Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson City Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 15 September 2015, commencing at 9.02am


Present:              Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Chairperson), Councillors L Acland, I Barker, R Copeland, E Davy, K Fulton, M Lawrey, P Matheson (Deputy Mayor), B McGurk, G Noonan, P Rainey, T Skinner and M Ward

In Attendance:   Chief Executive (C Hadley), Manager Administration (P Langley), and Administration Advisers (L Canton and S McLean)


Opening Prayer

Councillor Davy gave the opening prayer.

1.       Apologies

There were no apologies.

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

Her Worship the Mayor tabled a potential late submission for councillors to consider (memo A1426925, submission A1426845).

Councillor Skinner moved, seconded by Councillor Noonan:

THAT the email from Moira Bauer (A1426845) be received as a late submission to the Proposed Representation Arrangements 2016-2019.

Councillors spoke for and against receiving the late submission

Attendance: Councillor Rainey joined the meeting at 9.07am. The meeting adjourned from 9.09am to 9.10am.

It was noted the comments from Ms Bauer did not directly speak to the matter of proposed representation, and were received very late in the process.

The motion was put and lost.


1    A1426845 - M Bauer Comments on Proposed Representation Arrangements 14Sep2015

2    A1426925 - Memo - late submission - proposed representation arrangements 2016-2019  


3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Deliberation on Submissions to the Proposed Representation Arrangements 2016-2019

Document number A1393937, agenda pages 3 - 11 refer.

Manager Administration, Penny Langley, and Administration Adviser, Linda Canton, presented the report.

Her Worship the Mayor highlighted that officers were proposing to consider both the deliberations and the adoption of a final proposal in the recommendation. Ms Langley confirmed that if the adoption was resolved at the meeting, then the Council meeting set for 1 October was no longer required.

Councillor Davy moved, seconded by Councillor Skinner, the recommendation in the officer’s report.

There was general agreement that the scale of Nelson did not warrant a different representation arrangement. It was pointed out that Nelson City councillors did their best to be accessible to the community, and Council would continue to aim at maximising engagement with the community. It was also highlighted that a community board was not required to make changes within individual areas of the district.

Resolved CL/2015/065

THAT the report Deliberation on Submissions to the Proposed Representation Arrangements 2016-2019 (A1416714) and its attachments (A1393937 and A1376423) be received;

AND THAT having considered both of the submissions to its initial representation proposal for 2016 and 2019, Council rejects the objections raised for the following reasons:

·         Populations in the areas suggested for wards do not meet the fair representation threshold for a ward;

·         There is insufficient evidence to suggest the Whangamoa area is a community of interest distinct from the rest of the district;

AND THAT Council adopts its initial representation proposal for the 2016 and 2019 local elections as the Council’s final proposal for public notification.

Davy/Skinner                                                                             Carried



There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.34am.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date