Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Commercial Subcommittee
Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
On Thursday 26 May 2016, commencing at 1.31pm
Present: Mr J Murray (Chairperson), Councillors L Acland, G Noonan and Mr J Peters
In Attendance: Councillors I Barker, E Davy, K Fulton, P Matheson, B McGurk, and P Rainey, Group Manager Strategy and Environment (C Barton), Group Manager Community Services (C Ward), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Senior Strategic Adviser (N McDonald), and Administration Adviser (E-J Ruthven)
Apology: Her Worship the Mayor
Resolved COM/2016/019 THAT an apology be received and accepted from Her Worship the Mayor. |
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
There was no change to the order of business.
There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.
4. Public Forum
4.1 Lincoln Mackenzie
Mr Mackenzie tabled a document (A1555365) and spoke to it. He outlined his concerns regarding the potential development of Bett Carpark, particularly with regards to design, sunlight angles, and parking issues. He suggested that the designation of Bett Carpark as a Special Housing Area was of benefit to potential developers, but not necessarily to Nelson residents.
1 A1555365 - Public Forum - Tabled Document |
4. Bett Carpark - Referral to Governance Committee
Document number R5956
The subcommittee discussed whether to refer its delegation regarding Council’s property portfolio to the Governance Committee, in respect of the proposal to sell Bett Carpark.
It was acknowledged that the officer recommendation was procedural in nature, however subcommittee members noted that it would have been helpful to understand the details of the proposal to sell Bett Carpark, prior to considering whether to refer its delegations to the Governance Committeew.
Resolved COM/2016/021 THAT the report Bett Carpark - Referral to Governance Committee (R5956) be received. |
Resolved COM/2016/022 THAT the Commercial Subcommittee refer its delegation regarding Council’s property portfolio to the Governance Committee, in respect of the proposal to sell Bett Carpark. |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 1.50pm.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings: