Minutes of a meeting of the Sports and Recreation Committee to Hear Submissions to the Proposed Reserve Revocation – Emano East Reserve

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 21 February 2017, commencing at 9.08am


Present:               Councillor T Skinner (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, Councillors I Barker, M Courtney, B McGurk, M Rutledge (Deputy Chairperson) and S Walker

In Attendance:     Councillor M Lawrey, Chief Executive (C Hadley), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Property Parks and Facilities Asset Manager (A Petheram), Team Leader Property (P Hunter), Senior Property Officer (S Mathieson), and Administration Adviser (S Burgess)

Apology:              Councillor K Fulton



1.       Apologies

Resolved SPO/2017/010

That the Committee

Receives and accepts the apology from Councillor Fulton.

Barker/Her Worship the Mayor                                              Carried

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

The Chair summarised the process for the hearing and provided a brief background on the process to date of the proposed revocation of Emano East Reserve.

In response to questions, the Chief Executive, Clare Hadley, advised that the public notifications of the proposed revocation met the requirements of the Reserves Act 1977.

Attendance: The meeting adjourned from 9.12am to 9.13am.

It was noted that, although Councillor Lawrey resided near Emano East Reserve (the Reserve), he was able to be in attendance at the meeting on the proviso that he did not participate in asking questions of submitters.

Copies of a location map (A1715601) and newspaper advertisements (A1715631 and A1715636) were tabled.


1    A1715601 - Emano East Reserve Map

2    A1715631 - Emano East Reserve Revocation first public notice

3    A1715636 - Emano East Reserve revocation second public notice Dec 2016  

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Hearing of Submissions to the Proposed Reserve Revocation – Emano East Reserve

Document number R7148, agenda pages 4 - 194 refer.      

4.1           Kate Zwartz (10595)

Ms Zwartz presented her submission in opposition to the proposed reserve revocation, asking the Committee to reject the proposal. She highlighted the wording in the Long Term Plan 2015-25 which classed reserves as a vital resource which should not be divested unless there were clear net benefits to the community.

Ms Zwartz suggested there should have been a background paper available during consultation on the matter, and she highlighted the importance of accessing Mahoe Street through the Reserve.

4.2           Angus McIntosh (11053)

Mr McIntosh presented his submission highlighting key points of the perceived inadequacy of the consultation process, and the apparent conflict in the proposed reserve revocation versus statements in Council’s planning documents. Mr McIntosh emphasised his desire that previous community volunteer work at the Reserve be built upon to fulfil the dream they were working towards.

4.3           Annette Milligan (10691)

Ms Milligan presented her submission and highlighted key points relating to the health benefits of having the Reserve.


4.4           Jon Tidswell (10770) on behalf of Mrs H Tidswell

Mr Tidswell provided a handout (A1725219) with several images of reserves in the area. He raised points regarding consultation process, amenity value, balancing reserve numbers, the need to reference community needs in a reserve revocation proposal, and the lack of signage for the Reserve. Mr Tidswell suggested Council should be considering how to develop and promote the Reserve.


1    A1725219 - Jon Tidswell Handout

4.5           Kate Malcolm (10816)

Ms Malcolm gave a presentation (A1725228) showing a map of the local area with a line marked from the Grampians hill to the sea. She presented her idea that the possibility should be kept open for a ‘Grampians to the Sea’ path, and suggested the reserve needed to be kept in order to keep this line complete. Ms Malcolm added that entrances to the Reserve were currently indistinguishable.


1    A1725228 - Kate Malcolm Map Image

4.6           Duncan Davidson (10865)

Mr Davidson provided a handout (A1725216) which displayed the current track in the Reserve and a proposed zig-zag track. He spoke about accessibility and current usage of the Reserve, and highlighted the opportunity of working with volunteers to establish a more useable track. Mr Davidson said it was not up to the people of Nelson to give up a Reserve in order to address the housing crisis.


1    A1725216 - Duncan Davidson Handout

4.7           Sara Burrage (10909)

Ms Burrage presented her submission and spoke about previous decisions relating to the Reserve, and volunteer time spent on tree planting. She highlighted it was a well-used Reserve with an abundance of bird life. Ms Burrage raised concerns regarding the consultation process used for the proposed reserve revocation. She supported the idea of creating a more useable track on the Reserve.

4.8           Carol McKie (10919)

Ms McKie presented her submission, highlighted key points, and suggested the consultation process had created confusion instead of engagement. She highlighted that there was still opportunity to create partnerships with the community.

4.9           Grant Kitto (10924) (via phone)

Mr Kitto said the Reserve was a part of the community which should be kept for the enjoyment of future generations. He said Council should be planning innovative ways to incorporate the Reserve into the community.

4.10        Dr Zoe Hilton (10925)

Dr Hilton presented her submission and highlighted key points regarding usage of the Reserve, the value of reserve status, recreation and conservation values, and importance of the Reserve in linking the local reserve network. She spoke about air quality, self-sustaining trees, and the dangerous precedent in revoking reserve status.

4.11        Matthew Holland (10927)

Mr Holland spoke about reserve references in Council policies, Nelson biodiversity, the perceived inadequacy of the consultation process, and the high number of submissions received. Mr Holland suggested that due to the lack of information received, all the community could do was oppose the proposal.

4.12        Christopher Skinner (10682)

Mr Skinner presented his submission and highlighted key points.

4.13       Questions of officers

Councillors asked that officers provide the following information to the Deliberations meeting on 28 March 2017:

·        Full details on the public notification process carried out

·        Details on what planting had taken place at the Reserve

·        Clarity on entranceways to the Reserve

·        Details on any consideration given to replicate the tracks and plantings used in Pipers Park

·        Investigation and conclusion information on the advantages of revoking the reserve status in terms of Council’s policies, plans and strategies

·        Any information regarding what type of wildlife is in the Reserve and if the Reserve was used as a wildlife corridor and was therefore important for those species

·        An assessment regarding the stormwater and flood issues raised

·        Information on alternate uses of the Reserve, was it only housing? And could housing actually be built on that site? Also how did providing housing fit in terms of Council policies etc.

·        An explanation as to why the reserve was considered surplus to requirements, which requirements were being referred to etc.

·        Comments on submitter 10815 (Barry Malcolm) suggestions as to conditions in a sale agreement

·        Comments on submissions seeking further investment in the Reserve in terms of walkways, fruit trees etc. How did this fit within asset management planning? Can anything be done now?



There being no further business the meeting ended at 10.47am.



Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:



                                                         Chairperson                                    Date