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14 April 2016

Memo to:                 Mayor and Councillors

Memo from:             Administration Advisers

Subject:                  Council– 14 April 2016 – LATE ITEM



1.       Late Item: Nelson Regional Development Agency - Interview Panel for Recruitment of Board Members 2 - 4

Document 5789

A report titled Nelson Regional Development Agency - Interview Panel for Recruitment of Board Members is attached and to be considered as a major late item at this meeting. 

Section 46A(1)-(6) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and Standing Order 2.15.8 require that agendas are distributed with the associated reports.  As this report was not distributed with the agenda for this meeting, it must be treated as a major late item to be considered at this meeting.

In accordance with section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and Standing Order 3.7.5, a procedural resolution is required before a major item that is not on the agenda for the meeting may be dealt with.

In accordance with section 46A(7)(b)(i) the reason why the item was not on the agenda is because it came to hand after the agenda had been distributed.

In accordance with section 46A(7)(b)(ii) the reason why discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting is because a resolution on the matter is required before the next scheduled meeting of the Council to enable a timely decision to be made.





THAT the item regarding Nelson Regional Development Agency - Interview Panel for Recruitment of Board Members be considered at this meeting as a major item not on the agenda, pursuant to Section 46A(7)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, to enable a timely decision to be made.  



14 April 2016




Nelson Regional Development Agency - Interview Panel for Recruitment of Board Members



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1       To seek Council agreement on the best way forward for interviewing board members for the Nelson Regional Development Agency.

2.       Delegations

2.1       This is a decision for Council.


3.       Recommendation

THAT the report Nelson Regional Development Agency - Interview Panel for Recruitment of Board Members (R5789) be received;

AND THAT Council agree that the Interview Panel established on 3 March 2016 progress recruitment for the position of Board Member on the Nelson Regional Development Agency by conducting interviews without Mr Richard Stone.




4.       Background

4.1       On 3 March 2016, Council resolved that an Interview Panel comprising of Her Worship the Mayor, the Chief Executive Officer of Nelson City Council, Mr Richard Stone of Jackson Stone and the Chair of the Nelson Regional Development Agency (NRDA) be tasked with developing a shortlist of candidates for the position of Board Member on the NRDA; conducting interviews and recommending a preferred Board to Council.

4.2       At the same time as action being taken on the recruitment for Board Members, the role of Chief Executive for the NRDA has also been advertised by Intepeople.  Approximately 45 applications have been received.  Following advice from the Chair of the NRDA, on behalf of the Transition Board, a shortlist of candidates has been drawn up.  It is desirable that the newly appointed NRDA Board will be involved in further progressing the recruitment of the Chief Executive.

4.3       JacksonStone have advertised for NRDA Board members.  Applications have been received, a shortlist has been compiled and preliminary interviews have been conducted.  The Interview Panel is now ready to undertake full interviews with the shortlisted candidates. 

4.4       It is anticipated that these interviews will be held on 18 and 20 April.  However, Mr Richard Stone is unavailable on those dates.

4.5       It is planned that the composition of the NRDA Board be confirmed by Council at its meeting on 5 May 2016.  This will allow the incoming NRDA Board to be involved in the recruitment of the NRDA Chief Executive

5.       Discussion

5.1       Mr Stone and Jackson Stone staff have provided expertise to the process to this point.  It is therefore proposed that the Interview Panel complete full interviews without Mr Stone as he has already provided his input.

5.2       The Interview Panel will still be comprised of Her Worship the Mayor, the Chief Executive Officer of Nelson City Council and the Chair of the NRDA, John Palmer.

6.       Options

6.1       Council can choose that:

·   the Panel proceed without Mr Stone

·   an alternate be sought for Mr Stone

·   interviews be conducted at a time when Mr Stone is available

6.2       The preferred option is the first bullet point as this will reduce the likelihood of a protracted transition period for the NRDA and enable the Board to be involved in the recruitment of the NRDA Chief Executive.

6.3       It would be potentially difficult to identify an alternate or to reschedule the interviews and it is considered that either of these options would add little value for that additional difficulty.

7.       Alignment with relevant Council policy

7.1       The appointment of board members to the NRDA is in accordance with Council’s Long Term Plan 2015-25, which signalled the review of the Nelson Regional Economic Development Agency and Tourism Nelson Tasman Limited.

8.       Assessment of Significance against the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy

8.1       This is not a significant decision in terms of the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

9.       Consultation

9.1       Consultation with stakeholders occurred as part of the review of the Nelson Regional Economic Development Agency and Tourism Nelson Tasman Limited, leading to the establishment of the NRDA.

9.2       The specific recommendations in this report have not been consulted on.

10.     Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process

10.1     Māori have not been specifically consulted with regards to the recommendations contained in this report.

11.     Conclusion

11.1     It is recommended that Council agree that the Interview Panel proceed with conducting interviews for potential Board Members for the Nelson Regional Development Agency without Richard Stone.


Clare Hadley

Chief Executive

