


Ordinary meeting of the


Community Services Committee


Thursday 14 April 2016

Commencing at the conclusion of the extraordinary Council meeting

Council Chamber

Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson



Membership: Councillor Pete Rainey (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor Rachel Reese, Councillors Ruth Copeland, Matt Lawrey, Paul Matheson, Gaile Noonan (Deputy Chairperson), Tim Skinner and Mike Ward

Guidelines for councillors attending the meeting, who are not members of the Committee, as set out in Standing Orders:

·      All councillors, whether or not they are members of the Committee, may attend Committee meetings (SO 2.12.2)

·      At the discretion of the Chair, councillors who are not Committee members may speak, or ask questions about a matter.

·      Only Committee members may vote on any matter before the Committee (SO 3.14.1)

It is good practice for both Committee members and non-Committee members to declare any interests in items on the agenda.  They should withdraw from the room for discussion and voting on any of these items.


N-logotype-black-wideCommunity Services Committee

14 April 2016



Page No.


1.        Apologies


2.        Confirmation of Order of Business

3.        Interests

3.1      Updates to the Interests Register

3.2      Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda

4.        Public Forum

4.1      Cynthia McConville

Cynthia will speak about the contract CLM Fitness has with Nelson City Council at Riverside Pool and, motor camps and their potential for more income.

5.        Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      1 March 2016                                                                              8 - 15

Document number M1737


THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee, held on 1 March 2016, be confirmed as a true and correct record.  

6.        Status Report - Community Services Committee - 14 April 2016   16 - 18

Document number R5720


THAT the Status Report Community Services Committee 14 April 2016 (R5720) and its attachment (A1157454) be received.


7.        Chairperson's Report        

Recreation and Leisure

8.        Community Services Fees and Charges                          19 - 40

Document number R4753


THAT the report Community Services Fees and Charges (R4753) and its attachment (A1507700) be received;

AND THAT the proposed fees and charges as detailed in attachment 1 (A1507700) of Report R4735 be approved effective 1 July 2016;

AND THAT it be noted that the charging regime for the Golf Course will be brought to a future Committee meeting;

AND THAT it be noted that the charging regime for the Trafalgar Centre will be brought to a future Committee meeting;

AND THAT it be noted that the charging regime for Nelson Public Libraries will be brought to a future Committee meeting.


9.        Asset Management Planning Update for Parks and Reserves Asset Management Plan 2018 - 2028                                         41 - 47

Document number R5427


THAT the report Asset Management Planning Update for Parks and Reserves Asset Management Plan 2018 - 2028 (R5427) and its attachment A1509547 be received and updates noted.


Community Development

10.      Youth Services Options and Priorities - Update                    48

Document number R5764


THAT the report Youth Services Options and Priorities - Update (R5764) be received.



11.      Nelson Youth Council - Update

Youth Councillors Daniel Leaper and Emma Edwards will provide an update on Youth Council activities.      

12.      Nelson Youth Council - 19 October 2015                        49 - 54

Document number M1539


THAT the minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 19 October 2015, be received.


13.      Nelson Youth Council - 9 February 2016                        55 - 60

Document number M1694


THAT the minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 9 February 2016, be received.


14.      Nelson Youth Council - 2 March 2016                             61 - 67

Document number M1742


THAT the minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 2 March 2016, be received.



Public Excluded Business

15.      Exclusion of the Public


THAT the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows: 



General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interests protected (where applicable)


Community Services Committee Meeting - Public Excluded Minutes -  1 March 2016

Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7.

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·    Section 7(2)(i)

     To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).


Public Excluded Status Report - Community Services Committee- 14 April 2016


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·   Section 7(2)(i)

     To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)


Nelson Arts Festival Transition Group Membership


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·   Section 7(2)(a)

     To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person


16.      Re-admittance of the public


THAT the public be re-admitted to the meeting.



·               Youth Councillors Daniel Leaper and Emma Edwards will be in attendance at this meeting. (delete as appropriate)





Minutes of a meeting of the Community Services Committee

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 1 March 2016, commencing at 9.03am


Present:              Councillor P Rainey (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, Councillors R Copeland, M Lawrey, P Matheson, G Noonan (Deputy Chairperson), T Skinner and M Ward

In Attendance:   Councillor I Barker, Chief Executive (C Hadley), Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Community Services (C Ward), Senior Strategic Adviser (N McDonald), Manager Communications (P Shattock), Policy Coordinator (S Holman), Parks and Facilities Asset Planner (Andrew Petheram), Administration Adviser (L Canton) and Youth Councillors J Stallard and T Shuker.



1.        Apologies

There were no apologies.

2.        Confirmation of Order of Business

The Chairperson explained that since the agenda was issued, an additional public forum had been confirmed, from George Truman who would speak about the Stoke Community Centre.

The Chairperson also explained that minutes of the last Youth Council meeting would be received at the next Community Services Committee.  He added that Youth Councillors Jenna Stallard and Taylah Shuker would provide an update to this meeting.

3.        Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.        Public Forum

4.1      Hugh Briggs - Melrose House Society

Hugh Briggs, Chair of Melrose House Society and Doug Hattersley, Melrose House Society committee member spoke to the meeting. 

Mr Briggs spoke to the document distributed with the agenda. 

Mr Hattersley tabled a draft business case for expenditure at Melrose House (A1515407) which he spoke to.  He noted that Melrose House could potentially become self-funding if its usage as a venue for events increased, but this would not be possible without the proposed upgrades.

In response to a question, Mr Briggs said that competition for external funding was increasing and funding organisations were tightening up their requirements. 

In response to a further question about how the venue was marketed, he said that as well as being a member of Nelson Venues, the Society had in-house marketing expertise and had also used marketing consultants.

4.2      George Truman, Nelson Grey Power – Stoke Community Centre

George Truman said he was speaking on behalf of Nelson Grey Power about the proposed Stoke Community Centre.

Group Manager Community Services, Chris Ward reminded the meeting that the Stoke Community Centre was subject to a statutory hearing process currently before Independent Commissioners.  He advised that, according to Council’s Standing Orders, it was therefore inappropriate for the Committee to consider a public forum on this matter. 

5.        Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      3 November 2015

Document number M1568, agenda pages 14 - 20 refer.

Resolved CS/2016/001

THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee, held on 3 November 2015, be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Copeland/Skinner                                                                       Carried

6.        Status Report - Community Services Committee - 1 March 2016

Document number R5533, agenda pages 21 - 23 refer.

In response to a question about the Arts Fund – Approval of Concepts item, Mr Ward advised that a project manager was currently being appointed and the intention was to complete installation by the end of the 2015/16 financial year.

Resolved CS/2016/003

THAT the Status Report Community Services Committee 1 March 2016 (R5533) and its attachment (A1157454) be received.

Ward/Lawrey                                                                              Carried

7.        Chairperson's Report

There was no Chairperson’s Report.

Recreation and Leisure

8.        Asset Management Planning Updates for Property and Facilities Asset Management Plan 2018-2028

Document number R4709, agenda pages 24 - 31 refer.

Group Manager Infrastructure, Alec Louverdis presented the report.  

In response to questions about the relevance to this Committee of some of the items included in the Asset Management Plan (AMP), Mr Louverdis advised that the majority of the items pertained to the Community Services Committee delegations, but that some items came under the delegations of other committees. 

Concern was expressed that items would not receive adequate governance oversight if they were not considered by the relevant committees.  Mr Louverdis advised that if such items from this AMP needed further consideration, they would be reported to the relevant committee.  It was requested that officers consider how to draw the AMP item updates to the attention of the relevant committees.

In response to a question about Melrose House, Mr Ward advised that the purpose of the AMP update was to reflect any significant changes officers have been made aware of since the AMPs were compiled in 2015.  He advised that there were no major changes in Melrose House operations that needed inclusion in this report.

Resolved CS/2016/004

THAT the report Asset Management Planning Updates for Property and Facilities Asset Management Plan 2018-2028 (R4709) and its attachment (A1489927) be received and updates noted.

Ward/Matheson                                                                          Carried

Cemeteries and Crematoria

9.        Marsden Valley Cemetery - Request for Dedicated Burial Plots

Document number R5521, agenda pages 32 - 37 refer.

Parks and Facilities Asset Planner, Andrew Petheram presented the report.

In response to questions, Mr Petheram explained that the proposed number of dedicated burial plots to be allocated was based on the estimated number of deaths per annum.  He confirmed that the Muslim community had advised that the proposed number for Muslim plots was appropriate. 

In response to a further question, Mr Petheram advised that there remained sufficient provision for the next extension to the Returned and Services’ Association section and this would come to Council as part of the next Long Term Plan. 

Resolved CS/2016/005

THAT the report Marsden Valley Cemetery - Request for Dedicated Burial Plots (R5521) and its attachments (A1485598 and A1485622) be received.

Copeland/Lawrey                                                                        Carried


Recommendation to Council CS/2016/006

THAT within the Marsden Valley cemetery, 100 plots be allocated as Catholic burial plots and 30 plots be allocated as Muslim burial plots, as shown on the indicative map attached as Appendix 2 (A1485622).

Copeland/Reese                                                                         Carried


Attendance: The meeting adjourned for morning tea from 9.56am to 10.18am during which time Councillor Copeland left the meeting.


10.      Nelson Marina Strategy

Document number R5566, agenda pages 38 - 103 refer.

Parks and Facilities Asset Planner, Andrew Petheram presented the report.

Attendance:  Councillor Copeland returned to the meeting at 10.19am.

In response to questions, Mr Petheram said it was hoped that interested parties would participate in the consultation process.  He added that as this was a long term strategy to be implemented in stages, there would likely be ongoing opportunities for public engagement. 

Resolved CS/2016/007

THAT the report Nelson Marina Strategy (R5566) and its attachment (A1498122) be received.

Ward/Copeland                                                                          Carried


Recommendation to Council CS/2016/008

THAT the draft Nelson Marina Strategy (A1498122) be received;

AND THAT fees and charges at the Marina be increased as from 1 July 2016 as per the Consumer Price Index;

AND THAT the Marina Development Levy be discontinued as from 1 July 2016;

AND THAT an unbudgeted amount of $30,000 be provided in the Marina Opex Account in 2015/16 to remedy existing health and safety risks;

AND THAT the draft Nelson Marina Strategy (A1498122) be work shopped with the Marina users, other key stakeholders, and interested parties and reported back to a future Community Services Committee prior to adoption.

Noonan/Copeland                                                                       Carried

11.      Community Investment Funding Panel Minutes

Document number R5535, agenda pages 104 - 113 refer.

Group Manager Community Services, Chris Ward presented the report.

A correction to the Interests section was noted, that the second reference to ‘Mr Ward’ in the last sentence should be replaced with ‘Mr Thomas’.

In response to a question, Mr Ward advised that overall the feedback from the community about the new Community Investment Funding Panel process had been positive.


Resolved CS/2016/009

THAT the unconfirmed minutes of the Community Investment Funding Panel, held on 23 October 2015, be received.

Rainey/Copeland                                                                        Carried

12.      Youth Council Update


Youth Councillor, Jenna Stallard advised that the Youth Council’s Youth Employment Subgroup had met last week and was planning to write to the Ministry of Education about improving the careers curriculum in schools. 

Youth Councillor, Taylah Shuker said that Youth Councillors had also had a Heritage Week meeting to discuss the opening of the Refinery Art Gallery, an event that would include photos taken by youth as part of last year’s Heritage Week photo competition.  She added that two Youth Council members were attending the District Health Board meetings to provide a youth perspective.  She added that the Youth Council had also approved the Youth Council Performance Indicators, which would help measure its performance and provide a year on year comparison into the future.

13.      Exclusion of the Public

It was queried whether item 4 on the public excluded agenda would be more appropriately considered in public. 

Attendance:  The meeting adjourned from 10.36am to 10.39am

The Chairperson advised that it was necessary to consider item 4 in the public excluded meeting and councillors could consider at that time whether any parts of the item could be released to the public.

Resolved CS/2016/010

THAT the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

Rainey/Noonan                                                                           Carried



General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interests protected (where applicable)


Community Services Committee Meeting - Public Excluded Minutes -  3 November 2015

Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7.

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·   Section 7(2)(i)

        To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)


Public Excluded Status Report - Community Services Committee- 1 March 2016


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·   Section 7(2)(i)

     To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)


Crematorium Delivery Review


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·   Section 7(2)(i)

     To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)


Hardstand Akersten Street - Management Options


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·   Section 7(2)(i)

     To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)


Community Leases - Omnibus Report


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·   Section 7(2)(i)

     To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

The meeting went into public excluded session at 10.40am and resumed in public session at 11.35am. 

14.      Re-admittance of the Public

Resolved CS/2016/011

THAT the public be re-admitted to the meeting.

Rainey/Skinner                                                                           Carried


There being no further business the meeting ended at 11.36am.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date



Community Services Committee

14 April 2016




Status Report - Community Services Committee - 14 April 2016



1.        Purpose of Report

1.1      To provide an update on the status of actions requested and pending.


2.        Recommendation

THAT the Status Report Community Services Committee 14 April 2016 (R5720) and it attachment (A1157454) be received.



Gayle Brown

Administration Adviser


Attachment 1:  A1157454 - Community Services Committee Status Report - 14 April 2016  





Community Services Committee

14 April 2016




Community Services Fees and Charges



1.        Purpose of Report

1.1      To advise and approve fees and charges for Community Facilities for the 2016/17 financial year.

2.        Delegations

2.1      The Community Services Committee has the area of responsibility of fees and charges relating to Community Services.


3.        Recommendation

THAT the report Community Services Fees and Charges (R4753) and its attachment (A1507700) be received;

AND THAT the proposed fees and charges as detailed in attachment 1 (A1507700) of Report R4735 be approved effective 1 July 2016;

AND THAT it be noted that the charging regime for the Golf Course will be brought to a future Committee meeting;

AND THAT it be noted that the charging regime for the Trafalgar Centre will be brought to a future Committee meeting;

AND THAT it be noted that the charging regime for Nelson Public Libraries will be brought to a future Committee meeting.




4.        Background

4.1      Fees and charges are reviewed annually and adjusted in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or to reflect changes in process and/or costs incurred to Council.

4.2      Currently officers have delegated authority to set fees and charges, however officers are of the view that approval via relevant committee is appropriate.

4.3      This report proposes some increase where justified by CPI adjustment or changes in Council process and cost recovery.

4.4      Council provisionally resolved to accept charges for the Akersten Street Hardstand and Travel-lift effective from 1 July 2016 and these are not covered in this report.

4.5      Fees and charges for the Council Golf Course are to remain the same pending development of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Golf Club which will be coming back to a future Committee Meeting. This is also excluded from this report.

4.6      Fees and charges for commercial use of the Trafalgar Centre are undergoing a separate review to determine the appropriate market rates for commercial use. The ongoing work on venues marketing will inform those rates. These will be subject to a separate report in the future.

4.7      Fees and charges for Nelson Public Libraries will be reviewed later in 2016 and these will be subject to a separate report in to a Committee in the future.

4.8      Fees and charges for the crematorium have been addressed through a separate report to the Community Services Committee.

5.        Discussion

5.1      This report considers the fees and charges levied by Council for work carried out in the area of Community Facilities.

5.2      In arriving at a proposed charging regime for 2016/17 the current fees and charges have been compared to the Revenue and Financing Policy and the actual recoveries.

6.        Options

6.1      Option 1. Approve the proposed changes to the fees and charges effective 1 July 2016. This is the recommended option.

6.2      Option 2. Accept the status quo and do not approve changes to fees and charges.

7.        Alignment with relevant Council policy

7.1      Setting fees and charges is not inconsistent with previous Council decisions.

8.        Assessment of Significance against the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy

8.1      The recommendations outlined in the report are not considered significant in terms of the Council’s Significance Policy.

9.        Consultation

9.1      No formal consultation has occurred with regards to the proposal in this report.

10.      Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process

10.1    Māori have not been consulted

11.      Conclusion

11.1    Officers recommend that the Community Services Committee approve the fees and charges as set out in Attachment 1 of this report.


Peter Anderson

Manager Operations


Attachment 1:  Community Services Fees and Charges 2016-2017 (A1507700)  



Attachment 1: Community facilities FEES AND CHARGES 2016-2017

Section 1:     Concessions Tahunanui Sport Field and Esplanade/Landscape

Revenue and Financing Policy: 80-100% General rates 0-20% User charges

Current Recovery: 89.5% General rates : 10.5%User charges

(2014-15 Recovery: 93% General rates : 7%User charges)

Governed by Tahunanui Reserves Management Plan and Parks and Reserves Management Plan this allows for:

·    6 sites within inland Management area i.e. sport field and beach area Lions playground

·    3 sites allowed around the sites in the activity area i.e. Bumperboats, skate rink area.

·      3 sites allowed Coastal Management area i.e. back beach. Estuary area.

No increase proposed in 2016 – 17 as current recovery aligned with Finance and Revenue Policy




Commercial Concessions with and without power supply

$232 (incl. GST) per month  or 10% of gross, whichever is greater ($58 (incl. GST) per month for power)

Minimum payments for 4 months

No change

Commercial Races/Events

$2 per competitor for < 300

$3 per competitor for 300 - 400

$5 per competitor for > 400

Entry level activity promotion events excluded from charges

No  change

Circus and other similar events  that need to stay on site overnight

$232 (incl. GST) per day (plus power where used)

No change

Reserve Booking incl. Workshops with and without power supply

$47 per booking (incl. GST)

$0 for community events/community benefit

No change


Section 2:  Sport Fields:

Revenue and Financing Policy: 80-100% General rates 0-20% User charges

Current recovery: 89.5% General rates : 10.5%User charges

(2014-15 Recovery: 93% General rates : 7%User charges)

No increase proposed in 2016 – 17 as current recovery aligned with Finance and Revenue Policy




Sports field Allocation

Seasonal Allocation for weekend games: 10% of actual additional maintenance costs over above park standard

No change

Good alignment with Revenue and Financing Policy

One off Sports field Bookings (non gate charge)

Daily rate for sports fields $232 (incl GST)

Trafalgar Park/Saxton Oval

$464 (incl. GST)

No change

Good alignment with Revenue and Financing Policy

Practice Fields

No charge

No change

Clubs encouraged to use practice fields to keep competition grounds in good condition


Saxton Oval





Saxton Oval – commercial (charge) event

$2500 per event day or part thereof or 3.5% of gross gate take whichever is the greater

$2750 per event day or part thereof or 3.5% of gross gate take whichever is the greater

Reflects no change since 2010/11 year

Saxton Oval – community (no charge) event


No change

Remains at a level accessible for community use.


Miscellaneous charges




Other Charge Grounds

$1035 (incl GST) per event day or 2.5% of gross gate take whichever is the greater

$1035 (incl GST) per event day or 2.5% of gross gate take whichever is the greater

No change as rarely used by community organisations

Use of Council Resource consent for amplified sound that will exceed 55dB and/or run until after 10pm.


$575 (incl GST) for events of a commercial nature (ie ticketed) including use of Site Noise management Plan

No Council charge for Event Noise Management Plan except for costs to prepare

No charge for free community events using Council’s consent.

No change

As agreed by Audit Risk and Finance committee 2015

Beehives on Council land

$8.50 (incl GST) per hive

$17.25 (incl GST) per hive

1 operator with 322 hives (current) – low administration cost. Increase is within operator expectations

Hunting Permits



Benefit to Reserve Areas

Camping at Haulashore and Oyster Islands



Up to 2 nights only. Used by Scouts etc.

Key Deposit


Varying scale depending on significance of key.

From $23 to $230 (incl GST).

Codes who want key for season $35 (incl GST) hire

Large administration overhead to administer key management. Review of entire key system underway

Grazing Licences

Extensive areas  Market Valuation

Other areas by negotiation

No change

Status Quo. The animals graze the vegetation  therefore reducing the fire risk, which is a more cost effective  than contractor  maintaining vegetation.


Section 3: Hanging Baskets





Hanging Baskets

$46 (incl. GST) in CBD & perimeter and high profile arrival roads

Outside CBD – $138 (incl GST) or negotiate directly with Nelmac

No change

Recoveries cover actual costs.


Section 4: Swimming Pools  (Riverside and Nayland )

Revenue and Financing Policy: 100% General rates

Recoveries: Nil Management Contractor (CLM) retains all user charges

Contract managed by Community Leisure Management (CLM) to provide.

·    Maintenance and promotion of the pools

·    Provide learn to swim, casual swim club access and fitness programmes

·    Council sets all fees and charges (Not CLM)



(incl GST)

2016 -2017  (inc GST)


Adult Admission


No change


No change to 15/16 fees

Child Admission


No change

*Seniors, Students & Community Service Card-Holders


No change

Pre-School Admission


No change

Mid range for similar pools in other provincial centres

School Pupil Admission


No change

Pool Hire During Public Swimming Times - Riverside


No change

Higher end cost for  pools compared to other provincial centres

Pool Hire During Public Swimming Times - Nayland Complex


No change

Regular Hire  - Riverside


No change

No increase this year

Regular Hire  - Nayland Complex


No change

Casual Hire Outside Public Swimming Times - Riverside


No change


Mid range cost for similar pool compared to other provincial centres

Casual Hire Outside Public Swimming Times- Nayland Complex


No change

Lane Hire


No change

Higher end cost for  pools compared to other provincial centres


Section 5: Superloo

Revenue and Financing Policy:  100% General rates 

Recoveries: Nil (Management Contractor (OCS) retains all user charges)


Governed by Property and Facilities Asset Management Plan allows for;

·    User fees to be set by Council

·    Costs kept to a minimum to encourage use



2015 -2016

(incl GST)

2016 -2017

(incl GST)

Superloo admittance


No change

Aligns with Revenue and Financing Policy







Laundry - Cold Wash


Laundry - Warm wash






Section 6: Halls and Stadiums;

6.1 Saxton Stadium

Revenue and Financing Policy: (Premier Parks)   80-90% General rates 10-20% User charges

Current recovery: 77% General Rates : 23% User charges

(2014 Recovery: 82% General Rates : 18% User charges)

Governed by Property and Facilities Asset Management Plan allows for management contract for Saxton Stadium, including bookings, invoicing use of the stadium and maintenance

·    All revenue recovered by Council

·    Recover 37% maintenance cost from TDC

Note* increased use due to the closure of the Trafalgar Centre


Pavilion Hire (incl GST)

2016 -2017


Full Pavilion (all day)


No change to the 15/16 fees proposed

Exceeds Revenue and Financing Policy with respect to user charges

Pavilion (Evening)


Pavilion (Morning/Afternoon)


Half Pavilion (Full Day)


Half Pavilion(Evening)


Half Pavilion (Morning/Afternoon)


Full Pavilion Per Hour


Half Pavilion Per Hour


Saxton Pavilion (all day)


Pavilion (Evening)


Pavilion (Morning/Afternoon)


Half Pavilion (Full Day)


Half Pavilion(Evening)


Half Pavilion (Morning/Afternoon)


Full Pavilion Per Hour

No change

Half Pavilion Per Hour

No change

Full Pavilion (all day)


Pavilion (Evening)


Pavilion (Morning/Afternoon)


Half Pavilion (Full Day)


No change to the 15/16 fees proposed

Exceeds Revenue and Financing Policy with respect to user charges

Half Pavilion(Evening)


Half Pavilion (Morning/Afternoon)



Stadium Hire (incl GST)



Whole Building and Pavilion


No change to the 15/16 fees are  proposed

Exceeds Revenue and Financing Policy  with respect to user charges

Stadium (Full Day)


Stadium half day or half stadium full day


Half Stadium half day


Whole Building and Pavilion


Stadium (Full Day)


Stadium half day or half stadium full day



Half Stadium half day


Basketball Court (per hour)

No Change

*Netball Court (per hour)

No Change

*Volleyball Court (per hour)

No Change

*Badminton Court (per hour)

No Change


No Change




















6.2  Saxton Oval Pavilion


Revenue and Financing Policy: 80-90% General rates 10-20% User charges

Current Recovery: 88.4% General rate : 11.6% User charges

(2014 -15 Recovery 96.5% General rate : 3.5% User charges)

Governed by Property and Facilities Asset Management Plan allows 

·    Management contract for Saxton Stadium.  Including bookings, invoicing use of the stadium and maintenance

·    Large sporting events e.g. International One Day Cricket

·    All revenue recovered by Council


The building has a high commercial use and it is proposed to increase commercial fees by 3% for greater alignment with the Finance and Revenue Policy.


Recover 37% maintenance cost from TDC



Oval Hire (includes GST)




Private Social Functions (eg Weddings & Birthdays)


The building has a high commercial use.  Revenue included CWC15. Proposed to increase commercial fees by 3% to ensure revenue remains within the Revenue and Finance Policy.



