasman Broadcasting Trust T/A Fresh FM - request $2,500.00

           Funding to compile a four hour weekend radio segment of varietal children's programming about music, English comprehension, numeracy, social and cognitive skills, aimed primary school age listeners

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with priorities and funding criteria

8.56    The White House - request $2,500.00

           To create a new paid part-time management support position

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.57    Victim Support in Nelson - request $2,500.00

           Towards recruitment and training costs for new Victim Support volunteers in 2018 and acknowledging, supervising, debriefing and reimbursing its existing Nelson volunteers

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.58    Whakatu Te Korowai Manaakitanga Trust - request $2,500.00

           Towards a Drivers Licence Education project to seek out those whanau with children that are breaching licence conditions and to assist them to move through to obtaining the correct licence

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.59    Whenua Iti Trust - request $2,500.00

           To support children and youth from Nelson City who are unable to afford the $290 user fee for the Journey and Junior Journey Programmes

           The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000.00, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget

8.60    Zomi Innkuan - request $2,500.00

           To provide uniforms for the Khudado Festival encouraging young people who are good at sport

           It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with priorities and funding criteria

The meeting was adjourned at 11.19am and reconvened at 11.26am

Document number R8483, agenda pages 17 - 21 refer.

Resolved CIF/2017/006

That the Committee

Receives the report 2017/18 Community Investment Funding Small Grants Allocation (R8483) and its attachment (A1833444); and

Approves funding for the Community Investment Fund agreement applications as agreed at this meeting and as listed on Attachment A1833444.


Saunders/Hawthorne                                                                  Carried


6.        Community Investment Fund Draft Contribution Areas and Priorities

Document number R8420, agenda pages 12 - 14 refer. 


Community Partnerships Adviser, Matt Walters provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding draft contribution areas and priorities and members asked questions and provided feedback.


It was noted that the next step was to prepare a document for adoption at the 28 November 2017 Community Services Committee to be implemented for the next funding round next year.



1    Priorities Presentation to CIF Funding Panel 04 October 2017 A1844886








There being no further business the meeting ended at 12.39pm.

Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:


                                                       Chairperson                                     Date