Minutes of a meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
On Monday 5 December 2016, commencing at 1.30pm
Present: Councillor P Matheson, Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, Councillors G Noonan and M Rutledge and J Alexander (NZTA Rep)
In Attendance: Councillors I Barker, M Lawrey and S Walker; Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Manager Operations and Asset Management (P Anderson), Senior Asset Engineer – Transport & Roading (R Palmer), Engineering Advisor (S McAuly), Communications Adviser (A Hamblin), Engineering Officer (K Goldthorpe), Team Leader Administration Advisers (Robyn Byrne) and NZTA Representatives (Regional Director J Harland, Regional Performance Manager M Owen)
Apology: R Bleakley
The apology from Ms Bleakley was noted.
Group Manager Infrastructure Alec Louverdis assumed the chair and called for nominations from the Regional Transport Committee for the appointment of a Chairperson. Her Worship the Mayor nominated Councillor Matheson for Chair. There were no further nominations. The NZTA representative abstained from voting. |
Resolved RTC/2016/006 That the Committee Appoints Councillor Matheson as Chairperson of the Regional Transport Committee. |
Councillor Matheson assumed the chair.
3. Appointment of Deputy Chairperson
The Chairperson called for nominations from the Regional Transport Committee for the appointment of a Deputy Chairperson. Her Worship the Mayor nominated Councillor Noonan for Deputy Chair. There were no further nominations.
The NZTA representative abstained from voting.
Resolved RTC/2016/007 That the Committee Appoints Councillor Noonan as Deputy Chairperson of the Regional Transport Committee. |
4. Confirmation of Order of Business
The Chairperson advised of a minor late item regarding a Joint presentation on the role and purpose of Regional Transport Committee. |
Resolved RTC/2016/008 That the Committee Considers the item regarding the presentation on the role and purpose of the Regional Transport Committee at this meeting as a minor late item not on the agenda, pursuant to Section 46A(7)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. |
There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.
There was no public forum.
Senior Asset Engineer – Transport & Roading, Rhys Palmer, presented on the functions of the Regional Transport Committee and it’s responsibility for delivering the Regional Transport Plan, a partnership between Council and the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA).
1 A1673619 Regional Transport Committee Roles and Responsibilities |
8. 2015/16 Annual Monitoring Report on the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2021
Document number R6612, agenda pages 5 - 25 refer.
Senior Asset Engineer – Transport & Roading, Rhys Palmer, presented the report.
Members asked for clarification on some statistics. It was noted that the walking and cycling counts were reported together and Mr Palmer was asked if these could be split. He advised that currently they were jointly recorded but officers had noticed a higher growth in the walking count than the cycling count.
There was some discussion on the decline in public transport use along with the Supergold patronage, which was heavily subsidised. Officers were asked if it was possible to provide free travel for children and students; NZTA noted that they co-invested public transport and they would need to look at this option closely in terms of using their investment for free public transport.
Resolved RTC/2016/009 That the Committee Receives the report 2015/16 Annual Monitoring Report on the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2021 (R6612) and its attachment (A1654649) |
9. Stoke Foothills Business Case
Document number R6613, agenda pages 26 - 31 refer.
Senior Asset Engineer – Transport & Roading, Rhys Palmer, presented the report.
The Committee noted that state highways were for inter-regional transport and expressed concern at secondary roads being used increasingly because the state highway was not performing at optimum level. It was noted that Council needed to be mindful it was not moving the burden of cost to ratepayers even if it was helped with funding by NZTA.
Resolved RTC/2016/010 Receives the report Stoke Foothills Business Case (R6613) and its attachment (A1667256); and Approves inclusion of the Stoke Foothills Business Case into the 2015-2021 Regional Land Transport Plan. |
10. New Zealand Transport Agency Update
Document number R6825, agenda pages 32 - 34 refer.
Acting Regional Manager Central- NZTA, Julie Alexander, presented her report and gave a presentation on the National Land Transport Programme 2018-21. (A1674747)
1 A1674747 National Land Transport Programme 2018-21 |
In response to a question, Ms Alexander advised that the Southern Link was a very important project. The business case had been completed and was now going through internal processes. She said the investigation was being funded by government and this involved reporting back to the NZTA Board and Minister of Transport.
Regional Director, Jim Harland gave a verbal update on the roading impacts of the Kaikoura earthquake of 14 November 2016, and following aftershocks. He said NZTA were spending money with a priority on a safety perspective, which was significant.
It was noted that for the foreseeable future, the Picton to Christchurch Lewis Pass highway route would be the main freight route for the South Island, and Kiwirail was looking at a coastal shipping route into Lyttleton.
The Committee discussed the impact on Nelson; with the increase in freight and transport this would impact the already constrained network through the city.
Resolved RTC/2016/011 That the Committee Receive the report New Zealand Transport Agency Update (R6825) and its attachment (A1665721). |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 3.15pm.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:
Chairperson Date