All Day (Weddings)



Full Pavilion (all day)



Pavilion (Evening)



Pavilion (Morning/Afternoon)



Meeting-Non Commercial/Cultural and Community Events


Saxton Pavilion (all day)



Pavilion (Evening)



Pavilion (Morning/Afternoon)



Commercial Use (Seminars or Expos)


Full Pavilion (all day)



Pavilion (Evening)



Pavilion (Morning/Afternoon)





6.3 Stoke Hall

Revenue and Financing Policy: 80-100% General rates 0-20% User charges

Current recovery: 64.4% General rates : 35.6%User charges

(2014 -15 Recovery: 85.5% General rates : 14.5% User charges

Governed by Property and Facilities Asset Management Plan which allows management by contractor (Spotless) responsible for bookings, cleaning and maintenance




Ticket Performance Events/Shows (includes GST)


No changes are proposed to 2015-16 fees as user charges exceeded as per Finance and Revenue Policy



Whole Building (Full Day)


Whole Building (Evening)


Whole Building (Morning/Afternoon)


Private Social Functions (includes GST)


Whole Building (Full Day)


Whole Building (Evening)


Whole Building (Morning/Afternoon)


Non Commercial/Cultural and Community Events (Includes GST)


Whole Building (Full Day)


Whole Building (Evening)


Whole Building (Morning/Afternoon)

$ 77

Main Hall (Full Day)


Main Hall (Evening)


Main Hall (Morning/Afternoon)


Supper Room (Full Day)


Supper Room (Evening)


Supper Room (Morning/Afternoon)


Supper Room per hour


Meeting Room (Full Day)


Meeting Room (Evening)


Meeting Room (Morning/Afternoon)


Meeting Room per hour




Stoke Hall (cont)


Sport Activities & Practice (Includes GST)


No changes are proposed to 2015-16 fees as user charges exceeded as per Finance and Revenue Policy


Whole Building (Full Day)


Whole Building (Evening)


Whole Building (Morning/Afternoon)


Main Hall (Full Day)


Main Hall (Evening)


Main Hall (Morning/Afternoon)


Hourly rate (Evening)


Hourly rate (Morning/Afternoon)


Whole Building (Per Day)


Whole Building (Per Day)


Whole Building (Evening)


Whole Building (Morning/Afternoon)



6.4   Wakapuaka Hall

Revenue and Financing Policy: 80-100% General rates 0-20% User charges

Current recovery: 93.5%General rates : 6.5%User charges

(2014-15 Recovery 95% General rates : 5% User charges


Governed by Property and Facilities Asset Management Plan which allows management by contractor (Spotless) responsible for bookings, cleaning and maintenance                      




Ticket Performance Events/Shows (Includes GST)


Whole Building (Full Day)


No changes are proposed to 2015-16 fees to encourage greater use of this facility.


Whole Building (Evening)


Whole Building (Morning/Afternoon)


Private Social Functions (Includes GST)

Whole Building (Full Day)


Whole Building (Evening)


Whole Building (Morning/Afternoon)


Meeting Non-Commercial/Cultural and Community Events (Includes GST)

Whole Building (Full Day)


Whole Building (Evening)


Whole Building (Morning/Afternoon)


Sport Activities and Practice (Includes GST)

Whole Building (Full Day)


Whole Building (Evening)


Whole Building (Morning/Afternoon)


Hourly rate (Evening)


Hourly rate (Morning/Afternoon)


Shows – Commercial and Trade Shows (Includes GST)

Whole Building (Per Day)


Business Seminars/Conferences (Includes GST)

Whole Building (Per Day)


Whole Building (Evening)


Whole Building (Morning/Afternoon)



6.5 Trafalgar St Hall

Revenue and Financing Policy: 80-100% General rates 0-20% User charges

Current recovery: 70.2% General rate : 29.8%User charges

(2014 – 15 Recovery: 66% General rate : 34%User charges)

Governed by Property and Facilities Asset Management Plan, this allows management by contractor (Spotless) responsible for bookings, cleaning and maintenance 


2016 – 2017


Whole Building (Full Day)


No changes are proposed to 2015-16 fees as user charges exceeded as per Finance and Revenue Policy


Whole Building (Evening)


Whole Building (Morning/Afternoon)


Private Social Functions (Includes GST)

Hall (Full Day)


Hall (Evening)


Hall (Morning/Afternoon)


Hall (Full Day)


No changes to fees are proposed 2016- 17, good alignment with the Finance and Revenue Policy, and to encourage community use.


Hall (Evening)


Hall (Morning/Afternoon)


Small Meeting Room (Full Day)


Small Meeting Room (Evening)


Small Meeting Room (Morning/Afternoon)

$ 60

Small Meeting Room per hour

$ 12

Sports Activities and Practice (Includes GST)

Hall (Full Day)


Hall (Evening)


Hall (Morning/Afternoon)


Hourly rate (Evening)


Hourly rate (morning)


Whole Building (Per Day)


Hall (Per Day)


Hall (Evening)


Hall (Morning/Afternoon)



6.6 Trafalgar Park Pavilion

Revenue and Financing Policy: 80-90% General rates 10-20% User charges

Current recovery: 92% General rates : 8% User charges

(2014-15 recovery: 93% General rates : 7% User charges)

Governed by Property and Facilities Asset Management Plan which allows management by contractor (Spotless) responsible for bookings, cleaning and maintenance




2016 -2017


Private Social Functions (Includes GST)


It is proposed an increase of (1%) is applied to closer align recoveries with Revenue and Financing Policy

Pavilion (Full Day)


No changes are proposed to 2015-16 fees as user charges exceeded as per Finance and Revenue Policy


Pavilion (Evening)


Pavilion (Morning/Afternoon)


Meeting Non-Commercial/Cultural and Community Events (Includes GST)

Pavilion (Full Day)


Pavilion (Evening)


Pavilion (Morning/Afternoon)


Meeting room per hour


Business Seminars/Conferences (Includes GST)

Pavilion (Full Day)


Pavilion (Evening)


Pavilion (Morning/Afternoon)




Section 7: Cemeteries

Revenue and Financing Policy: 40- 60% General rates 40- 60% User charges

Current recovery: 52.1% General rates : 47.9%User charges

(2014 -15 Recovery: 67%  General Rates : 33% User charges)


(Inc GST)


Burial Plot Fees

No changes are proposed to 2015/16 fess as user charges exceeded as per Finance and Revenue Policy



Single plot, 2.4m x 1.2m


Single plot, 2.0m x 0.9m, set apart for interment of children


Natural Burial Plot: To be confirmed


Out of district - additional fee on any plot


Ash Plot Fees

a) for burial of cremated remains in plot, 1.2m x 0.6m (up to 4)


c) for burial of cremated remains, Memorial Lawn - Marsden Valley Cemetery


e) Bellbird ashes lawn family plot (up to 8)


f) Out of district - additional fee on any ashes plot


g) Memorial Kerb Plaque only              Small




Burial Internment Fees

Burial plot, aged 12 years upwards - weekday


Burial plot child 1-12 years


Burial plot up to 1 year including stillborn


Burial Disinterment




Saturday additional fee on any plot


Public holiday - additional fee on any plot


Ash Internment Fees

Ash Internment


Ash Disinterment


Saturday additional fee on any plot


Public holiday - additional fee on any plot






Other service charges

2016 -2017

(Inc GST)


Late funerals extending after 3.30pm


 No changes are proposed to 2015-16 fees as user charges exceeded as per Finance and Revenue Policy


Transfer of interest: For transfer of interest in any purchase of exclusive right of burial in any plot.


Records: Genealogical Research - the first hour is free, thereafter a single charge per hour is due.


Approval of installation of plaque: Plaques are to meet the Council's specifications and bylaws.





Section 8: Founders Heritage Park


Revenue and Financing Policy: 80-100% General rates


Current recovery: 60%General rates 40%User charges

Proposed fees reflect inclusion of cleaning fees, except for meeting room bookings where impact on room is low and hirer can easily bring venue back to satisfactory standard.



(Incl GST)


Meetings – 3hrs

(self clean)









No changes are proposed to 2015-16 fees as user charges exceeded as per Finance and Revenue Policy











No changes are proposed to 2015-16 fees as user charges exceeded as per Finance and Revenue Policy

Jaycee Room




Energy Centre




Meetings – full day

(self clean)



Jaycee Room






Energy Centre


Function Hire – 24 hours


Jaycee Room



Off peak – Sun-Wed



Peak – Thurs -Sat


Energy Centre

Off peak – Sun-Wed


Energy Centre

Peak – Thurs-Sat


Functions – additional set up/pack downs days if required



$200 per day

Energy Centre

$400 per day

Event – more than 5 days

$400 per day

Grounds Hire


Less than 100 people


More than 100 people




All venues / all resources

$2,500 plus GST

Additional day

$1,500 plus GST


Full Park Event hire

All venue / all resources

Includes set up / pack day if required –max 3 days


No alcohol event

$2,500 plus GST

Alcohol / food carts event

$3,300 plus GST

Off peak (shoulder season June  to September), non alcohol event.

$1,100 plus gst



Section 9: Broadgreen House


Revenue and Financing Policy: 80-100% General rates



Fees currently retained by Broadgreen Society – this is under review

Increase price for visitor (Non – resident). Free to residents 2016 -17

Free for Locals (Includes Nelson and Tasman)



Fees and charges



(Incl GST)

2016 -17

(Incl GST)


Adult entrance fee



To bring Broadgreen House admission fees in-line with other heritage facilities (Founders Park, Nelson Provincial Museum) pricing structure is recommended as shown.

·      Free for Locals:

(locals include Nelson and Tasman residents)

Visitors pay:

Adults $5.00

Concession – (no concessions, similar to Nelson Provincial Museum)

Under 16 free



Senior Citizen entry fee



Student entry fee


Under 16 – No charge

Under 5 yrs entry fee

No charge


Section 10: Nelson Marina







(Incl GST)


Berthing Deposits


No changes are proposed to 2015-16 fees

Pontoon Permanent Berth

Single Payment


Pole Berth (Pile Mooring)

Single Payment


Dry Berth Trailer Park

Single Payment


Development Levy


One off charge

Single charge per metre of boat + GST


Marina Berth Annual Licence


Floating Berth

Annual charge per metre of boat + GST


Pile Mooring

Annual charge per metre of boat + GST


Dry Berths

Annual charge per site + GST


Commercial Recreational

Annual charge per metre of boat or berth whichever is the greater



Annual charge per metre of boat or berth whichever is the greater

1.5-2 monohull charge

Multi-hull Recreation/ Commercial

Visitor Berths


Vessel under 18M

Day rate inc GST


Vessels 18-20M

Day rate inc GST


Vessels over 20M

Charge per metre per day


Annual Boat Ramp Ticket


Full Year

Single Charge


1st Oct – 30 June

Single Charge


1st Jan – 30 June

Single Charge


1st Apr – 30 June

Single Charge




Temporary rate

Annual charge per metre of boat per day + GST


Public Launches

Per launch


Live-aboard charge

Per month



Per shower

No change

Admin Charge

Per application




Community Services Committee

14 April 2016




Asset Management Planning Update for Parks and Reserves Asset Management Plan 2018 - 2028



1.        Purpose of Report

1.1      To inform Council of significant new items that will be considered during development of the Asset Management Plans 2018-2028.

2.        Delegations

2.1      The Community Services Committee has the responsibility to review policies and strategies relating to its areas of responsibility, including provision, operation, and maintenance of recreation and leisure facilities and services.


3.        Recommendation

THAT the report Asset Management Planning Update for Parks and Reserves Asset Management Plan 2018 - 2028 (R5427) and its attachment A1509547 be received and updates noted.




4.        Background

4.1      The Asset Management Plans (AMPs) are one enabler of sound asset management.  They describe agreed management practices, asset management strategies, projects, and operational activities required to meet expected levels of service and mitigate risks. 

4.2      AMPs are key documents in showing how the organisation intends to manage its asset base and includes a long term plan for ensuring levels of service are met in the most cost-effective manner.

4.3      Council adopted the Parks Asset Management Plan 2015-2025 on 19 November 2015. It is continuously referenced and reviewed to ensure it makes adequate provision for the ongoing function of core Council assets and also recognises the issues the community may face into the future.

4.4      Implementation of the 2015 AMP is underway – scheduled projects have commenced and asset management improvement actions are in progress.

4.5      Asset management is a continuous process and, as internal and external factors change, must consider implications on asset management objectives and practices.

5.        Discussion


5.1      This report summarises new significant issues and risks that have arisen since adoption of the 2015-2025 AMP and which are expected to feature in the Asset Management Plan 2018-2028.

5.2      Issues that arise from changes in legislation, customer expectations, and environmental factors or are uncovered during planned studies and investigations or ongoing operations are collected and assessed.

5.3      Council’s Operations, Capital Projects and Asset Management Teams are co-located and frequently discuss issues and share information freely.  Cross-council communications are also maintained to ensure all key stakeholders are included in this sharing of knowledge.

5.4      Several recent initiatives have strengthened this relationship by driving a common understanding of practices, clarifying responsibilities and formalising aspects of lifecycle asset management activities across the Infrastructure Group.

5.5      Operational staff and Asset Managers contribute to asset planning and risk management through frequent asset performance meetings and their contribution to a shared asset improvement register of problems and opportunities.  Items are discussed and actions agreed (e.g. recommendation for Annual Plan, for consideration in next AMP, etc).

5.6      A process for organisational business cases has also been established and will enable decision making for capital projects.  Organisational business cases will support funding requests in the next round of AMPs.

5.7      Joint training and development opportunities have also been completed, including review of: the asset management lifecycle (to include asset management planning and AMPs), project management practices, and operational, maintenance vs. renewal activities.

5.8      Discussions have also taken place on means to improve use of asset management information systems to enable improvements to overall efficiency and effectiveness.

5.9      Additional improvements are planned including an update to the AMP format to drive consistency and ensure content is fit for the audience; a review of the risk management framework against organisational standards; and consideration on how to incorporate the changes raised in the 2015 International Infrastructure Management Manual and the new ISO 55000 standards for asset management.

5.10    Attachment 1 is a summary of the significant issues or risks that will need to be considered when preparing the 2018-2028 AMP.  Issues noted will require further investigation and analysis before detailed implications can be outlined.

6.        Alignment with relevant Council policy

6.1      Asset Management Plans are intended to support Council’s purpose under section 10(1(b)) of the Local Government Act 2002.

6.2      Nelson 2060 will continue to be taken into account in the preparation of future plans

7.        Assessment of Significance against the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy

7.1      This is not a significant decision in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

8.        Consultation

8.1      No consultation has been undertaken at this stage. Consultation will be via the Long Term Plan 2018-2028.

9.        Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process

9.1      No consultation has been undertaken with Māori. Consultation will be via the Long Term Plan 2018-2028. 


Andrew Petheram

Parks and Facilities Asset Planner


Attachment 1:  A1509547 Asset Planning Update for  2018-28 Parks and Reserves AMP  







Community Services Committee

14 April 2016




Youth Services Options and Priorities - Update



1.            Purpose of Report

1.1          To provide a brief update to the Community Services Committee regarding options and priorities for youth development funding in 2016/17.

2.            Delegations

2.1          The Community Services Committee has the area of responsibility for community development.


3.            Recommendation

THAT the report Youth Services Options and Priorities - Update (R5764) be received.

4.            Discussion

4.1          Council has been formally supporting youth social services and recreational activities out of ‘The Hub’, the ‘New Hub’ and later ‘The Truck’ since 2002. The Youth and Community Facilities Trust have provided governance and management over this time.

4.2          A public excluded report (R5199) was presented to Council on 17 December 2015, with Council resolving:

AND THAT Officers report to the Community Services Committee in April 2016 with options and priorities for youth development funding for 2016/17.

4.3          Officers are continuing to work on options and priorities for youth development funding for 2016/17, and it is anticipated that a further report covering this will come to the next Community Services Committee meeting on 26 May 2016.


Chris Ward

Group Manager Community Services




Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Monday 19 October 2015, commencing at 1.00pm


Present:              H George (Chairperson), D Leaper, Z Palmer, L Field, H Malpas, E Thomas, F Sawyer, B Shaw, E Ang, K Shaw, T Shuker, E Ngawhika-Elliott, F Jankiewicz-McClintock, J Morgan, S McIlroy, J Lankshear, K Phipps, R Griffiths and R McManus

In Attendance:   Councillor Lawrey, Councillor Rainey, Cadet Community Services (J Clementson), Social Wellbeing Adviser (R Large) and Administration Adviser (J Young)


1.        Apologies



2.        Confirmation of Minutes

2.1      18 September 2015

Document number M1466, agenda pages 4 - 11 refer.

Resolved YC/2015/006

THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 18 September 2015, be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Phipps/Leaper                                                                             Carried


3.        Flag Referendum

Adrienne Alford, Deputy Registrar of Electors – Electoral Commission attended to discuss this year’s flag referendum. 

She advised that the last chance to enrol was 19 November 2015. She explained that 18 year olds, and those who turned 18 prior to 11 December 2015 could enrol now, and that 17 year olds could join a provisional roll.

In answer to a question, Ms Alford advised Youth Councillors who wished to become involved to begin by encouraging their peers to enrol.  She added that anyone who wished to help in the office or as a field worker should enquire at the offices of the Nelson Electoral Office in Morrison Square.

Councillor Lawrey explained that the flag debate had arisen as part of a National Party election campaign promise.

Ms Alford advised that voting in the flag referendum was by post and urged Youth Councillors to make contact with the Electoral Office if they did not receive voting papers.

4.        Youth Health Alliance

Elaine Ang and Keegan Phipps spoke about their attendance at the Youth Health Alliance meeting on 7 October 2015. They explained that youth mental health issues had been raised as the most important issue.  Keegan noted the meeting acknowledged that youth services needed to be proactive in connecting with young people.

Annette Milligan, Clinical Director Women, Child and Youth – Nelson Marlborough District Health Board spoke about efforts to improve connections between health services and young people and acknowledged a lack of consultation with young people on this issue in the past. She advised there would be a six month period of consultation, which would contribute to  improved services. She said there were plenty of areas where Youth Councillors could become involved, and assist prior to the year end, and early in 2016.

Ryan McManus,  Hannah Malpas,  Zoe Palmer, Elaine Ang, Keegan Phipps, Jordan Lankshear, Taylah Shuker, Fynn Jankiewicz-McClintock  and Jamie Morgan volunteered to be part of a Youth Health Alliance subgroup. 

Ms Milligan explained that the first meeting was planned for Tuesday 27 October, 4.00–5.00pm.

5.        Arts Festival Project

Axel de Maupeou, Festivals Team Leader – Nelson City Council, spoke about the Collective project “Word on the Street”.  He explained the challenges faced, including the strong winds experienced, and some minor vandalism. The dedication from participants was acknowledged.

Improvements for future projects were discussed.  It was suggested that engagement with “Word on the Street” may have been hindered by too much secrecy.  Ms Palmer said that social media could be better utilised in future. In particular, it was noted that it had been difficult to get support for the Boosted crowd-funding initiative.  Ms Palmer added that there had been some resistance to the sign-up process involved in donating through Boosted.

Sam McIlroy suggested that secrecy could have been lifted a week prior to the event, and signage added on the day explaining the project.

Alex summarised the project, calling it a foundation to grow upon. He said he would take feedback on board to produce something even better for next year. He explained the books would be displayed indoors, then a book of all the drawings created by NMIT, to form part of a gallery of what the Collective has created each year.

6.        Sonic and Masked Parade

Mr de Maupeou outlined changes to this year’s Sonic and Masked Parade, and invited feedback from Youth Councillors.

There was favour for the changed layout and an increased number of stages, but it was suggested that a greater security presence would be beneficial.

It was acknowledged that the assembly addresses appeared to have had an impact on behaviour. There was criticism of comments made by one of the visiting police officers at one school.

Hannah Malpas noted that she had insufficient warning to make her presentation to her school.

It was suggested that the role of Youth Councillors as volunteers could be better defined and a tight pinchpoint at the beginning of the Masked Parade was noted.

Katie Shaw highlighted feedback from parents that they appreciated the strong youth focus of this year’s event.

Lucy Field said she really enjoyed being a judge.

Some incidences of disorder and drunkenness were raised and noted by Axel. He said he had received feedback that the event had been generally well controlled, but he accepted there would always be room for improvement.

Councillor Lawrey queried the participation level of colleges, and it was explained that the timing of examinations had an impact.  Katie Shaw noted that her college participated on alternate years.

Rachael Large asked Youth Councillors to let her know how they contributed on Friday night for inclusion in the end of year letters.

7.        TPPA

Bronte Shaw provided a brief outline of what the TPPA was and explained what it meant for New Zealand. She noted some of the benefits and a few known drawbacks.  She explained how the secrecy around the TPPA has been the main focus of protestors.  She explained that the agreement had been signed, but not yet written into our law.  She referred Youth Councillors to and the individual political party websites.

It was noted that the agreement will be available in the public domain shortly.  

There was a discussion around whether Youth Council held a group opinion on the TPPA issue. It was noted that it was more appropriate for Youth Councillors to make a personal decision and pursue the matter individually should they wish. It was noted there was a global petition that could be signed via the website 

In response to a question, Councillor Rainey explained that the Council had expressed its reservations regarding the TPPA during a previous term.

Councillor Lawrey suggested that if Youth Councillors felt unsure about the TPPA’s full content, they may wish to consider taking a position over the issue of the secrecy in which it had been conducted.

8.        Nelson Youth Council Recruitment 2016

Ms Large gave an update on the 2016 recruitment process, advising that 45 applications had been received. She offered to make the list of names available to any Youth Councillor who wanted it, and invited feedback on applicant suitability. She advised that seven current Youth Council members had reapplied.

9.        Youth Emergency Services

Rhys Griffiths outlined the Youth Emergency Services meeting held at the Coastguard building on 21 September 2015. He said that responsibility for the different roles had been established and the parties were now to apply for funding. He added that St John had joined the group. There was discussion around the lack of promotion observed to date. Zoe advised she was holding recruitment posters and would distribute those shortly.

10.      Workbridge

Keegan Phipps spoke about Workbridge, an organisation that linked disabled people to jobs that suited them. He explained that common conditions such as asthma and the need for glasses met the eligibility criteria.  Keegan advised he would email Youth Councillors inviting them to visit Workbridge with him.

11.      Council Meetings

Document number R5035, agenda pages 12 - 13 refer.

Fynn Sawyer spoke about the Community Services Meeting he attended on 24 September 2015.  He spoke about the Refugee Services Office relocation item which was well supported by the refugee community. Councillor Lawrey clarified the extent of the shift – which was from Bridge Street in the CBD to the suburb of Tahunanui.

Keegan spoke about the commitment of the long-serving volunteer base at the historic Broadgreen House.

Ms Large advised of the attendance at the upcoming Council and Committee meetings.

12.      Youth Council Evaluation

Youth Councillors received and completed an evaluation form (A434754).  The previous three years’ completed evaluation forms were noted to form part of a Youth Council review to be conducted by Shanine Hermsen.

13.      General Business

           Active Recreation

           Fynn Sawyer spoke about recent developments to this policy. He advised he had attended some public workshops with Keegan Phipps and Sam McIlroy, and that a draft version of the policy had recently been made public.

           Ministry of Youth Development Questionnaire Forms

           Ms Large asked that anyone who missed completing the Heritage Week project questionnaires please do so.

           Name Plate Spelling

           Ms Large advised that the spelling of names in end of year letters would be consistent with what was printed on the name plates. She asked Youth Councillors to let her know if spelling amendments were required.

           Thanks to Councillors

           Ms Large expressed thanks to Councillors for their time and attendance during the year.  Councillor Rainey said he had enjoyed the liaison and he apologised for not being at as many meetings he would have liked. He congratulated Youth Councillors for their efforts and wished them well in their future endeavours.

           Councillor Lawrey thanked the Youth Council for having him. He said it was great to see how interested they were in the goings on in the world, and that he hoped his children would become equally as engaged.

           Ms Large offered her thanks to Cadet Community Services Jo Clementson and the Administration Advisers.

           E-Text Communication System

           Ms Large explained the e-text system was being replaced.  She suggested Youth Councillors reply to the message entitled ‘Reply to this one’ to avoid text charges.  She noted Fynn Jankiewicz-McClintock’s preference for email communication.

           Community Youth Volunteer Award Judges

           Ms Large thanked the Community Youth Volunteer Award Judges and noted the challenge of the upcoming tight deadlines.

           2015 Nelson Climate Action March

           Bronte Shaw invited Youth Councillors to become involved in the Nelson Climate Action March. She asked those interested to meet with her at the conclusion of the meeting. She said she had posters available for display in schools.

           Education Survey

           Keegan advised he was keen to interview young people about education in Nelson. He said he was seeking the opinions from young and old.  He invited those interested to make themselves known.

           Induction Programme

           Ms Large advised of changes to the induction programme. She commented that additional time had been added to day two.  Youth Councillors were reminded of the induction programme dates: 9 and 10 of December 2015. 


           Ms Large congratulated Youth Councillors on their efforts throughout the year. She said it had been a ‘baptism of fire’ for many, and that some hefty projects had been taken on. She said they had done Youth Council proud. 

           Helena George thanked Rachael for her leadership and commitment on behalf of Youth Council.

There being no further business the meeting ended at 3.00pm.

Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:



                                                       Chairperson                                     Date



Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 9 February 2016, commencing at 1.01pm


Present:              T Shuker (Chairperson), D Leaper, Z Palmer, C Collins, H Goldthorpe, A James, I Lorandi, B Rogers, B Rumsey, J Alison, K Phipps, L Wilkes, S McIlroy, E Edwards, E Ang, M Dahal, S Kuo, and S Larson

In Attendance:   Councillors M Lawrey and P Rainey, Social Wellbeing Adviser (R Large), and Administration Adviser (S Burgess)

Apologies:           F Sawyer and J Stallard



1.        Apologies


The apologies were noted.

2.        Confirmation of Minutes

2.1      19 October 2015

Document number M1539, agenda pages 5 - 11 refer.

Resolved YC/2016/001

THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 19 October 2015, be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Phipps/Ang                                                                                 Carried


3.        Local Election and Flag Referendum

Marie Elliott, Registrar of Electors – Electoral Commission, joined the meeting and spoke about voting for the 2016 local election and the upcoming flag referendum. She advised youth could provisionally enrol at the age of 17, and highlighted that all youth should be enrolled by age 18.

Ms Elliott said she was keen to connect with youth councillors to have a conversation about how to encourage enrolment. In response to a question, she advised that 60-70% of youth in Nelson were enrolled, but the voting statistics were trending down.

4.        Youth Events

Paul McConachie of Youth and Community Works (YCW), joined the meeting. He explained that YCW was a social enterprise and provided details about YCW involvement in areas such as street ambassadors, youth development, and Volunteer Nelson.

Mr McConachie said that Nelson City Council was a key partner for YCW, he also thanked Youth Council for its support in past youth events.

Mr McConachie summarised past youth events, and events planned for the future such as supporting the underground electronic scene and a Pecha Kucha event.

In response to a question, Mr McConachie said he was happy to accept suggestions for events and performers from youth councillors, as well as any volunteers.

There was discussion on using Facebook and social media to publicise youth events and create a volunteer network.

5.        Nelson Public Libraries

Viv Rounce, Children’s and Young Adults Librarian, Nelson Public Libraries, spoke about the three Council libraries and database facilities for research. She spoke about previous youth councillor involvement in the libraries and their assistance with a library survey.

In response to questions, Ms Rounce said to contact the library email address with any ideas for youth. She said the library held three coding sessions per week, and highlighted there were opportunities for volunteers to assist.

6.        Chairperson and Live Nelson Article Rosters

Social Wellbeing Adviser, Rachael Large, explained to youth councillors that a roster of chairpersons was required and sought volunteers.

Ms Large said there would be six Live Nelson articles, at a maximum of 200 words, to be written by youth councillors, and called for volunteers. She said the articles would be emailed to all youth councillors for feedback, as they were written on behalf of the group.

Ms Large advised of a correction to the Youth Council meeting dates, the meeting on 11 August was incorrect and should read 15 August. It was noted that the meeting on 8 July was the last day of Term 2.

Resolved YC/2016/002

THAT the amended schedule for meetings of the Nelson Youth Council for 2016 be confirmed.

Phipps/Ang                                                                                 Carried

7.        Council and Committee Meeting Attendance

Ms Large spoke about the responsibilities of the four different committees of Council, and asked youth councillors to let her know which they were interested in attending.

8.        Youth Council Constitution

Document number R5449, agenda pages 11 - 17 refer.

Keegan Phipps presented the proposed changes to the Youth Council Constitution. He highlighted that under the current constitution some youth who had the ability to contribute as a youth councillor did not qualify. Mr Phipps said the change would simplify the selection process and focus on capability of applicants.

Resolved YC/2016/003

THAT the Nelson Youth Council constitution as presented to the Youth Council on 9 February 2016 including the following amendments be adopted:

i)      The date be amended to 2016

ii)    “inclusive, at the time of the first meeting in the year of membership” be removed from clause 4 a)

iii)  “with appointment made by resolution of the Youth Council” be removed from clause 5 g)

Phipps/Leaper                                                                             Carried

9.        Nelson Youth Council 2016 Annual Performance Indicators

Sam McIlroy presented the Youth Council 2016 Annual Performance Indicators for approval. He highlighted there had been challenges in the past with Youth Council saying yes to too many projects.

Resolved YC/2016/004

THAT the Nelson Youth Council 2016 Annual Performance Indicators be approved.

McIlroy/Phipps                                                                            Carried

10.      Heritage Week Exhibition

Keegan Phipps provided an update on the Heritage Week Exhibition to be displayed at the Refinery art gallery. He asked for assistance from youth councillors to organise and volunteer at the opening event. Mr Phipps emphasised that Youth Council needed to finish the project successfully as it was the Youth Week event for the year, with funding from the Ministry of Youth Development needing to be accounted for.

11.      Youth Employment

Keegan Phipps spoke about the issue of youth finding it difficult to obtain employment. He said policy should be targeted instead of the current focus on CV and skills workshops. Mr Phipps advised that Mayor Reese had offered to write a letter of reference for Youth Council if it wanted to send a request on the matter to the Minister of Education.

In response to a question, Mr Phipps said that if employer treatment of youth was raised in the subgroup then that topic could be discussed at that level.

12.      Youth Health Alliance

Elaine Ang spoke about the Youth Health Alliance and its role in speaking to the District Health Board about youth opinions on health.

Ms Large highlighted that, unless decided otherwise, this was not a core Youth Council Project, and those involved would need to attend every group meeting. There was support from youth councillors for a smaller group to be present at meetings, and then report back to the Youth Council. It was agreed that the wider Youth Council would assist with surveys if required.

13.      Youth Council Submission to the Annual Plan

Ms Large summarised the process for Youth Council involvement in long term plan and annual plan submissions. She provided the relevant dates for the draft Annual Plan 2016/17 and how these related to Youth Council meeting dates.

It was agreed that Policy Coordinator, Jane Loughnan, should be invited to the next Youth Council meeting to summarise what could be appearing in the draft Annual Plan 2016/17.

In response to a question, Ms Large confirmed the submission could be on any matter, but must be from a youth perspective. She emphasised that it was important to know the complexities behind projects so the submission would be well informed. Councillor Rainey highlighted that Council thought highly of the Youth Council submissions.

14.      Council Meetings

Mr Phipps summarised the Community Services Committee meeting on 3 November 2015, explaining how the focus was on resource management plans and their fit with the Long Term Plan 2015-25.

15.      2012 Youth Councillor

Allie Tonks, 2012 Nelson youth councillor, spoke about the opportunity that being a youth councillor offered. She encouraged new youth councillors to sign up to various activities and groups.

16.      Youth Council Promotional Materials

Ms Large showed the Youth Council promotional posters (A96168) and offered copies to youth councillors.

17.      General Business  

1.       Mr Phipps asked for a volunteer to manage the Youth Council SnapChat app.

2.       Mr Phipps asked for volunteers to be administrators of the Youth Council Facebook page. It was agreed a Facebook group would be organised for administrators to keep tabs on who was doing what.

3.       Daniel Leaper spoke about a short film being produced for Youth Council promotion and how a background song was required. He asked for interested people to meet him after the meeting to discuss further.

4.       Ms Large advised the meet and greet with Council was no longer set for 24 March, and she would keep youth councillors informed when a new date was chosen.

5.       Ms Large advised that hard copy 2016 Youth Council calendars (A1498547) were available.

6.       Ms Large said reference letters would be sent out once a quarter which could be used for employment etc.

7.       Ms Large emphasised that youth councillors should share taxis where possible.

8.       Ms Large asked youth councillors to wear name badges and to be respectful when accessing Civic House.

9.       Ms Large offered copies of signed rights and responsibilities contract to youth councillors.

10.   It was agreed that a name badge would be ordered for all youth councillors.

11.   It was agreed that youth councillors would contact Marie Elliot directly regarding election matters, and Paul McConachie directly if interested in Youth and Community Works.

12.   It was agreed that the new Children’s and Young Adults Librarian would be invited to a future Council meeting


There being no further business the meeting ended at 3.01pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date



Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Wednesday 2 March 2016, commencing at 1.00pm


Present:              D Leaper (Chairperson), Z Palmer, E Ang, T Shuker, S McIlroy, K Phipps, E Edwards, H Goldthorpe, J Stallard, C Collins,
M Dahal, B Rumsey, L Wilkes, S Kuo, A James, I Lorandi,
J Alison, F Sawyer, A Tonks and J Lankshear

In Attendance:   Councillors M Lawrey and P Rainey, Social Wellbeing Adviser (R Large), Cadet – Community Partnerships (G Thawley), and Administration Adviser (E-J Ruthven)



1.        Apologies


It was noted that Councillor Rainey would join the meeting around 2pm.

2.        Confirmation of Minutes

2.1      9 February 2016

Document number M1694, agenda pages 5 - 10 refer.

Resolved YC/2016/005

THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 9 February 2016, be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Shuker/Phipps                                                                            Carried


3.        Youth Council Chairperson Roster

Document number R5560, agenda page 10 refers.



