



Ordinary meeting of the


Works and Infrastructure Committee


Thursday 10 September 2015

Commencing at 9.00am

Council Chamber

Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson






8      Transportation Asset Management Plan 2015-2025

1      A1156705 - Transport Asset Management Plan 2015-2025                            2

9      Water Supply, Wastewater, Stormwater/Flood Protection Asset Management Plans 2015-2025

1      A824126 - Water Supply Asset Management Plan 2015-25                        186

2      A824068 - Wastewater Asset Management Plan 2015-25                          396

3      A824368 - Stormwater and Flood Protection Asset Management Plan 2015-25 628

10    Solid Waste Asset Management Plan 2015-2025

1      Solid Waste Asset Management Plan 2015-2025                                       827                                  
























































































































































































  Water Supply

Asset Management Plan








Marsden Valley trunk main - Valve assy before installation 1RAD_n1004295_v1_Stoke_High_level_reservoir_02NOV2010


















Water Supply

Asset Management Plan




Quality Assurance Statement


Version No.



Prepared by

Reviewed by

Approved by



Draft for Council workshop

P Ruffell


A Louverdis



Draft approved by

Council to inform LTP 2015-25

P Ruffell


A Louverdis



Approved by Council W&I Committee
















Cover Photos:

375mm diameter Butterfly Valve

Stoke High Level Reservoir


Yellow highlighted text indicates changes to version 2 that incorporates LTP2015-25 decisions

Blue highlighted text indicates changes to version 2 as a result of other factors











Operations and Maintenance. 16

1.                   INTRODUCTION. 19

1.1                 Background. 19

1.2                 Goals and Objectives of Water Supply Asset Ownership. 20

1.3                 BACKGROUND. 21

1.4                 Plan Framework. 23

1.5                 Asset Management Planning. 24

1.6                 Sustainable Development 25

2.                   LEVELS OF SERVICE. 28

2.1                 Customer Research and Expectations 30

2.2                 Water Quality. 34

3.2                 Reliability. 41

3.3                 Pressure. 44

3.4                 Flow Rate. 48

3.5                 Emergency Response. 49

3.6                 Environmental 51

4.                   FUTURE DEMAND. 53

4.1                 Existing Situation. 53

4.2                 Demand Forecast 54

4.3                 Demand Management 66

4.4                 Supply Capacity. 68

4.5                 Extensions to the Area Supplied. 70

4.6                 Future Growth. 70

4.7                 Action Plan. 71

5.                   EMERGENCY AND RISK MANAGEMENT. 72

5.1                 Background. 72

5.2                 Implementation. 72

5.3                 Risk Identification, Risk Analysis and Risk Priority Rating. 76

5.4                 Risk Summary. 76

5.5                 Recovery. 82

5.6                 Action Plan. 83

5.7                 Review. 83

5.8                 Health and safety. 83

6.                   LIFE-CYCLE MANAGEMENT PLANS. 84

6.1                 Background Data. 84

6.2                 Asset Condition and Performance Assessments 90

7.                   FINANCIAL. 106

7.1                 Background. 106

7.2                 Asset Valuation and Depreciation. 106

7.3                 Operations and maintenance plan. 117

7.4                 Renewal Strategy. 121

7.5                 Capital Programme. 125

7.6                 Asset Disposal Plan. 130

7.7                 Long Term plan. 130

7.8                 Funding. 130

8.                   ASSET MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. 132

8.1                 Asset Management 132

8.2                 Information Systems 132

8.3                 Accounting/Financial Systems 132

8.4                 Geographical Information System.. 133

8.5                 Information Flow Requirements and Processes 134

8.6                 Asset Management System.. 135

8.7                 Network Model 135

8.8                 Condition Model 135

8.9                 SCADA Telemetry. 135

9.                   PLAN IMPROVEMENT AND MONITORING. 136

9.1                 Previous Action Plans 136

9.2                 Performance Monitoring and Management 137

9.3                 Improvement Programme. 137

9.4                 Monitoring And Review Procedures 138

10.                ACTION PLAN. 139

10.1               Explanation. 139

10.2               Annual Performance Monitoring. 140





Table ES3:   Years 1-12 of the 2015/25 Long Term Plan- Financial Summary. 16

Table ES4:   Renewals 17

Table ES5:   Capital Expenditure. 18

Table 2.1        Asset Performance. 28

Table 2.2        Links Between Levels of Service and Community Outcomes 29

Table 2.3        Ministry of Health Grading Schedule. 35

Table 2.4        Demerit Points 2008 – 2015 grading. 37

Table 2.5        Urgent Maximum Response Times 50

Table 2.6        Non Urgent Maximum Response Times 51

Table 3.1        Nelson City Population Projections 2011 – 2045. From Statistics New Zealand 2015 (A1393084)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….55Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 3.2        Nelson City Population Projections 2011 – 2045. From Statistics New Zealand 2015 (A13930………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….56Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 3.3     Source of Raw Water 60

Table 3.4     Peak Daily Demand. 62

Table 3.5     Total Daily Demand. 63

Table 3.6        Water Demand Projections (Peak Day 1 in 60 year Drought) 64

Table 3.7        Current Reservoirs 65

Table 3.8        Proposed Reservoirs 65

Table 4.1        Likelihood Ratings (Semi Qualitative Measure) 74

Table 4.2        Semi-Quantitative Measures of Consequence and Areas of Impact 75

