Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson City Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 24 November 2015, commencing at 9.00am


Present:               Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Chairperson), Councillors L Acland, I Barker, R Copeland, E Davy, M Lawrey, P Matheson (Deputy Mayor), B McGurk, G Noonan, T Skinner and M Ward

In Attendance:     Chief Executive (C Hadley), Group Manager Community Services (C Ward), Senior Strategic Adviser (N McDonald), and Administration Adviser (S McLean)

Apologies:            Councillors K Fulton and P Rainey for attendance, Councillors G Noonan and M Ward for lateness



Opening Prayer


Councillor Davy gave the opening prayer.


1.       Apologies

Resolved CL/2015/108

THAT apologies be received and accepted from Councillors Fulton and Rainey for attendance, and Councillors Noonan and Ward for lateness.

Her Worship the Mayor/Matheson                                                Carried

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum  

There was no public forum.

5.       Mayor's Report

There was no Mayor’s Report.

Attendance: Councillor Copeland joined the meeting at 9.03am.

6.       Presentation from Tahunanui Beach Holiday Park

Councillor Davy, representative of Tahunanui Beach Holiday Park, introduced Marcel Fekkes, General Manager of Tahunanui Beach Holiday Park, Seddon Marshall, and Mark Hall from MSH Architects Ltd, who gave a presentation (A1463702) and tabled the 90 Years Campaign Strategy (A1470510).

Attendance: Councillor Skinner joined the meeting at 9.05am.

Mr Fekkes spoke about the present opportunity to upgrade the Tahunanui Beach Holiday Park.

Mr Hall presented the proposed upgrade and pointed out it would be undertaken in four stages. He said the intention was to create a high standard tourism destination focussed on the special character of the area. Mr Hall advised that neighbours and key stakeholders would be consulted, along with the wider community.

Attendance: Councillor Ward joined the meeting at 9.20am.

Mr Fekkes said the proposed revitalisation had been adopted by the Tahunanui Beach Holiday Park Board. He highlighted that the timing aligned with the Park’s 90th anniversary in 2016. Councillor Davy added that the upgrade would be carried out within existing Park budgets.

There was discussion on seasonality of the Park and the competitive advantages it offered.

In response to questions, Mr Fekkes advised the number of semi-permanent houses was set under lease. He said important coastal remediation work had been completed, but there was still more work to be done. Mr Fekkes linked this work to the opportunities around the Great Taste Trail.

Attendance: Councillor Copeland left the meeting from 9.44am to 9.45am.


1    A1463702 - Tahunanui Beach Holiday Park Proposal Powerpoint

2    A1470510 - Tahuna Beach Holiday Park 90 Years Campaign Strategy


Attendance: Councillor Barker left the meeting at 9.52am.

7.       Council Representative Reporting on External Organisations

Document number R5153, agenda pages 3 - 7 refer.    

7.1           Arts Council Nelson

Councillor Ward said Arts Council Nelson was working successfully at present.

Attendance: Councillor Barker returned to the meeting at 9.54am. Councillor Davy left the meeting from 9.55am to 9.56am.

Councillor Ward added the group was doing well financially and he was pleased with engagement of other councillors.

7.2           Broadgreen Society

Her Worship the Mayor advised the Broadgreen Society position was vacant.

7.3           Cawthron Institute Board

Her Worship the Mayor spoke about an upcoming lecture, the launch of the Cawthron Foundation and the possibility of a Thomas Cawthron walk.

7.4           Eelco Boswijk Civic Awards

Her Worship the Mayor reminded councillors to put forward names of people who could be acknowledged.

7.5           Nelson Tasman Business Trust

Councillor Copeland provided an update on the successful re-tender of the Nelson Tasman Business Trust mentoring service.

7.6           Nelson Tasman Mayoral Relief Trust

Her Worship the Mayor advised the Trust had not met as there had been no recent emergencies.

7.7           Safer Community Council

Councillor McGurk highlighted the Nelson Safer Community Council was one of the last in New Zealand since the Ministry of Justice withdrew funding. He spoke about programmes on youth access to alcohol and cyber safety.

Attendance: Councillor Noonan joined the meeting at 10.08am.



7.8           Sport Tasman Trust

Councillor Skinner spoke about the wide coverage of Sport Tasman Trust. He highlighted the Trust had won the contract for the Masters Games and it had been a successful event. Councillor Skinner added that the Nelson Sports Awards were soon to be held.

7.9           Talking Heads

Her Worship the Mayor advised that Talking Heads was working through a transition phase. The Chief Executive, Clare Hadley, added that relevant work was being undertaken through the Regional Intersectoral Forum.

