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3 March 2016

Memo to:                 Mayor and Councillors

Memo from:             Administration Advisers

Subject:                  Council– 3 MARCH 2016 – LATE ITEM



5.       Late Item: Mayor's Report                                   2 - 11

Document 5587

A report titled Mayor's Report is attached to be considered as a major late item at this meeting.  This report was listed as item 5 on the public agenda for the Council meeting on 3 March 2016.

Section 46A(1)-(6) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and Standing Order 2.15.8 require that agendas are distributed with the associated reports. As this report was not distributed with the agenda for this meeting, it must be treated as a major late item to be considered at this meeting. In accordance with section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and Standing Order 3.7.5, a procedural resolution is required before a major item that is not on the agenda for the meeting may be dealt with.

In accordance with section 46A(7)(b)(i) the reason why the item was not on the agenda is because it came to hand after the agenda had been distributed.

In accordance with section 46A(7)(b)(ii) the reason why discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting is because a resolution on the matter is required before the next scheduled meeting of the Council to enable a timely decision to be made.





THAT the item regarding Mayor's Report be considered at this meeting as a major item not on the agenda, pursuant to Section 46A(7)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, to enable a timely decision to be made.





3 March 2016




Mayor's Report



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1       To establish a Sports and Recreation Committee, and approve its delegations and membership.

1.2       To update Council on a number of other matters.


2.       Recommendation

THAT the Mayor's Report (R5587) and its attachments (A1511458, A1511415 and A1511419) be received;

AND THAT Council notes the establishment of the Sports and Recreation Committee by the Mayor in accordance with Section 41A of the Local Government Act 2002, with Deputy Mayor Paul Matheson as Chairperson and Councillor Gaile Noonan as Deputy Chairperson;

AND THAT the remaining membership of the Sports and Recreation Committee consist of Councillors Ruth Copeland, Matt Lawrey, Pete Rainey, Tim Skinner, Mike Ward and Her Worship the Mayor;

AND THAT the Delegations Register be amended, as illustrated in attachment 1 (A1511458);

AND THAT updates regarding the Local Government New Zealand Conference 2016 and Local Government New Zealand remit applications are noted.






3.       Discussion

Sports and Recreation Committee

3.1       Section 41A of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) provides that the Mayor can establish committees of the territorial authority, and appoint the Chairpersons of those committees.

3.2       Council’s Standing Orders also allow for the Mayor to appoint the Deputy Chairperson of any committee established under Section 41A of the LGA (Standing Order 2.7.2).

3.3       Through the Annual Plan process the Mayor has identified that the Community Services Committee faces a significant workload in the coming months.

3.4       To date, significant progress has been made on Community Investment Funding, the Arts Festival Transition, the re-opening of the Trafalgar Centre and strategic planning in relation to heritage facilities. It has become apparent that there is also a growing need for additional focus on Sport and Recreational activities, including Saxton Field Governance, the Marina Strategy and the Campground Review, as well as ongoing development of Reserves Management Plans.

3.5       The Mayor has determined that the best way to approach this workload is to split governance oversight of these activities between two Standing Committees – the existing Community Services Committee and a new Sports and Recreation Committee.

3.6       The current delegations to the Community Services Committee have an extremely broad remit; the establishment of an additional committee will allow the chairs of the two committees to focus on the governance required to progress their relevant work areas.

3.7       Councillor Rainey will continue to chair the Community Services Committee and Councillor Matheson will chair the Sports and Recreation Committee. Councillor Noonan will continue as deputy chair of both committees. Membership of the Sports and Recreation Committee will otherwise remain the same as the current membership of the Community Services Committee.

3.8       The Terms of Reference of the Sports and Recreation Committee include two areas of responsibility:

•    The provision and operation of recreation and leisure facilities and services, including reserves, parks, sports fields, swimming pool facilities and motor camps

•    The provision and operation of the Marina and Marina activities

3.9       The Delegations Register has been amended to reflect the proposed changes to the Community Services Committee and the establishment of the new Sports and Recreation Committee. These amendments are illustrated in Attachment 1.

3.10     In making these changes, the Mayor acknowledges the growth in the Sports and Recreation portfolio, with more people and organisations desiring to make use of council assets. The new committee will allow Councillors to better engage with these groups, and to develop partnerships which will ultimately better inform the 2018-2028 Long Term Plan.

3.11     It is envisaged that the Sports and Recreation Committee will meet on the same day of the Community Services Committee. It is anticipated that the first meeting of the Sports and Recreation Committee will be held on 14 April 2016.

3.12     These changes do not affect current remuneration arrangements.

4.       LGNZ Conference 2016

4.1       In 2015 many councillors attended the Local Government New Zealand Conference held in Rotorua.  In 2016 the conference is to be held in Dunedin from 24 to 26 July.

4.2       Registrations for the conference are now open.  Councillors who are interested in attending are requested to make their intentions known to the Office of the Mayor or the Administration Advisers as soon as possible, so that bookings can be made.

4.3       Councillors are reminded that the cost of attending would come from each councillor’s triennial budget for travel and training.  Further details for the conference can be found here http://www.lgnz2016.co.nz/lgnz16.

5.       Local Government New Zealand 2016 Annual General Meeting Remit Process

5.1       The Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held on Sunday 24 July 2016, in Dunedin as part of the LGNZ Conference.

5.2       LGNZ has invited member authorities wishing to submit proposed remits for consideration at the LGNZ AGM, to do so no later than 5.00pm, Monday 13 June 2016.

5.3       A copy of the memo received from LGNZ outlining the remit process is provided as Attachment 2.

5.4       A copy of the remit application form from LGNZ is provided as Attachment 3.

5.5       Councillors are requested to approach the Office of the Mayor for assistance in preparing any remits.

6.       Conclusion

6.1       It is recommended that a Sports and Recreation Committee is established, and that councillors note the information regarding the LGNZ Conference and Remit process.


Rachel Reese

Mayor of Nelson


Attachment 1:    A1511458 Delegations Register Amendments - Sports and Recreation Committee  

Attachment 2:    A1511415 Local Government New Zealand Remit Process Memo  

Attachment 3:    A1511419 Local Government New Zealand Remit Application