Minutes of a meeting of the Works and Infrastructure Committee

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Thursday 17 November 2016, commencing at 9.00am


Present:               Councillor P Matheson (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, Councillors L Acland, B Dahlberg, M Lawrey, G Noonan, T Skinner and S Walker (Deputy Chairperson)

In Attendance:     Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Manager Communications (P Shattock), Manager Operations and Asset Management (P Anderson), Senior Asset Engineer Transport and Roading (R Palmer), and Administration Adviser (E-J Ruthven)


1.       Apologies

There were no apologies.

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

The Chairperson explained that Councillor Dahlberg’s name had been omitted from the agenda face. 

There was no change to the order of business.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum

4.1       Jill Williams - FishStop Ltd

Jill Williams, of FishStop Ltd, gave a power point presentation regarding the outdoor dining area in Alton Street (A1663316).  She spoke about how the outdoor area was used and her preferences for upgrading it.

Attendance:  Councillor Dahlberg left the meeting at 9.07am. 

Ms Williams answered questions relating to the proposed upgrades to the outdoor dining area, use of the area, and the licence agreement with Council.


1    A1663316 - Power Point presentation - Outdoor Dining Area  

4.2       John Gourdie - Gourdie Automotive Ltd

John Gourdie, of Gourdie Automotive Ltd, spoke about the effect of large roadworks on his business on Waimea Road, and his interactions with Council officers in relation to this matter. 

He answered questions about the nature of the project and how it had affected his business, and urged Council to develop a rates remission policy for businesses affected by large-scale civil works.

4.3       David Ayre - Friends of the Maitai, and Cynthia McConville and Ainslie Riddoch - Nelson Walkers Unite

David Ayre, of Friends of the Maitai, and Cynthia McConville, of Nelson Walkers Unite, spoke about damage to the Maitai River Reserve by vehicles, and showed several photos (A1662628).  They requested that Council provide barriers along Domett Street to prevent the incursion of vehicles onto reserve land, similar to those placed along the reserve near Riverside Pool.  They answered questions in relation to these matters.

Ainslie Riddoch, of Nelson Walkers Unite, spoke about the proposed shared path through Anzac Park.  She outlined the reasons for which she believed a shared path was inappropriate for Anzac Park, and answered questions relating to the various options for shared pathways in the vicinity.


1    A1662628 - Public Forum Presentation - Vehicles on Maitai River Reserve

The Committee discussed whether reports on the matters raised through public forum were required.

Attendance:  Councillor Lawrey left the meeting from 9.55am to 9.57am.

Resolved WI/2016/063

That the Committee

Requests the Chief Executive to provide a report to the appropriate committee on the matter of a rates remission policy for businesses affected by large-scale civil works.

Acland/Noonan                                                                     Carried

5.       Status Report - Works and Infrastructure Committee - 17 November 2016

Document number R6747, agenda pages 7 - 9 refer.

Group Manager Infrastructure, Alec Louverdis, presented the report.  He tabled a document relating to the item Waimea Road Issues and Opportunities (A1669477), and answered questions relating to the timing of proposed works. 

Mr Louverdis answered additional questions relating to the Church Street Concept Proposal, and Fiddle Lane upgrade.

Resolved WI/2016/064

That the Committee

Receives the Status Report Works and Infrastructure Committee 17 November 2016 (R6747) and its attachment (A1150321).

Noonan/Walker                                                                     Carried


1    A1669477 - tabled document - Waimea Road Issues and Opportunities

6.       Chairperson's Report      


Councillor Matheson noted that, at its meeting on 10 November 2016, Council had requested a report to the Works and Infrastructure Committee regarding road sealing issues on Tresillian Avenue.  He explained that, due to officer involvement with civil defence activities, there had been insufficient time for a report to be prepared.


He added that the earthquake of 14 November 2016 had disturbed the pipe network in Nelson, and that residents may experience water discolouration as a result.

Transport and Roading

7.       Anzac Park Link - Concept Design Approval

Document number R6617, agenda pages 10 - 33 refer.

Senior Asset Engineer Transport and Roading, Rhys Palmer, presented the report.  He tabled replacement pages 24-25 of the agenda (A1668550), with highlighted lines that had been inadvertently covered by the image in the agenda.  Mr Palmer also explained that the Returned Services Association had requested ‘poppy artwork’ to decorate the walls of the public toilet building in Anzac Park, and that this had been included in the cost estimates for Option One.

Mr Palmer also showed a Power Point presentation (A1661709) and outlined the benefits and disadvantages of options with regards to the aim of increasing the number of ‘interested but concerned’ users cycling into the central business district.

Mr Palmer answered questions in relation to potential effects on the amenity of Anzac Park, parking spaces in the area, how cyclists would access the central business district from the proposed shared pathway, and how cyclist numbers could be measured.  He also detailed consultation that had previously taken place, and confirmed the Returned Services Association’s support for the proposed shared pathway.

In response to further questions, Mr Palmer clarified that the alignment of an arterial cycle route from the central business district to The Wood and Nelson East had not yet been determined.

Attendance:  Councillor Acland left the meeting from 10.51am to 10.53am.

In response to further questions, Mr Palmer spoke about the proposed pedestrian refuge on Rutherford Street to link cyclists from Anzac Park into the central business district.

Councillor Lawrey, seconded by Councillor Acland, moved the recommendation in the officer report.

It was suggested that additional clauses could be added to the motion:

Notes that the primary purpose of this project is to connect the St Vincent Street cycleway to the central business district; and

Notes that future decisions are required to determine an arterial cycle route to connect The Wood and Nelson East.

Attendance:  The meeting adjourned from 11.09am to 11.20am.

The mover and seconder agreed to incorporate the additional clauses into the motion.