Table 4.3        Risk Priority Rating (Semi Quantitative) 75

Table 4.4        Risk Events Ratings (Semi-Quantitative) 76

Table 4.5        Risk Treatment Schedule and Plan - Water Supply. 80

Table 5.1        Best Estimate of Condition of Asbestos Cement Watermains 92

Table 5.2        Best Estimate of Condition of Cast Iron Watermains 93

Table 5.3        Maitai Pipeline Maintenance Schedule (over next five years) 97

Table 5.4        Reservoir Risk Categories 102

Table 6.1        Water Supply Asset Valuation - June 2014. 107

Table 6.2        Nominal Working Life of Water Assets (Years) 108

Table 6.3      Assumptions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….113

Table 6.3.1    Water Supply Operation and Maintenance Projections 120

Table 6.4        Water Supply Renewals Projections 124

Table 6.5        Water Supply Capital Expenditure Projections 128

Table 8.1        Previous Action Plans Report Needs to be updated. 136

Table 9.1        Action Plan Needs updating. 139

Table 9.2        Annual Performance Monitoring and Reporting. 141

Table A:          Gap Analysis - Water 157

Table B:          Prioritisation Analysis of areas within the Services Overlay for scheduling of expenditure on addressing servicing constraints through the
Asset Management Plan’s and Long Term Plan
. 178

Table C:          Services Overlay Infrastructure Upgrade Codes 180

Table D: Water Supply Operation and Maintenance Projections 182

Table E: Water Supply Renewals Projections 182

Table F: Water Supply Capital Expenditure Projections 183





Figure 2.1   Residents’ Satisfaction with Water Supply. 33

Figure 2.3   Water Pressure Zones 52

Figure 3.1 Nelson City Population Projections ……………………………………………………………………………………55Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 3.2 Peak Water Demand. 61

Figure 3.3   Infrastructure Leakage Index for Nelson. 67

Figure 3.4   World Bank Banding System for Infrastructure Leakage Index. 68

Figure 5.1   Sustainability Impact at Various Lifecycle Stages 87

Figure 5.2   Water Pipelines: Age/Material Distribution. 95

Figure 5.3   Theoretical Life Expectancy/Material Distribution. 96

Figure A       Maitai Reservoir Level 148

Figure B       The Water Balance Data for 2012/13 Financial Year (latest available) 163

Figure C       Sources of Water Losses 163

Figure D       The Four Components of Managing Apparent Losses 168

Figure E       The Four Components of Managing Real Losses 169

Figure F        Plan of Infrastructure Planning for Growth in Services Overlay Areas 176









Appendix A:       Glossary Of Terms 142

Appendix B:       Water Supply Conservation Strategy. 147

Appendix C:       Lifelines 150

Appendix D:       Nelson City Council Advanced Asset Management Gap Analysis - Water 157

Appendix E:       Water Losses Evaluation. 162

Appendix F:        Active Leakage Control Plan. 170

Appendix G:       Pressure Reduction Plan Needs To Be Upgraded. 171

Appendix H:       Infrastructure Planning Process For Growth Projects 176

Appendix I:        30 Year Infrastructure Strategy. 181

Appendix J:        Nelson Water Treatment Plant Asset Management Plan (A1111654) (A717945) 185

Appendix K:       Solutions To Fire Flow Level Of Service  (A706990) 193




EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Water Supply Asset Management Plan 2015-25


This Asset Management Plan is produced for the public water supply assets owned and managed by the Nelson City Council and provides a 12 year outlook commencing July 2015.  The Plan identifies issues that underpin expenditure and documents the features, risks and levels of service associated with the effective, sustainable management of the water supply assets.

Central Government has signalled a likely requirement for Councils to develop an infrastructure strategy covering the foreseeable issues associated with key infrastructure for a 30 year future timeframe.

In order to contribute to this strategy financial tables for the 30 year period have been prepared for this asset management plan.

Assets included in this Plan

Nelson City Council abstracts water from the Roding, Maitai South Branch and Maitai North Branch Rivers for supply to approximately 20,000 customers throughout the City. A small number of private schemes supply residents in the rural areas. The water is coarse screened at the intakes and conveyed by raw water trunk mains to the Water Treatment Plant at Tantragee Saddle which was commissioned in August 2004.  Supply to the lower levels of Stoke and Tahunanui is available in an emergency from Tasman District Council.

 The water supply asset extends from the source water intakes in the water catchments, to the point of supply at individual customer’s property boundaries.   It includes dams, intake structures and screens, tunnels, a Water Treatment Plant, trunk mains, secondary mains, rider mains, services, valves, hydrants, non-return valves, pressure reducing valves, pumps, reservoirs, and water meters.

The replacement value (2014) of the water supply infrastructural assets is $246.6million.

  Goal of the Water Supply activity

To provide a water supply to Nelson City that is capable of abstracting, treating and distributing potable water in an efficient, safe, reliable and sustainable way whilst ensuring that the ecological, recreational and cultural interests of the community in the water sources are recognised and enhanced.

       Rationale for Council’s involvement

The Nelson City Council is the predominant supplier of reticulated water in Nelson City. The Councils role in this area has been established since the earliest days of the city’s history.