Resolved YC/2016/006

THAT the report Youth Council Chairperson Roster (R5560) be received;

AND THAT the schedule for Chairperson for the 2016 Nelson Youth Council be confirmed:

22 March

Sam McIlroy

13 April

Fynn Sawyer

13 May

Jordan Lankshear

9 June

Samuel Kuo

8 July

Elaine Ang

15 August

Alana James

19 September

Bella Lorandi

20 October

Ben Rumsey

Back up Chairpersons:

Keegan Phipps

Jenna Stallard

Luke Wilkes

Carys Collins

Lankshear/Phipps                                                                       Carried

4.        Youth Council Submission to the draft Annual Plan 2016/17

Senior Strategic Adviser, Nicky McDonald, and Policy Advisor, Jane Loughnan, spoke about the upcoming draft Annual Plan 2016/17.

Ms McDonald explained that the draft Annual Plan would be presented to Council on 3 March 2016, and would open for public consultation on 11 March 2016.  She said the draft Annual Plan was an exceptions document, noting variations to Year Two of the Long Term Plan 2015-2025, and the Consultation Document highlighted key issues and projects that members of the public may wish to submit on.

Ms McDonald drew youth councillors’ attention to issues regarding urban form, the Haven Precinct, CBD enhancement and the potential inclusion of theatre fittings within the Trafalgar Centre.

It was further noted that the proposed gondola was noted in the draft Annual Plan, and the Mayor’s foreword also included a suggestion that the Elma Turner Library move from its current site to Civic House.

Ms McDonald summarised issues and encouraged youth councillors to express their ideas and suggestions on the various issues through their submission.

Youth councillors discussed the issues, whether they were in support of them, and whether to include them in their submission.  During discussion, other issues not addressed within the draft Annual Plan were further noted as appropriate for inclusion in the Youth Council submission.

Following discussion, it was agreed that the Youth Council submission to the draft Annual Plan would address the following issues:

·         Haven Precinct, including an emphasis on a cycle/walk link between Tahunanui and the CBD;

·         Upper Trafalgar Street Pedestrian Zone;

·         Gondola;

·         Youth employment issues;

·         CBD Enhancement;

·         Trafalgar Centre Theatre, emphasising that this was appropriate to encourage shows to Nelson, but should not be a substitute for a Performing Arts Centre;

·         Performing Arts Centre;

·         NBus timetable issues;

·         Railway Reserve Lighting issues;

·         Tahunanui Seawall issues;

·         Rutherford Park skatepark/playground; and

·         Location of the Elma Turner Library.

It was also agreed that the following issues would not be addressed in the Youth Council submission:

·         Joint Nelson-Tasman landfill;

·         Homelessness in Nelson;

·         Gambling machines in Nelson;

·         Communication/technology issues in some areas of Nelson;

·         Council’s Business Case Approach

It was noted Ben Rumsey would coordinate the preparation of the Youth Council submission.

It was further noted that any youth councillors who felt strongly about issues not included within the Youth Council submission were able to make their own individual submissions to the draft Annual Plan.

4.        Council Meet and Greet                                                         

Jordan Lankshear spoke about the Council meet and greet planned for 24 March 2016.  He said that youth councillors wishing to take part would need to be at Council from approximately 9.45am until 10.45am, and that the meet and greet would occur during the Council meeting morning tea break. 

Interested youth councillors indicated their availability to take part in the Council meet and greet. 

5.        Heritage Week exhibition                                                 

Keegan Phipps gave an update on the Heritage Week exhibition project.  He said that the sub-group had decided that entertainment at the Heritage Week exhibition event would be appropriate, and that invitations had been prepared for youth councillors to provide feedback on.  He added that the Refinery was flexible and prepared to work with Youth Council for the event.

He added that further details would be discussed at the sub-group meeting immediately following the Youth Council meeting.

6.        Media Training

Councillor Lawrey tabled a document (A1516357) and spoke about media skills and techniques.

He spoke about the ethics of journalists, who should be helpful and fair to the subject when dealing with someone inexperienced with the media.  He said that youth councillors could respectfully decline to speak to media representatives, and could ask to be notified of the contents of an article prior to it being printed.

Councillor Lawrey noted the importance of thinking clearly about the key message to be portrayed, and gave advice about drafting media releases carefully.  He also encouraged building relationships with local media representatives, as youth councillors were likely to come into contact with media representatives through their role.

Ms Large reminded youth councillors that she was not able to speak to the media on their behalf, but youth councillors could seek advice regarding media interactions from Councillors Lawrey and Rainey. 


1    Tabled document - Media Training - A1516357

7.        Chairperson Training

Councillor Rainey spoke about techniques for effective chairing of meetings.  He said that the Chair controlled the meeting, and the success of a meeting depended on the Chair’s ability to encourage discussion and input into each agenda item.

In response to questions, he explained the importance of preparing for meetings by being comfortable with all agenda items, ensuring appropriate time was spent on each item, and reading and responding to the mood of the meeting.

He added that it was appropriate to take short breaks and adjourn meetings, if required. 

8.        Youth Employment

Fynn Sawyer spoke about the youth employment sub-group meeting on 21 February 2016.  He said that the sub-group had decided that the focus should be on encouraging policy change in the youth employment area. 

He explained that a submission to the Minister of Education was being written, to encourage more support and funding for careers education, and that a draft should be ready prior to the next Youth Council meeting.  He added that the sub-group would meet with Mayor Reese on 4 April 2016 to discuss youth employment issues.

In response to a question, he said the submission would note that there were insufficient careers teachers at Nelson high schools commensurate with the numbers of students, and the careers curriculum currently was not clear.

During discussion, it was suggested that the sub-group consider what further actions they intended in this area following the preparation of the Minister of Education submission.

9.        Community Youth Volunteer Award

Rachael Large explained the Community Youth Volunteer Awards, and the current method of receiving nominations from schools, with Youth Council judging the awards alongside Councillors Lawrey and Rainey.

She said a review process was underway to consider these aspects of the Awards, and asked interested youth councillors to provide feedback.  It was agreed that a sub-group meeting would be held on Wednesday 16 March at 3.30pm for this purpose.

10.      Council Meetings

10.1    Council and Planning and Regulatory Committee meeting – 18 February 2016                     


Keegan Phipps and Joseph Alison spoke about the Planning and Regulatory Committee meeting on 18 February.


They explained the public forum presentations that had been made to the meetings, and noted the discussion regarding the Gambling Policy. 

10.2    Works and Infrastructure Committee meeting – 25 February 2016


Daniel Leaper and Sam McIlroy spoke about the Works and Infrastructure Committee meeting on 25 February 2016.


They explained the public forum presentation and outlined the Committee decisions relating to Days Track, recycling bins and earthquake strengthening at Isel House. 

10.3    Community Services Committee meeting – 1 March 2016


Taylah Shuker and Jenna Stallard spoke about the Community Services meeting they attended on 1 March 2016. 


They noted the public forum presentations and outlined the Committee’s decisions regarding specific grave sites at Marsden Valley Cemetery and the draft Marina Strategy.


11.      General Business


Ms Large drew youth councillors’ attention to the following matters:

·         It was agreed that Council and Committee agendas were to be read online in the first instance, with a hard copy picked up from the Customer Service Centre or on the day of the meeting.  The importance of youth councillors responding to Administration Advisers’ emails in a timely manner was noted;

·         New members of 2016 Youth Council Annie Tonks and Jordan Lankshear were welcomed;

·         There was discussion regarding a request for assistance from the Victory WiFi programme, and agreement that this be placed on Youth Council’s facebook page;

·         An invitation from the Richmond Waimea Community Whanau Group for youth councillors to attend its meetings was noted, but declined due to the meetings taking place during school time.  It was agreed that interested youth councillors would attend the Nelson Community Whanau Group meeting during the July School holidays, and Ms Large would respond to the invitation in this manner;

·         A request for a presentation to the next Youth Council meeting from the youth representative of Nelson Arts Council, Waiaio Elkington, was noted, with Ms Large to seek further information prior to a decision on this being made;

·         It was noted that the NBus smart phone app had been updated;

·           It was noted that the Sister Cities Conference would take place in Nelson in April, including a specific Youth Day.  It was noted that three youth councillors had been invited to attend.  Youth councillors indicated their interest, with three to be chosen at random by Ms Large;

·           The expected level of commitment from youth councillors was explained;

·           It was noted that Taylah Shukar had met with Marie Elliot in relation to encouraging youth to enrol to vote.


There being no further business the meeting ended at 3.12pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date