Minutes of a meeting of the Community Services Committee
Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House , 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
On Thursday 6 April 2017, commencing at 9.01am
Present: Councillor G Noonan (Chairperson), Councillors M Courtney (Deputy Chairperson), K Fulton, M Lawrey, B McGurk, P Matheson and M Rutledge
In Attendance: Councillors I Barker and S Walker, Group Manager Community Services (C Ward), Senior Strategic Adviser (N McDonald), Manager Communications (P Shattock) and Administration Adviser (E-J Ruthven)
Apology: Her Worship the Mayor Rachel Reese
Resolved CS/2017/010 That the Committee Receives and accepts an apology from Her Worship the Mayor. |
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
The Chairperson explained that the Youth Council update would be given prior to the Chairperson’s Report.
There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.
There was no public forum.
5.1 2 March 2017
Document number M2377, agenda pages 7 - 12 refer.
It was noted that the words “had appointed himself” on page 9 of the agenda should be replaced with “had been appointed”.
Resolved CS/2017/011 That the Committee Confirms the amended minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee, held on 2 March 2017, as a true and correct record. |
6. Status Report - Community Services Committee - 6 April 2017
Document number R7436, agenda pages 13 - 15 refer.
Attendance: Councillor Fulton joined the meeting at 9.07am.
Updates were provided for status report items.
Attendance: Councillor Matheson left the meeting at 9.11am.
Resolved CS/2017/012 That the Committee Receives the Status Report Community Services Committee 6 April 2017 (R7436) and its attachment (A1157454). |
Youth Council representatives Ben Rumsey and Fynn Sawyer explained recent and upcoming Youth Council activities, including a focus on increasing the engagement of young people with the general election, and answered committee members’ questions.
Attendance: Councillor Matheson returned to the meeting at 9.19am
Resolved CS/2017/013 That the Committee Receives the Youth Council Update. |
8. Chairperson's Report
Document number R7442, agenda pages 16 - 45 refer.
The Chairperson gave a verbal report outlining recent activities, including a new initiative to understand difficulties faced by community groups working with people presenting with mental health issues.
Further updates were given by the Chairperson and members of the committee in relation to library activities, the Broadgreen Society, the Positive Ageing Expo, and a recent ‘Inspiring Communities’ workshop.
Resolved CS/2017/014 That the Committee Receives the Chairperson's Report (R7442) and its attachment (A1602240). |
9. Youth Strategy progress report
Document number R7440, agenda pages 46 - 59 refer.
Policy Adviser, Gabrielle Thorpe, presented the report. She noted that the amount noted in the final line of the third paragraph on page 54 should be corrected to $536,662.
Ms Thorpe, and Senior Strategic Adviser, Nicky McDonald, answered questions regarding how the Youth Strategy interacted with the Social Wellbeing Policy, youth education and employment opportunities, mental health and addiction issues for young people, examples of youth strategies and actions undertaken in other cities, the proposed engagement process and timeframe for adoption of the Youth Strategy, the development of a specific action plan to complement the Youth Strategy, and how to measure outcomes to determine the success of the Youth Strategy in the future.
Attendance: Councillor Rutledge left the meeting from 10.07am to 10.09am.
Committee members discussed the draft vision statement and draft objectives and expressed a variety of views. There was general agreement that greater focus should be placed on education and employment opportunities for young people and mental health and wellbeing of young people.
Attendance: Councillor Lawrey left the meeting at 10.12am. The meeting adjourned from 10.14am to 10.41pm, during which time Councillor Lawrey returned to the meeting.
Councillor Fulton, seconded by Councillor Courtney, moved
That the Committee
Receives the report Youth Strategy progress report (R7440) and its attachments (A1723503 and A1722981);
Approves the draft objectives in paragraph 4.6.2 of Youth Strategy progress report (R7440) as a basis for further consultation with youth, taking into account suggestions from the Community Services Committee with regards to:
· education and employment opportunities for young people;
· mental health and wellbeing of young people; and
Notes that further work will be undertaken to refine the wording of the draft vision statement and draft objectives; and
Notes that a draft Youth Strategy will be presented to the Community Services Committee meeting on 1 June 2017.
Councillors discussed the motion and indicated support for further development of the draft Youth Strategy.
Resolved CS/2017/015 That the Committee Receives the report Youth Strategy progress report (R7440) and its attachments (A1723503 and A1722981); and Approves the draft objectives in paragraph 4.6.2 of Youth Strategy progress report (R7440) as a basis for further consultation with youth, taking into account suggestions from the Community Services Committee with regards to: · education and employment opportunities for young people; · mental health and wellbeing of young people; and Notes that further work will be undertaken to refine the wording of the draft vision statement and draft objectives; and Notes that a draft Youth Strategy will be presented to the Community Services Committee meeting on 1 June 2017. |
10. Nelson Youth Council - 7 February 2017
Document number M2308, agenda pages 60 - 63 refer.
Resolved CS/2017/016 That the Committee Receives the minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 7 February 2017. |
11. Nelson Youth Council - 1 March 2017
Document number M2372, agenda pages 64 - 66 refer.
Resolved CS/2017/017 That the Committee Receives the minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 1 March 2017. |
Resolved CS/2017/018 That the Committee Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows: |
Item |
General subject of each matter to be considered |
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter |
Particular interests protected (where applicable) |
1 |
Community Services Committee Meeting - Public Excluded Minutes - 2 March 2017 |
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7. |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(i) To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations). |
The meeting went into public excluded session at 11.10am and resumed in public session at 11.11am.
Please note that as the only business transacted in public excluded was to confirm the public excluded Community Services Committee minutes of 2 March 2017, this business has been recorded in the public minutes. In accordance with the Local Government Official Information Meetings Act, no reason for withholding this information from the public exists.
Resolved CS/2017/019 That the Committee Confirms the minutes of part of the meeting of the Community Services Committee, held with the public excluded on 2 March 2017, as a true and correct record. |
13. Re-admittance of the Public
Resolved CS/2017/020 That the Committee Re-admits the public to the meeting. |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 11.11am.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:
Chairperson Date