Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson City Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Wednesday 9 August 2017, commencing at 9.02am


Present:              Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Chairperson), Councillors L Acland, I Barker, M Courtney, B Dahlberg, K Fulton, M Lawrey, P Matheson, B McGurk, G Noonan, M Rutledge, T Skinner and S Walker

In Attendance:   Acting Chief Executive (D Hammond) Group Manager Community Services (C Ward), Manager Communications (P Shattock) Property Parks and Facilities Asset Manager (A Petheram), Manager Administration (P Langley), Team Leader Administration (A Gully) and Administration Adviser (J McDougall)

Apologies:           Nil



Opening Prayer

Councillor Skinner gave the opening prayer.

1.       Apologies

There were no apologies.

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

Her Worship the Mayor advised of a late item for the public part of the meeting, and that the following resolution needed to be passed for the item to be considered:





2.1      Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw - Late submission

Resolved CL/2017/278

That the Council

Considers the item regarding Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw – Late submission at this meeting as a major item not on the agenda, pursuant to Section 46A(7)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, to enable a timely decision to be made.

Noonan/Dahlberg                                                                       Carried



3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.                                                                          

4.       Additional submissions to the Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw

Document number R8173, agenda pages 4 - 9 refer.

Resolved CL/2017/279

That the Council

Receives the report Additional submissions to the Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw (R8173) and its attachment (A1807679); and

Accepts the late submission (13867) to the Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw; and

Accepts the additional submission (13904) to the Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw.

Noonan/Dahlberg                                                                       Carried



5.       Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw - Late submission

Document number R8216, late items agenda pages 2 - 3 refer.

Resolved CL/2017/280

That the Council

Receives the report Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw - Late submission (R8216) and its attachment (A1810864); and

Accepts the late submission to the Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw (submission 13988).

Noonan/Dahlberg                                                                       Carried


1    A1812905 - late item - Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw - late submission 13988 - 9 August 2017



6.       Hearing of Submissions on the Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw

6.1           Ms Judy Robinson (submission 13538) Tahunanui Community Centre

Ms Judy Robinson read the submission and noted residents’ concerns regarding the prospect of freedom campers at Paddy’s Knob Reserve.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton joined the meeting at 9.13am.

6.2           Mr Andrew Smith (submission 13510)

Mr Smith read his submission and noted the problem of the proximity of a proposed freedom camping area at Centennial Park to an area used by children on their way to and from school.

6.3           Mr Mike Pahl (submission 13531) MP Electrical

This submitter did not attend the hearing.

6.4           Mr Martin Shand (submission 13547)

Mr Shand read his submission and suggested that the Council should support local motor camps.

6.5           Mr Craig Welsh (submission 13609)

Mr Craig Welsh tabled a document (A1811770). Mr Welsh answered questions about the Centennial Park Reserve, the capacity in the summer for campervans at campgrounds, and freedom camping areas within existing (or new) campgrounds.


1    A1811770 - Craig Welsh - 13609 - additional information

6.6           Mr George Truman and Ms Sue Sara  (submission 13591) Nelson Grey Power

Mr Truman gave a powerpoint presentation (A1811778 and A1811780)  and noted the value that residents placed on the Paddy’s Knob Reserve.


1      A1811778 - Greypower - 13591 - additional information

2      A1811780 - Greypower - 13591 - additional information

6.7           Mr Tony Gibbons (submission 13668)

Mr Gibbons read his submission and noted his concerns whether the Freedom Camping bylaw would be enforced.

6.8           Mrs Beverley Mockett (submission 13670)

Mrs Mockett presented her submission. She spoke about the Centennial Park environment and residential area, and her concerns regarding the safety of local children should camping be allowed there.

6.9           Mr Marcek Fekkes (submission 13675) Tahuna Beach Camp Inc

Mr Fekkes spoke to his submission. In response to questions, Mr Fekkes said he felt that visitors would still come to Nelson if freedom camping were banned and supported a national policy rather than the current regional one.  He answered questions regarding the practicalities of accommodating freedom campers in existing campgrounds, if for example, they wished to use any facilities such as showers.

Attendance: the meeting adjourned for morning tea from 10.15am to 10.30am, during which time Councillors Lawrey and Skinner left the meeting.

6.10        Mr Bevan Grant (submission 13710)

Mr Grant spoke to his submission and queried the scores given by the consultant, in particular for Paddy’s Knob Reserve and Moncrieff Reserve. He noted the importance of decisions being based on robust data.

Attendance: Councillor Acland left the meeting from 10.40am to 10.44am.

6.11        Mr Nelson McEwan (submission 13714)

Mr McEwan spoke to his submission, noting the potential benefits of allowing freedom camping.

6.12        Miss Emily Rais, Alex Hunter, Chekodhi Fearnley- Fitzgerald, Jenna Stallard and Cassie Hagan) - Nelson Youth Council (submission 13723

Representative of the Youth Council read their submission and responded to questions.

6.13        Mr Richard Sellars (submission 13725) Continuum Architecture Limited

Mr Sellars spoke to his submission, and queried the data regarding the number of car and bus parks at Paddy’s Knob Reserve.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey returned to the meeting at 11.10am.

6.14        Mr James Imlach (submission 13757) New Zealand Motor Caravan Association Inc

Attendance: Councillor Acland left the meeting from 11.14am to 11.15am

Mr Imlach attended by conference call. He summarised the key points in the submission and advised that a survey undertaken by Auckland Council was available on its website.

6.15        Mr Stephen Lee (submission 13759)

Mr Lee spoke to his submission. He said he supported hospitality and generosity instead of restricting freedom campers.

6.16        Mr Rodney Lewis (submission 13735)

Mr Lewis read his submission, displayed photos (A1811788), tabled a document (A1811786) and responded to questions.


1    A1811788 - Rodney Lewis - 13735 - powerpoint presentation

2    A1811786 - Rodney Lewis - 13735 - additional information



6.17        Ms Emma Lanigan (submission 13754)

Ms Lanigan spoke to her submission.

Attendance: Councillor Rutledge left the meeting from 11.47am to 11.49am.

6.18        Ms Alison Arron (submission 13755)

Ms Arron spoke to her submission and tabled a document (A1811767).


1    A1811767 - Alison Arron - 13755 - additional information

Attendance: Councillors Dahlberg and Lawrey left the meeting at 12 noon.

6.19        Mr Steve Kelly (submission 13756)

This submitter did not attend the hearing.

6.20        Ms Suzi Bunting (submission 13798)

Ms Bunting spoke to her submission and responded to questions.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey returned to the meeting at 12.02pm, and Councillor Dahlberg returned to the meeting at 12.03pm.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton left the meeting from 12.02pm to 12.05pm.

Attendance: Councillor Noonan left the meeting from  12.03pm to 12.06pm

6.21        Mrs Sally Middleton (submission 13800)

Mrs Middleton spoke to her submission and answered questions from about the availability online of stickers designating vehicles as self-contained.

6.22        Mr John Mockett (submission 13789) and (submission 13797) Tahunanui Concerned Residents

Mr Mockett spoke to the submissions.

6.23        Dr Elspeth Macdonald (submission 13801)

Dr MacDonald spoke to her submission and tabled two documents (A1811773 and A1811774) including a description of an online registration system called Parkmobile that other Councils used for freedom campers.


1    A1811773 - Elspeth MacDonald - 13801 - additional information

2    A1811774 - Elspeth MacDonald - 13801 - additional information

Attendance: Councillor Acland left the meeting at 12.29pm.

6.24        Ms Mary Lafrentz (submission 13807) Nelson Tasman Branch Committee of NZMCA Inc

Ms Lafrentz spoke to the submission and responded to questions. She agreed that a sticker designating vehicles as “self-contained” that could not easily be copied was required.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton left the meeting at 12.39pm.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner returned to the meeting at 12.40pm.

Attendance: The meeting adjourned for lunch from 12.41pm to 1.33pm.

6.25        Mr Rob Stevenson (submission 13812) Tahunanui Business Association

Mr Stevenson read the submission and responded to questions.

6.26        Mr and Mrs John-Paul Pochin (submission 13816)

The submitters did not attend the hearing.

6.27        Ms Lynette Stevenson (submission 13826)

Ms Stevenson spoke to her submission and circulated a document (A1811782). She spoke about the history of Centennial Park and said it should be excluded from freedom camping. She asked Council to consider installing a plaque explaining the history of the area.


1    A1811782 - Lynette Stevenson - 13826 - additional information


Attendance: Councillor Acland returned to the meeting at 1.40pm.

6.28         Mr Bob Andrews (submission 13904)

The submitter did not attend the hearing.

6.29        Summary

Councillors asked that the following information be included in the deliberations report:

1.   Do sites that were made available but not utilised need to be included?

2.   Discussion of how any freedom camping bylaw would be compliant with the Resource Management Plan.

3.   Discussion of health and safety criteria and how they apply to freedom camping.

4.   Find out if there have been any surveys on perceptions of public safety in the central city.

5.   Discussion of whether Piki Mai (Church Hill) and Sewerside Drive fall under Council jurisdiction.

6.   Discussion of how criteria such as reserves were designated for historic purposes, such as Centennial Park.

7.   Questions in written and oral submissions to be addressed including

·         Proximity of possible freedom camping areas such as Centenial Park to residential housing

·         clarification of 2 night stay and arrival and departure times

·         any paperwork available which could back up use of “self-contained vehicle” sticker  

·         24/7 phone or text message service

·          Use of clamping as a deterrent such as in Queenstown.

8.   Research Auckland survey re freedom campers’ motivation and freedom campers’ spend; and how that might apply to Nelson.

9.   Obtain copy of Simpson Grierson report.

10. Include note that research data is not definitive and that people, culture and community needs must be taken into consideration.

11. Find out the length of vans plus add-ons such as cycles, with particular respect to Centennial Park; and to considerations of health and safety.

12. Provide clarification about the public consultation process for the Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw and the Draft City Amenity Bylaw.

13. Check vehicle manoeuvrability at Paddy’s Knob Reserve re the three bus parks.

14.  Publish criteria for scores by consultant.

15. Research compliance methods and community confidence in Council’s ability to enforce any Freedom Camping bylaw, including possible use of an app such as “parkmobile”.

16. At Centennial Reserve, clarify if car parks are part of the park or part of the road reserve.

17. Should concerns of residents about safety be considered as part of the process? May also need to consider the underlying purpose of the area, such as Centennial Reserve.

18. Need to make timeline for implementation of any Freedom Camping Bylaw as short as possible.

19. If freedom camping were not allowed in designated areas, would campers just camp in residential streets on an adhoc basis?

20. How would it be established if parked vehicles relate to people just visiting a reserve or are freedom campers?

21. Clarify if Paddy’s Knob Reserve and Centennial Park are the only two sites located in residential areas.

22. Ensure appropriate access (600m?) is maintained for the access of Nelsonians to parks and reserves.

23. Consider impact of any bylaw on Nelson as an accredited safe community.



There being no further business the meeting ended at 2.06pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date