Minutes of a meeting of the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Thursday 18 May 2017, commencing at 1.03pm


Present:              Mr J Peters (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, Councillor I Barker and Councillor B Dahlberg

In Attendance:   Councillor G Noonan, Chief Executive (C Hadley), Group Manager Community Services (C Ward), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Senior Strategic Adviser (N McDonald), Manager Capital Projects (S Davies), Senior Accountant (T Hughes) and Administration Adviser (S Burgess)

Apology:             Mr John Murray



1.       Apologies

Resolved AUD/2017/001

That the Subcommittee

Receives and accepts the apology from Mr John Murray.

Barker/Her Worship the Mayor                                                    Carried


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

The Chairperson advised that the report Audit NZ – audit arrangement and engagement letters, would be considered after the Chairperson’s Report.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum 

There was no public forum.

5.       Status Report - Audit Risk and Finance Subcommittee - 18 May 2017

Document number R7639, agenda pages 7 - 9 refer.

The Subcommittee directed that a Subcommittee briefing on social enterprise principles was appropriate, and a workshop was no longer required.

The Subcommittee noted that the Chair of the Governance Committee and Mr John Peters would proceed to develop the scope for the tendering processes report.

Resolved AUD/2017/002

That the Subcommittee

Receives the Status Report Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee 18 May 2017 (R7639) and its attachment (A1753947).

Barker/Dahlberg                                                                         Carried

6.       Chairperson's Report

Document number R7716, agenda pages 10 - 11 refer.

The Chairperson presented his report.

Resolved AUD/2017/003

That the Subcommittee

Receives the report Chairperson's Report (R7716).

Peters/Barker                                                                             Carried

7.       Audit NZ - audit arrangement and engagement letters

Document number R7513, agenda pages 91 - 129 refer.

Bede Kearney and Jacques Coetzee of Audit New Zealand joined the meeting. Mr Kearney presented the report and responded to questions.

Resolved AUD/2017/004

That the Subcommittee

Receives the report Audit NZ - audit arrangement and engagement letters (R7513); and attachments A1749598, A1749594 and A1752596; and

Notes the Subcommittee can provide feedback on the Audit Arrangement, Audit Engagement and Audit Proposal letters to Audit NZ if required, noting the Mayor will sign the letters once the Subcommittee’s feedback has been incorporated.

Dahlberg/Barker                                                                         Carried


8.       Corporate Report to 31 March 2017

Document number R6998, agenda pages 12 - 24 refer.

Manager Capital Projects, Shane Davies, and Senior Accountant, Tracey Hughes, presented the report. Ms Hughes provided updated information on debtors three months overdue.

Mr Davies, Ms Hughes, and Group Manager Corporate Services, Nikki Harrison, responded to questions.

Resolved AUD/2017/005

That the Subcommittee

Receives the report Corporate Report to 31 March 2017 (R6998) and its attachments (A1750159 and A1753951).

Barker/Dahlberg                                                                         Carried


9.       Health and Safety: Quarterly Report

Document number R7023, agenda pages 25 - 35 refer.

Manager Organisational Assurance and Emergency Management, Roger Ball, and Health and Safety Adviser, Malcolm Hughes, presented the report and responded to questions.

The Chairperson asked that officers look into whether any lessons could be learned from the recently released Havelock water report. He also requested detail of Council’s current precautions against malware.

Resolved AUD/2017/006

That the Subcommittee

Receives the report Health and Safety: Quarterly Report (R7023) and its attachment (A1753457).

Her Worship the Mayor/Barker                                                    Carried

Recommendation to Council AUD/2017/007

That the Council

Notes the report Health and Safety Quarterly Report (R7023) and its attachment (A1753457); and

Confirms the assessment of critical health and safety risks contained in the attachment (A1753457). 

Her Worship the Mayor/Barker                                                    Carried


10.     Internal Audit Quarterly Report to 31 March 2017

Document number R7569, agenda pages 36 - 46 refer.

Internal Audit Analyst, Lynn Anderson, presented the report and responded to questions.

Resolved AUD/2017/008

That the Subcommittee

Receives the report Internal Audit Quarterly Report to 31 March 2017 (R7569); and its attachment (A1747023).

Her Worship the Mayor/Barker                                                    Carried

Recommendation to Council AUD/2017/009

That the Council

Notes the report Internal Audit Quarterly Report (R7569) and its attachment (A1747023).

Her Worship the Mayor/Barker                                                    Carried


11.     Service Delivery Review Quarterly Progress Update - May 2017

Document number R6910, agenda pages 47 - 90 refer.

Policy Adviser, Gabrielle Thorpe, and Interim Manager Building, Chris Wood, presented the report and responded to questions.


Resolved AUD/2017/010

That the Subcommittee

Receives the report Service Delivery Review Quarterly Progress Update - May 2017 (R6910) and its attachments (A1737008, A1732393, A1731928, A1731591,  A1736351, A1642437, A1736093, A1732264 and A1753361); and

Notes the update on progress with the programme of s17A reviews.

Dahlberg/Barker                                                                         Carried


12.     Tax Risk Governance Framework

Document number R7599, agenda pages 130 - 139 refer.

Senior Accountant, Tracey Hughes, presented the report and responded to questions.

Resolved AUD/2017/011

That the Subcommittee

Receives the report Tax Risk Governance Framework (R7599) and its attachment (A1750676).

Notes that a tax risk management strategy will be presented to a future meeting of this Subcommittee, and annual reporting against this framework will occur annually after the end of the tax year (31 March).

Dahlberg/Barker                                                                         Carried

Recommendation to Council AUD/2017/012

That the Council

Adopts the Tax Risk Governance Framework (A1750676) with immediate effect.

Dahlberg/Barker                                                                         Carried



There being no further business the meeting ended at 3.06pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date