The Committee discussed the motion, and a variety of views was expressed.

Attendance:  The meeting adjourned from 11.33am to 11.36am.

It was suggested that the matter should be referred to Council for consideration.

Resolved WI/2016/065

That the Committee

Refers the item Anzac Park Link – Concept Design Approval to the next meeting of the Nelson City Council scheduled to be held on 15 December 2016 at 9.00am.

Her Worship the Mayor/Lawrey                                             Carried


1    A1668550 - tabled document - replacement pages 24-25 of agenda

2    A1661709 - Power Point Presentation - Anzac Park Link

8.       Alton Street - Licence to occupy

Document number R6347, agenda pages 34 - 41 refer.

Leases Officer, Jules Read, presented the report, and answered questions regarding the proposed upgrade to the outdoor dining area on Alton Street. 

The Committee discussed the proposal that the area be painted, whether a mural would be appropriate, and how to ensure any mural was of appropriate quality.

Resolved WI/2016/066

That the Committee


Receives the report Alton Street - Licence to occupy (R6347) and its attachments (A1655542, A1654789 and A1654808).

Acland/Skinner                                                                     Carried

Attendance:  The meeting adjourned from 11.57am to 12.00pm

Councillor Lawrey, seconded by Councillor Acland, moved a recommendation to Council:

That the Council

Approves the extension of Fish Stop’s existing licence to occupy carparks in Alton Street for the purposes of outdoor dining for five years, expiring December 2021, subject to the following upgrades as outlined in report 6347:

·        the lessee purchasing tables, chairs and umbrellas of a uniform design; and

·        the exterior of the structure be painted in a mural approved by the Arts Selection Panel and paid for by the lessee.

The Committee discussed the recommendation to Council, and a variety of views were expressed.

Councillor Noonan, seconded by Her Worship the Mayor, moved an amendment:

That the Council

Approves the extension of Fish Stop’s existing licence to occupy two carparks in Alton Street for the purposes of outdoor dining for five years, expiring December 2021, subject to the following upgrades as outlined in report 6347:

·      the lessee purchasing tables, chairs and umbrellas of a uniform design; and

·       painting the exterior of the structure to the satisfaction of Council Officers.

The amendment was put and became the substantive motion.

Recommendation to Council WI/2016/067

That the Council

Approves the extension of Fish Stop’s existing licence to occupy two carparks in Alton Street for the purposes of outdoor dining for five years, expiring December 2021, subject to the following upgrades as outlined in report 6347:

·      the lessee purchasing tables, chairs and umbrellas of a uniform design; and

·       painting the exterior of the structure to the satisfaction of Council Officers.

Lawrey/Acland                                                                      Carried

9.       Outdoor dining - update

Document number R6384, agenda pages 42 - 47 refer.

Group Manager Corporate Services, Nikki Harrison, and Property Officer, Margot Wilson, presented the report.  They answered questions relating to loss of carparks as a result of outdoor dining, and how outdoor dining areas would be encouraged to be smokefree.

Attendance:  Councillor Noonan left the meeting from 12.15pm to 12.17pm.

Resolved WI/2016/068

That the Committee

Receives the report Outdoor dining - update (R6384) and its attachments (A1655950, A1655951 and A1655952).

Matheson/Acland                                                                   Carried

Water, Wastewater, Stormwater

10.     Capital Expenditure Programme 2016-17 Quarter 1 Progress Report

Document number R6252, agenda pages 48 - 56 refer.

Manager Capital Projects, Shane Davies, presented the report, and answered questions relating to the projects referred to in the report.

Attendance:  Councillor Lawrey left the meeting from 12.19pm to 12.20pm.

It was agreed that the clause relating to the Little-Go Stream Stormwater Upgrade Stage 3, Allan Street Intake would be taken separately.

Resolved WI/2016/069

That the Committee

Receives the report Capital Expenditure Programme 2016-17 Quarter 1 Progress Report (R6252) and its attachment (A1479115).

Noonan/Walker                                                                     Carried


Recommendation to Council WI/2016/070

That the Council

Removes project 2591 Suburban Club private drain subsidised storm water from the 2016/17 budget, noting that $34,235 will not be spent in the current financial year; and

Transfers $500,000 from the current 2016/17 financial year for project 2689 Saxton Creek upgrade to the 2017/18 budget, to align with the scheduled construction programme; and

Approves the inclusion of an additional amount of $404,000 as a commitment in the 2017/18 budget for completion of project 1187 Neale Park sewer pump station upgrade, and to allow early tendering of the physical works in the current financial year; and

Transfers $2million from the current 2016/17 financial year for project 1187 Neale Park sewer pump station upgrade to the 2017/18 budget, to align with the scheduled construction programme; and

Transfers $600,000 from the current 2016/17 financial year for project 2213 Rocks Road Cycling and Walking Project to the 2017/18 budget, to align with the timing of the Southern Link Investigation Business Case; and

Transfers $200,000 from the current 2016/17 financial year for project 1716 Awatea Place Sewer Pump Station Upgrade to the 2017/18 budget, to align with the scheduled delivery programme.

Noonan/Walker                                                                     Carried

Attendance:  Her Worship the Mayor declared an interest and left the meeting at 12.19pm.

Recommendation to Council WI/2016/071

That the Council

Transfers $400,000 from the current 2016/17 financial year for project 2865 Little-Go Stream Stormwater Upgrade Stage 3, Allan Street Intake, to the 2017/18 budget, to align resources following the completion of Stage 2.

Matheson/Noonan                                                                 Carried


Attendance:  Her Worship the Mayor returned to the meeting at 12.22pm.



There being no further business the meeting ended at 12.24pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:


                                                         Chairperson                                    Date