7.10        Top of the South Scenic and Heritage Trails Trust

Her Worship the Mayor noted that follow up was required to establish the activity of the Trust, and she would contact Nelson Tasman Tourism regarding this.

7.11        Trustpower Community Awards

Councillor Barker provided an update about the Trustpower Community Awards.

7.12        Whakatu Marae

Her Worship the Mayor advised it had been a busy year for the Marae, and land transfer changes at the Kaumatua flats had commenced. She said the Committee members had a very hands on governance role.

Attendance: The meeting adjourned for morning tea from 10.23am to 10.40am.

7.13        Youth and Community Facilities Trust

Councillor Acland provided an update on the Youth and Community Facilities Trust. He spoke about the Truck, the Cactus programme, and the youth transition service for disengaged youth.

Councillor Acland highlighted that the loss of the Hub building had been of significant impact to the Trust, but the Trust was doing well at present.

It was suggested that Councillor Acland raise the potential of a relationship with Victory Boxing at the next Trust meeting. Councillor Noonan agreed to speak with Councillor Acland about the idea of lending clothes to youth for interviews.

Councillor Acland pointed out the potential conflict in making wider policy decisions while advocating for community groups. Her Worship the Mayor advised that work was being done by officers on appointments to organisations, which would be reported to councillors in due course.

7.14        Youth Nelson

Councillor Acland advised Youth Nelson was running well. In response to a question, Group Manager Community Services, Chris Ward, advised there was a community lease for Youth Nelson.

7.15        Community and Whanau Group

Councillor Noonan said the Community and Whanau Group was a good forum for information gathering, and welcomed other councillors to attend the monthly meetings.

7.16        Nelson Youth Council

Councillor Lawrey advised the Nelson Youth Council was very active, good at making submissions, and were involved in Council activities. He pointed out that not all local authorities had a youth council. Councillor Lawrey added that the induction for the 2016 Youth Council would be in early December.

7.17        Marina Users Group

Councillor Barker advised that Councillor Rainey and himself were not participating directly in meetings, but were aware of current matters through an email distribution list.

Attendance: Councillor Davy left the meeting from 11.06am to 11.08am.

7.18        Sustainability Forum

Councillor Ward provided an update on the Sustainability Forum, and suggested that having Council officers at the Forum would be useful. Councillor Lawrey highlighted the depth of knowledge on the Forum.

7.19        Nelson Biodiversity Forum

Councillor McGurk provided an update on the Nelson Biodiversity Forum, adding that Council officers did attend the Forum. He pointed out the Forum was a valuable asset for the Council to liaise with, and it was growing in attendance.

Attendance: Councillor Acland left the meeting at 11.16am.

There was discussion on the mineral belt area in Marsden Valley.

7.20        Connections

Her Worship the Mayor said Connections was focussed on youth employment and connecting youth with education.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey left the meeting at 11.19am. Councillor Acland returned to the meeting at 11.20am, and left at 11.21am.

Her Worship the Mayor spoke about a recent workshop with the Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs, and noted that Youth Councillors attended.

There was discussion on initiatives for youth, and schools promoting trades.

7.21        Positive Ageing Forum

Councillor Noonan provided an update on the Positive Ageing Forum.

7.22        Sister Cities

It was noted that a regular update was provided by the Coordinator, Gail Collingwood.

7.23        Tasman Bay Heritage Trust Appointments Committee

Councillor Ward advised the Committee had recently appointed three trustees to the Trust. He added there had been a lot of interest in the positions.

Attendance: Councillors Acland and Lawrey returned to the meeting at 11.25am

7.24        Waimea Water Augmentation Committee

Her Worship the Mayor said the Committee hadn’t met recently.

7.25        Community Action Youth and Drugs

Councillor McGurk advised the group met approximately once per quarter and acted as a reference group. He said they were active and looking at innovative ways to reduce drug and alcohol abuse.

7.26        Nelson Tasman Housing Forum

Councillor Ward advised the Forum had not met during this term of Council. He said he was hopeful the Developers Advisory Group would fulfil some of the Forum’s functions.

7.27        Waimea Inlet Forum

Councillor McGurk spoke about the activities of the Forum and said it worked closely with Tasman District Council.

7.28        Kotahitanga Hui

Her Worship the Mayor advised the next Kotahitanga Hui meeting would be on 10 December. She said there was ongoing discussion about the ideal focus and structure of the Kotahitanga Hui.

In response to a question, Mayor Reese advised Council was working through the process of appointing the Kaihautu role at Council.

Resolved CL/2015/110

THAT the reports from Council representatives on external organisations be noted.

Her Worship the Mayor/Skinner                                                   Carried



There being no further business the meeting ended at 11.35am.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                         Chairperson                                        Date