Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 23 August 2016, commencing at 2.43pm


Present:              Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Chairperson), Nelson City Councillor P Matheson, and His Worship the Mayor of Tasman R Kempthorne

In Attendance:   Nelson City Councillors I Barker and B McGurk, Tasman District Council Chief Executive (L McKenzie), Tasman District Council Corporate Services Manager (M Drummond), Nelson City Council Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Manager Organisational Assurance and Emergency Management (R Ball), Team Leader Emergency Management (J Kennedy), Emergency Management Officer (M Griffiths), and Administration Adviser (S Burgess)

Apology:             Tasman District Councillor T King



1.       Apologies


Resolved CDEM/2016/005

THAT an apology be received and accepted from Tasman District Councillor T King.

His Worship the Mayor of Tasman/Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson


2.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

3.       Confirmation of Minutes

3.1      15 April 2016

Document number M1838, agenda pages 4 - 5 refer.

Resolved CDEM/2016/006

THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held on 15 April 2016, be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson/His Worship the Mayor of Tasman



4.       Report of the Emergency Management Office

Document number R6464, agenda pages 6 - 11 refer.

Manager Organisational Assurance and Emergency Management, Roger Ball, presented the report.

In response to a question, Mr Ball provided further detail regarding the contingency planning for a South Island Alpine Fault rupture, adding that it would result in a multi-agency cross-regional plan for the entire South Island. Mr Ball advised that John Mitchell had been appointed to lead the project.

The meeting discussed recent water contamination events, noting that the lead agency for these types of events was driven by legislation, with civil defence often playing a support role.

It was noted that Debbie de Gues was finishing her work with civil defence, and that the Group wished to formally acknowledge her service.

Resolved CDEM/2016/007

Receive the Report of the Emergency Management Office (R6464) and its attachments (A1576395 and A1576420);

Acknowledge and thank Debbie de Geus for her service to civil defence in the region.

Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson/His Worship the Mayor of Tasman



5.       Demonstrate Red Cross Alerting App   

Emergency Management Officer, Michelle Griffiths, displayed the functionality of the Red Cross Hazards alerting app. She advised that the app would be promoted through social media.

Reports From Committees

6.       CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) - 10 August 2016

Document number M2082, agenda pages 12 - 17 refer.

Resolved CDEM/2016/008

THAT the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group), held on 10 August 2016, be received.

Kempthorne/Matheson                                                               Carried




There being no further business the meeting ended at 3.00pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date