Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit
Held in Ruma Mārama, Floor 2A, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
On Friday 9 December 2016, commencing at 1.00pm
Present: Councillors T Skinner and S Walker (Nelson City Council), K Maling (Tasman District Council), and M Higgins (Tasman District Council Representative)
In Attendance: Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Manager (R Kirby), Senior Asset Engineer – Solid Waste (J Thiart), Industry Customers’ Representative (P Wilson), Iwi Representative (M Hippolite), Management Accountant (A Bishop), and Administration Adviser (L Canton)
Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Manager (NRSBU), Richard Kirby explained that the order of the agenda had changed and the first item of business would be the election of a Chairperson.
Mr Kirby called for nominations from the voting members for the appointment of a Chairperson.
Resolved NRSBU/2016/013 That the Business Unit Appoints Michael Higgins as Chairperson of the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit. |
2. Appointment of Deputy Chairperson
Michael Higgins assumed the Chair and called for nominations from the voting members for the appointment of a Deputy Chairperson.
Resolved NRSBU/2016/014 That the Business Unit Appoints Councillor Kit Maling as Deputy Chairperson of the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit. |
3. Confirmation of Order of Business
The Chairperson advised that since the agenda had been issued, a public forum presentation had been confirmed.
Philip Wilson advised that he was a member of the Waimea Estuary Committee.
Matthew Hippolite advised that he was employed by the Department of Conservation and would potentially be involved with the Bell Island Spit Restoration Project.
5.1 Gillian Bishop - Bell Island Spit Restoration Project
Gillian Bishop gave a presentation (A1679997) on the restoration of the Bell Island Spit over the last six years. She noted that it was a model of a community agency/council partnership with significant environmental benefits. Ms Bishop said that the area should be self-sustaining within about four years.
Ms Bishop answered questions about the source and varieties of plants on the Spit.
1 A1679997 - Public Forum - Gillian Bishop - Bell Island Spit Restoration presentation |
Management Accountant, Andrew Bishop, advised that Audit New Zealand had indicated that an approval letter would be forthcoming. He said he was confident that this would be received by the end of 2016 as required by the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit (NRSBU) Memorandum of Understanding.
7. Bell Island Wastewater Treatment Plant - Pond Sludge Management
Document number R5951, agenda pages 7 - 18 refer.
NRSBU Manager, Richard Kirby, presented the report. He explained that even if the proposed system did not reduce the build-up of sludge, it would result in sufficiently improved mixing and effluent processing to justify the proposed investment.
Mr Kirby and Senior Asset Engineer – Solid Waste, Johan Thiart, answered questions relating to the estimated wind resource, the potential for bird or lightning strikes, and the expected lifetime of the system.
Resolved NRSBU/2016/015 That the Business Unit Receives the report Bell Island Wastewater Treatment Plant - Pond Sludge Management (R5951); and Approves proceeding with engaging Gurney Environmental for the supply and delivery to Nelson of 9 (nine) Accel-o-Fac series three aerator/mixers in Pond F2 up to 50% of the value of $280,000 (excl GST); and Approves the investment of up to $60,000 to install the 9 (nine) Accel-o-Fac series three aerator/mixers in Pond F2; and Approves the negotiation of a variation to the Operation and Maintenance contract for the installation of nine Accel-o-Fac aerator/mixers in facultative pond F2 and; Approves funding for the upgrade of the maturations ponds and desludging of the ponds in the 2015/16 and 2016/17 Business Plans be utilised for this initiative; and Approves the monitoring of effluent quality in chambers C4, C5 and C6 to assess the performance of upgraded pond (F2) compared to the other two facultative ponds (F1 and F3); and Requests that the outcome of the monitoring be reported back to the NRSBU for approval prior to the remaining 50% payment being made to Gurney Environmental. |
8. Bell Island Wastewater Treatment Plant - Electrical Power Business Continuity Assessment
Document number R6834, agenda pages 20 - 29 refer.
NRSBU Manager, Richard Kirby, presented the report.
Mr Kirby and Mr Thiart answered questions relating to the effect on the inlet screens in the event of a power supply disruption, discussions with Network Tasman, and alternative power sources.
Resolved NRSBU/2016/016 That the Business Unit Receives the report Bell Island Wastewater Treatment Plant - Electrical Power Business Continuity Assessment (R6834); and Notes the offer from Network Tasman to fund 50% of the capital cost ($447,000) of installing a second cable to the Bell Island Wastewater Treatment Plant has been declined; and Approves adding the option of including the installation of permanent backup generation for the Inlet Structure and Discharge Pump (250 kVa) in the draft Business Plan 2017/18. |
Document number R6816, agenda pages 30 - 137 refer.
NRSBU Manager, Richard Kirby presented the report. He explained that no definitive evidence of efficacy had been provided by Bokashi Logic.
Mr Kirby and Mr Thiart answered questions relating to the classification of accidental discharges by each Council, and the extent of infrastructural changes required to prevent accidental discharges altogether.
Attendance: Councillor Skinner left the meeting from 2.54pm to 2.56pm.
Mr Kirby answered further questions about the timeframe and potential costs of the discharge consent renewal.
Resolved NRSBU/2016/017 That the Business Unit Receives the General Manager's Report (R6816) and its attachments (A1649724, A1665105, A1645078, A1436459, A452094, and A1664757); and Declines the proposal from Bokashi Logic to implement treatment at Bell Island Treatment Plant. |
9.1 Draft business Plan 2017/18
The Board discussed expected growth and the infrastructure needed to meet potential increased demand.
Resolved NRSBU/2016/018 That the Business Unit Approves the Draft Business Plan 2017/18 (A1664757). |
Document number R6885, agenda pages 138 - 140 refer.
Andrew Bishop presented the report. He tabled an updated final page (A1680118) and explained the changes.
Resolved NRSBU/2016/019 That the Business Unit Receives the Financial Report (R6885) and its attachment (A1629394). |
1 A1680118 - NRSBU Financial Report - tabled document - 09Dec2016 |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 3.40pm.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings: