


Ordinary meeting of the


Community Services Committee


Thursday 13 August 2015

Commencing at 9.00am

Council Chamber

Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson



Membership: Councillor Pete Rainey (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor Rachel Reese, Councillors Ruth Copeland, Matt Lawrey, Paul Matheson, Gaile Noonan (Deputy Chairperson), Tim Skinner and Mike Ward

Guidelines for councillors attending the meeting, who are not members of the Committee, as set out in Standing Orders:

·      All councillors, whether or not they are members of the Committee, may attend Committee meetings (SO 2.12.2)

·      At the discretion of the Chair, councillors who are not Committee members may speak, or ask questions about a matter.

·      Only Committee members may vote on any matter before the Committee (SO 3.14.1)

It is good practice for both Committee members and non-Committee members to declare any interests in items on the agenda.  They should withdraw from the table for discussion and voting on any of these items.


N-logotype-black-wideCommunity Services Committee

13 August 2015



Page No.


1.       Apologies

1.1       Apologies have been received from Her Worship the Mayor Rachel Reese and Councillor Ruth Copeland

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

3.       Interests

3.1       Updates to the Interests Register

3.2       Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda

4.       Public Forum

5.       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1       2 July 2015                                                                     8 - 19

Document number M1318


THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee, held on 2 July 2015, be confirmed as a true and correct record.  

6.       Status Report - Community Services Committee - 13 August 2015                                              20 - 23

Document number R4678


THAT the Status Report Community Services Committee 13 August 2015 (R4678) and its attachment (A1157454) be received.

7.       Chairperson's Report        

Recreation and Leisure

8.       Outline Business Cases for Selected 2015/16 Projects                                                          24 - 32

Document number R4357


THAT the report Outline Business Cases for Selected 2015/16 Projects (R4357) and its attachments (A1306172 and A1328462) be received and that the risks therein be noted.


Cemeteries and Crematoria

9.       RSA WWI Commemoration - Marsden Valley Cemetery                                                        33 - 39

Document number R4334


THAT the report RSA WWI Commemoration - Marsden Valley Cemetery (R4334) and its attachments (A1376891 and A1376895) be received;

AND THAT approval be given to the Nelson Returned Services Association to erect a sculpture of a World War I soldier in the RSA section of the Marsden Valley Cemetery;

AND THAT $20,000 be granted to the Nelson Returned Services Association as a full and final contribution towards construction and installation of the sculpture;

AND THAT the sculpture remains the property of the Returned Services Association.



10.     Nelson Marina Strategy: Terms of Reference 40 - 46

Document number R4641


THAT the report Nelson Marina Strategy: Terms of Reference (R4641) and its attachment (A1381707) be received;

AND THAT the Nelson Marina Strategy: Terms of Reference (A1381707) (as amended) be approved.



11.     Nelson Youth Council Update

Youth Councillors Sam McIlroy and Jamie Morgan will provide an update on Youth Council activities.      

12.     Nelson Youth Council - 9 February 2015        47 - 51

Document number M1388


THAT the confirmed minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 9 February 2015, be received.

13.     Nelson Youth Council - 10 March 2015          52 - 56

Document number M1387


THAT the confirmed minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 10 March 2015, be received.

14.     Nelson Youth Council - 23 April 2015            57 - 61

Document number M1211


THAT the confirmed minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 23 April 2015, be received.

15.     Nelson Youth Council - 4 June 2015               62 - 68

Document number M1247


THAT the confirmed minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 4 June 2015, be received.


Public Excluded Business

16.     Exclusion of the Public


THAT the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows: 


General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interests protected (where applicable)


Community Services Committee Meeting Minutes - Public Excluded - 2 July 2015

Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7.

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·    Section 7(2)(i)

     To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).


Status Report - Community Services Committee - 13 August 2015


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·    Section 7(2)(i)

     To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

17.     Re-admittance of the public


THAT the public be re-admitted to the meeting.



·             Youth Councillors Sam McIlroy and Jamie Morgan will be in attendance at this meeting. (delete as appropriate)





Minutes of a meeting of the Community Services Committee

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Thursday 2 July 2015, commencing at 9.03am


Present:               Councillor P Rainey (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, Councillors R Copeland, M Lawrey, P Matheson, G Noonan (Deputy Chairperson), T Skinner and M Ward

In Attendance:     Councillor I Barker, Group Manager Community Services (C Ward), Manager Communications (P Shattock), Manager Capital Projects (S Davies), Senior Strategic Adviser (N McDonald), Manager Administration (P Langley), Administration Adviser (G Brown), and Youth Councillors (R Griffith and F Jankiewicz-McClintock)

Apologies:            Her Worship the Mayor R Reese and Councillor M Lawrey for lateness


1.       Apologies

Resolved CS/2015/009

THAT apologies be received and accepted from Her Worship the Mayor and Councillor Lawrey for lateness.

Rainey/Matheson                                                                         Carried

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

The Chairperson advised that item 12 on the public agenda, Broadgreen House – change to levels of service, had been removed from the meeting.

Resolved CS/2015/010

THAT the item Broadgreen House – change to levels of service  be adjourned to the next Community Services Meeting on 13 August 2015.

Rainey/Noonan                                                                           Carried

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register and no conflicts with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum

4.1       Steve Cross

Steve Cross spoke about the agenda item Fees and Charges – Community Facilities.

Mr Cross said he had concerns about the crematorium fees being subsidised by ratepayers. He said he believed it was a private benefit and should be funded 100% by users.

He raised a concern in relation to crematorium charging inconsistencies between pets and humans.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey joined the meeting at 9.12am.

In response to a question, Mr Cross said both his concerns around low fees and Council being involved in a commercial business were equally important.

4.2       Hilary Mitchell, Broadgreen House Restructuring Proposal

Hilary Mitchell spoke about the Broadgreen House restructuring proposal.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner joined the meeting at 9.16am.

Ms Mitchell spoke to document (A1377005), which was distributed with the agenda.

In response to a question, Ms Mitchell said the current operating model for Broadgreen House was working well, and volunteers were happy to be there. She added that Trip Adviser illustrated that visitors enjoyed their visit.

In response to questions, Ms Mitchell said she was open to ideas to make Broadgreen House appeal to a wider audience, but believed this could not happen if it was closed for a number of months. She added that heritage tours would be beneficial.

Attendance: Her Worship the Mayor joined the meeting at 9.27am.

5.       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1       22 May 2015

Document number M1230, agenda pages 10 - 16 refer.

In response to a question, Her Worship the Mayor clarified that if Councillors wished a specific comment to be recorded in the minutes, then this needed to be highlighted to the minute taker on the day.

Resolved CS/2015/011

THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee, held on  22 May 2015, be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Rainey/Noonan                                                                           Carried


6.       Status Report - Community Services Committee - 2 July 2015

Document number R4457, agenda pages 17 - 19 refer.

In response to a question, Group Manager Community Services, Chris Ward advised that the Arts Selection Panel selected two artists for the item Arts Fund - Approval of Concepts and negotiations were still underway.

Attendance: Councillor Copeland left the meeting from 9.38am to 9.40am.

Resolved CS/2015/012

THAT the Status Report Community Services Committee 2 July 2015 (R4457) and its attachment (A1157454) be received.

Ward/Lawrey                                                                              Carried


7.       Chairperson's Report

There was no Chairperson’s Report.

Recreation and Leisure

8.       Fees and charges – Community Facilities

Document number R4122, agenda pages 20 - 41 refer.

Acting Manager Operations, Marg Parfitt, and Facility Manager Founders Heritage Park, Maria Anderson, presented the report.

Ms Parfitt advised there was a minor correction on page 40 of the agenda relating to Broadgreen House charges. She said it should read “Adult Entrance Fee’ $4 and ‘Senior Citizen Entry Fee’ $3.

Resolved CS/2015/013

THAT the report Fees and charges – Community Facilities (R4122) and its attachment (A1362379) be received.

Rainey/Ward                                                                               Carried

In response to a question, Ms Parfitt advised that she was not familiar with crematorium operations therefore could not comment on the charging structure for pet and human cremations.

In response to a further question, Ms Parfitt said that even though the CPI increase of 0.8% was small, it was more palatable for operators to have smaller increases rather than an accumulative charge.

In response to a question, Ms Anderson clarified that the Energy Centre off peak hire included a cleaning component of approximately $800.

It was highlighted on page 22 that under ‘Circus and other similar events that need to stay on site overnight’ for the 2015-2016 hire it should read  ‘$201.50 plus GST per day (plus power where used).’

In response to a question, Ms Parfitt said the only significant change in charges was in relation to beehives on Council land which was a commercial activity. It was queried whether the charging was relative to the market.

A query was also raised in relation to the category Commercial Races/Events and the rationale behind the charging.

The item was adjourned until this information was provided.

9.       Reserve Management Plan: Sports Ground Reserves

Document number R4195, agenda pages 42 - 46 refer.

Resolved CS/2015/014

THAT the report Reserve Management Plan: Sports Ground Reserves (R4195) be received.

Rainey/Lawrey                                                                            Carried


Recommendation to Council CS/2015/015

THAT a Reserve Management Plan for the Sports Ground Reserves is developed under The Reserves Act 1977 for the provision of areas for recreation and sporting activities, and the physical welfare and enjoyment of the public.

Copeland/Lawrey                                                                        Carried


Attendance: The meeting adjourned from 10.01am until 10.08am.

10.     Stoke Community and Sports Facility

Document number R4167, agenda pages 47 - 89 refer.

Major Projects Engineer, Darryl Olverson, and Manager Capital Projects, Shane Davies, presented the report.

The following documents illustrating concept designs were tabled (A1380158) and (A1380122)

The Chairperson advised that the recommendations in the officer’s report would be taken in parts.

Resolved CS/2015/016

THAT the report Stoke Community and Sports Facility (R4167) and its attachments              A1362093, A1325549, A1360375, a1351796, a1360960 and a1372406 be received;

Rainey/Noonan                                                                           Carried


Resolved CS/2015/017

AND THAT it be noted that a report detailing options for the management of the facility is still to be undertaken and will be reported back to a future Community Services Committee;

Rainey/Matheson                                                                         Carried

In response to a question, Mr Olverson clarified that the Stoke Urban Design Panel would be considering traffic measures and would be reviewing the report on 23 July 2015.

Attendance: The meeting adjourned from 10.24am until 10.26am.

In response to a question, Mr Davies clarified that the original scope by user groups did not include a cafe.

In response to a question, Mr Olverson said that a cafe could be added in the future as there were services close by. However, Mr Olverson advised that adding a cafe at a later date would incur substantial additional costs.

Mr Olverson advised the feedback from user groups was that additional community space was needed.

It was discussed that a cafe would attract a different crowd and provide a meeting place where events at the facility could be promoted. Mr Olverson added that a real estate agent had advised there would be no issues letting the cafe.

In response to a question, Mr Olverson advised the plaza would be approximately 150m2 smaller if the cafe was added.

In response to a further question, Mr Olverson said with or without a cafe the aesthetics of the building would remain similar, without the cafe the entrance to the building would be slightly different.

Mr Olverson said there was space for families to have birthday parties and events.

Councillor Lawrey, seconded by Councillor Ward, moved the following recommendation to council in the officer’s report

THAT the Concept design with cafe (attachment A1362093) to construct the new Stoke Community and Sports Facility at the Greenmeadows site be approved to allow detailed design to commence and resource/building consents to be secured;

There was a discussion relating to adding items on the list on page 51 of the agenda. The items highlighted were acoustic folding doors and the environmental options.

Attendance: Councillor Copeland left the meeting at 10.54am.

With the agreement of the mover and seconder the additional items were added to the recommendation

THAT the Concept design with cafe (attachment A1362093) to construct the new Stoke Community and Sports Facility at the Greenmeadows site be approved to allow detailed design to commence and resource/building consents to be secured with the inclusion of:

·         Acoustic folding doors

·         Environmental options

As detailed in report R4167;

Concern was raised that a cafe was not suitable for this type of facility and that Council should not be supporting competition for other local businesses. It was also highlighted that the cafe was not consulted on.

There was some support for a cafe to be included as it would make welcome a diverse range of people. Other successful community hubs were referred to and it was said there would be an expectation for a cafe. It was mentioned that it would be positive for other businesses bringing more foot traffic.

It was raised that resource consents were of a concern and capital budgets as the Long Term Plan 2015-25 had just been signed and now Council was looking for additional funding.

Attendance: The meeting adjourned from 11.15am until 11.16am.

A division was called.

Attendance: The meeting adjourned from 11.19am until 11.25am.




Councillor Copeland


Councillor Lawrey


Councillor Matheson


Councillor Noonan


Councillor Rainey


Councillor Skinner


Councillor Ward


Her Worship the Mayor


The motion was lost, 4-3.

Her Worship the Mayor moved the following motion, seconded by Councillor Ward

THAT the Concept design (with additional space) to construct the new Stoke Community and Sports Facility at the Greenmeadows site be approved to allow detailed design to commence and resource/building consents to be secured with the inclusion of:

·        Acoustic folding doors

·        Environmental options

As detailed in report R4167

It was discussed that it would be beneficial to obtain feedback from the Urban Design Panel with regards to the concept design.

There was general support for the motion and it was noted that a cafe could still be considered at a later date.

A division was called

Councillor Copeland


Councillor Lawrey


Councillor Matheson


Councillor Noonan


Councillor Rainey


Councillor Skinner


Councillor Ward


Her Worship the Mayor


The motion was passed, 7-0


Recommendation to Council CS/2015/018

THAT the Concept design (with additional space) (A1380158) to construct the new Stoke Community and Sports Facility at the Greenmeadows site be approved to allow detailed design to commence and resource/building consents to be secured with the inclusion of:

·        Acoustic folding doors

·        Environmental options

As detailed in report R4167;

Her Worship the Mayor/Ward                                                      Carried


Attendance: The meeting adjourned from 11.38am until 11.39am.

Group Manager Community Services, Chris Ward clarified that an additional space would incur the same costs as a cafe.

Recommendation to Council CS/2015/020

THAT the budget to complete the Stoke Community and Sports Facility at Greenmeadows is increased to $6.14 million (over two financial years).

Rainey/Ward                                                                               Carried


1    A1380122 - Concept Design Issue Cafe Removed 29JUN2015

2    A1380158 - Concept Design Issue Extra Community Rooms in Lieu of Cafe 29JUN2015


11.     Fees and Charges  - Community Facilities (Cont.)


In response to question, Acting Manager Operations, Marg Parfitt, advised that under the Commercial Races/Events category the Weet-bix Tryathlon was excluded from charges. However, she said the Dun Mountain Run incurred charges, therefore there was an element of discretion.


In relation to the category ‘Circus and other similar events that need to stay on site overnight’ category, she advised that the charges could add up to a significant amount. She said she was unaware of the charging rationale but confirmed no changes to fees would be incurred in this area.


Attendance: The meeting adjourned from 11.43am until 11.44am.


In response to a question, Ms Parfitt said the hire charges only applied to sports grounds and reserves which were not covered elsewhere.


There was concern raised about a requirement for an entry level definition, and that assets must be left in the same state as before they were used.


In response to a question, Ms Parfitt clarified that Council only approved traffic management plans for events, it was up to the organiser to provide these.


Group Manager Community Services, Chris Ward, advised that the categories shown on page 22 of the agenda would be reviewed and that fees could be set any time, with one months notice required.


It was highlighted that the current fee for beehives was not in line with the Department of Conservation charges.


It was suggested that Council should be encouraging bee keepers.


Resolved CS/2015/021

THAT the proposed charges be approved effective 3 August 2015;

AND THAT it be noted that the charging regime for the Golf course will be brought to a future Community Services Committee meeting;

AND THAT it be noted that the charging regime for the Trafalgar Centre, Trafalgar Park, and Saxton Oval will be brought to a future Community Services Committee meeting;

AND THAT negotiations be carried out with beehive operators on the charging regime and brought back to a future Community Services Committee meeting.

Rainey/Skinner                                                                         Carried


Attendance: Councillor Barker left the meeting at 12.04pm.


Attendance: The meeting adjourned from 12.07pm until 12.13pm. During this time Councillor Matheson left the meeting.

Community Development

12.     Community Assistance Policy Review

Document number R4116, agenda pages 90 - 102 refer.

Social Development Adviser, Nicola Mercer, presented the report.

Resolved CS/2015/022

THAT the report Community Assistance Policy Review (R4116) and its attachments (A1366133 & A1367556) be received.

Rainey/Noonan                                                                           Carried


In response to a question, Ms Mercer said that staff were enthusiastic with the new approach.


In response to a question, Group Manager Community Services, Chris Ward advised that a number of general conversations had been had with community groups and the feedback had been positive.


In response to a further question, Mr Ward said that position descriptions were being drafted for appointments of external people to the Community Investment Funding Panel and there would then be a call for nominations.


It was discussed that the Policy needed to emphasise a social development focus in its purpose and this should be highlighted in the third bullet point under 6.7 of the Policy.

Recommendation to Council CS/2015/023

THAT the amended Community Assistance Policy (A1366133) be adopted;

AND THAT the Community Investment Funding Implementation Plan (A1367556) be adopted.

Rainey/Noonan                                                                           Carried


11.     Nelson Youth Council Update

Youth Councillors Rhys Griffith and Fynn Jankiewicz-McClintock provided an update on Youth Council activities.

Mr Griffith informed councillors that recent Youth Council activities included heritage week, a photography competition, working with the arts festival, quiz during youth week, Tahunanui postcard, and considering ideas for Nelson’s 175th anniversary.

Attendance: Councillor Matheson returned to the meeting at 12.27pm.

Mr Jankiewicz-McClintock advised that youth councillors were recently given information on Nelson 2060.  


12.     Nelson Youth Council - 15 May 2015

Document number M1223

Resolved CS/2015/024

THAT the confirmed minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 15 May 2015, be received.

Rainey/Lawrey                                                                            Carried



13.     Exclusion of the Public

Resolved CS/2015/025

THAT the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

Rainey/Ward                                                                               Carried



General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interests protected (where applicable)


Community Services Committee Meeting - Public Excluded - 22 May 2015

Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7.

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·    Section 7(2)(j)

     To prevent the disclosure or use of official information for improper gain or improper advantage.

·    Section 7(2)(i)

     To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).


Status Report - Community Services Committee - 2 July 2015


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·    Section 7(2)(i)

     To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

The meeting went into public excluded session at 12.29pm and resumed in public session at 12.42pm. 

14.     Re-admittance of the Public

Resolved CS/2015/026

THAT the public be re-admitted to the meeting.

Rainey/Noonan                                                                           Carried



There being no further business the meeting ended at 12.42pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                         Chairperson                                        Date





Community Services Committee

13 August 2015




Status Report - Community Services Committee - 13 August 2015



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1       To provide an update on the status of actions requested and pending.


2.       Recommendation

THAT the Status Report Community Services Committee 13 August 2015 (R4678) and its attachment (A1157454) be received.



Gayle Brown

Administration Adviser


Attachment 1:    A1157454 - Status Report - Community Services Committee - August 2015  






Community Services Committee

13 August 2015




Outline Business Cases for Selected 2015/16 Projects



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1       To receive the outline business cases for selected projects included in the Long Term Plan 2015-25.

2.       Delegations

2.1       This is a matter for the Community Services Committee as it has powers to decide the approval of projects which are included in the Long Term Plan and are within the areas of responsibility of:  the provision and operation of recreation and leisure facilities and services, including reserves, parks, sports fields, swimming pool facilities and motor camps; and the provision and operation of the Marina and Marina activities.

3.       Recommendation

THAT the report Outline Business Cases for Selected 2015/16 Projects (R4357) and its attachments (A1306172 and A1328462) be received and that the risks therein be noted.


4.       Background

4.1       Council resolved on 11 June 2015:

THAT the report Business Case Approach for 2015/16 Projects - Revised Projects Listing (R4354) and its attachment (A1331113) be received;

AND THAT the projects highlighted yellow in document A1331113 follow a business case approach.

4.2       This report summarises the projects approved through the Long Term Plan 2015-25, and provides the outline business cases requested for this Committee.  Similar reports for the remaining selected projects will be tabled at the relevant Committees.  The projects have been previously discussed through Asset Management Plan workshops, and reviewed for inclusion in the Long Term Plan 2015-25.  The outline agreed business cases for these projects are presented here for information.  All projects are now in progress, and do not require further decision at this point in time.

5.       Discussion

Rutherford/Trafalgar Park Development

5.1       This is a multi-year project, with the next stage beginning in 2015-16 to deliver the roading, car parking, walking and cycling framework around Rutherford Park. 

5.2       The outline business case in attachment 1 summarises the option approved through 2015-25 Long Term Plan process.  Following the tender process, final estimated project costs will be reported to the Works and Infrastructure Committee with the request for award of tender as it will be greater than $1million.  This is likely to be September 2015.

Rutherford Playground

5.3       This is a multi-year project beginning in 2015-16 with the aim of the playground being open by April 2017. 

5.4       The outline business case in attachment 2 summarises the option approved through the 2015-25 Long Term Plan process.  Following the tender process, final estimated projects costs will be reported to the Group Manager Infrastructure with the request for award of tender.  This is likely to be September 2016.

Strategic Land Purchase

5.5       An options report for any land purchases from this account will be presented to the relevant committee and is likely to be during September 2015.

Modeller’s Pond

5.6       Options were presented at the Council meeting held on 11 June 2015.  A progress report will be presented in due course.

Marina Hardstand

5.7       An options report for progressing the Marina Hardstand will be presented to this committee in due course.

6.       Options

6.1       The above projects are approved through the Long Term Plan 2015-25 and underway.  Decision points are incorporated for each project at significant milestones.

7.       Alignment with relevant Council policy

7.1       This matter is not in contradiction to any Council policy or strategic document.

8.       Assessment of Significance against the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy

8.1       This matter is not significant in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

9.       Consultation

9.1       The public have not been consulted on this matter.

10.     Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process

10.1     Maori have not been consulted on this matter.

11.     Conclusion

11.1     The projects discussed in this report are approved through the Long Term Plan 2015-25 and underway; this report and its attachments confirm in more detail the agreed business case justification and benefits of each project.


Kevin Patterson

Manager Asset Management


Attachment 1:    A1306172 - Outline business case for Rutherford Park development 2015  

Attachment 2:    A1328462 - Outline business case for Rutherford Playground project 2294   





Outline Business Case for Rutherford Playground project 2294

Prepared by:  Andrew Petheram, Parks and Facilities Asset Planner; and Arlene Akhlaq, Project Management Adviser



The Heart of Nelson Strategy, adopted by Council in 2009 states:  “adventure play areas result in an attraction that people are willing to spend time at, therefore increasing their time in the CBD. The benefits of this are numerous including increased inner city vibrancy and more importantly, encouraging retail spend in ancillary services such as cafes”.  The Strategy identifies a number of possible locations for a playground, within the “wider central city” area.  Public consultation on the Rutherford and Trafalgar Park Development Plan, finalised in July 2013, supported a “destination” playground sited within Rutherford Park, and funding for this project was confirmed through the Long Term Plan 2015-25. 



Council has approved a number of initiatives that will support the reopening of the Trafalgar Centre, and create a good framework for future development.  Provision of a play space near the Maitai shared path aims to attract families into, and increase activity levels in Rutherford Park.


BUSINESS OPTION 1 - do nothing different

Considered through the Long Term Plan 2015-25 and not being pursued, due to the need for dedicated family play/recreational area in the central city.


BUSINESS OPTION 2 – create an exciting and unique play facility in Rutherford Park

Creating a playground which is capable of attracting and actively engaging primarily the 5yr to 13yr age group for at least 1½ hours.



Increase opportunities for active recreation in central Nelson

Ability to retain visitors to the Nelson area for a longer time, and therefore increase likelihood of attracting customers to inner city businesses

Encourage local residents to more frequently visit central Nelson with visitors, families and friends - especially during weekday evenings, school holidays and weekends

Improve Nelson’s ability to attract recreational visitors which contributes to increasing economic and employment opportunities

Creation of a playground located close to the Maitai Path and the Trafalgar Centre that will be able to be used for extended hours each day to encourage families to use the space more.


Cost : this commitment will limit the scope of other work from this account.



Cost of doing the project:

·      2015-16:  $60,000

·      2016-17:  $554,094,

·      Total cost:  $614,094

Cost to operate and maintain the project’s products:

Operational costs will be determined during the design stage, and will result in additional operational budget from 2017-18 for maintenance

The LTP noted that the intention is to look at partnership funding in addition to the above budget.



·      2015-16: design and regulatory processes

·      2016-17: construction; playground open by April 2017

The timing of construction would depend on the community funraising.



Match funding risk: a report will go back to council for approval to proceed with the project based on the progress of the matched funding.

As this work includes elements that are unique in Nelson, there is a risk of insufficient local contractor and internal staff. experience which could impact the design quality and construction costs.  This risk will need to be mitigated, more likely through careful selection of consultants and contractors, and potential peer review of specific aspects.

Rutherford Park is a HAIL site, so there is some risk regarding the extent of remediation needed.  As far as possible, this will be address through early on-site investigation.

The site is included in the NRMP inundation overlay, and risks  associated with this will be addressed during design.




Community Services Committee

13 August 2015




RSA WWI Commemoration - Marsden Valley Cemetery



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1       To consider a request from the Nelson Returned Services Association (RSA) for Council to release funds towards a sculpture depicting a soldier to be placed at Marsden Valley Cemetery.

2.       Delegations

2.1       The Community Services Committee has responsibility for the provision of cemeteries and crematoria which includes approval to erect above ground memorials. It has the authority to approve projects within its area of responsibility included in the Council’s Annual Plan.

3.       Recommendation

THAT the report RSA WWI Commemoration - Marsden Valley Cemetery (R4334) and its attachments (A1376891 and A1376895) be received;

AND THAT approval be given to the Nelson Returned Services Association to erect a sculpture of a World War I soldier in the RSA section of the Marsden Valley Cemetery;

AND THAT $20,000 be granted to the Nelson Returned Services Association as a full and final contribution towards construction and installation of the sculpture;

AND THAT the sculpture remains the property of the Returned Services Association.




4.       Background

4.1       The 2014/15 Annual Plan included $30,000 towards the construction of items commemorating World War I and $15,000 towards their installation at Marsden Valley Cemetery.

5.       Discussion

Estimated Costs

5.1       The RSA has commissioned a single sculpture of a WWI soldier which has already been made and is awaiting payment. The RSA estimate that the total costs including installation will be approximately $50,000. The RSA has requested that the Council contribute $20,000 as a full and final payment at this time towards the project.

5.2       The RSA has advised that they will raise the remaining $30,000 without further contributions from the Council. To date no other funds have been raised.


5.3       The proposed site is in the RSA section of the cemetery in the vicinity of the flagpole. A low wall including an explanatory plaque is proposed to accompany the sculpture. Construction of the wall is subject to the RSA raising the additional funds.

Marsden Valley Cemetery Bylaw

5.4       Bylaw No 216 Burial and Cremations Bylaws describes Marsden Valley Cemetery as a ‘Lawn’ cemetery. All commemorative plaques on plots are to be at ground level.

5.5       The location that the RSA is considering is not attached to a burial plot and technically does not contravene the Bylaw however officers consider that an exemption from the Council is required.

Ongoing repairs and maintenance

5.6       The sculpture has been constructed in fibre glass compound and over time will weather and need repairs. Officers recommend that it remain the property of the RSA and that the RSA be responsible for its ongoing repair and maintenance.

6.       Options

6.1       Option 1. Support the grant request.

6.1.1    This will enable the RSA to pay the first payment to the sculptor and give them time to raise further funding.

6.2       Option 2. Decline the grant request until the RSA raises further funds to complete the project.

6.2.1    The sculptor will not be paid at this time. There was no agreement for the Council to make the first payment.

6.3       Option 1 is the preferred option as it will enable the sculptor to be paid while the RSA raises further funds. There is no commitment from Council to pay the full amount should the RSA be unsuccessful.

7.       Alignment with relevant Council policy

7.1       This recommendation is contrary to the policy of maintaining Marsden Valley as a lawn cemetery.

7.2       Council’s contribution is budgeted for in the Annual Plan 2014/15 but the expectation was that the Council would support the funding raised by the RSA. To date no other funding has been secured.

8.       Assessment of Significance against the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy

8.1       This decision is not significant under the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

9.       Consultation

9.1       The decision to contribute towards the RSA project was made through the 2014/15 Annual Plan and consulted with the community through that process.

10.     Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process

10.1     Maori have not been consulted.

11.     Conclusion

11.1     The RSA has reduced the scope of the original project and their request for funding from the Council has been reduced accordingly. No further funding has been raised to date and the risk to Council is that if the RSA is unsuccessful in further applications to funding agencies Council may be asked to make up the $30,000 shortfall.  There is no commitment for Council to do so.


Andrew Petheram

Parks and Facilities Asset Planner


Attachment 1:    A1376891 - Letter of Application Marsden Valley Statue - RSA - 10Jun2015  

Attachment 2:    A1376895 - WWI Soldier Statue Oamaru - RSA - 10Jun2015  






Community Services Committee

13 August 2015




Nelson Marina Strategy: Terms of Reference



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1       To contribute to and approve the terms of reference for the Nelson Marina Strategy. 

2.       Delegations

2.1       The Community Services Committee has the delegation for matters relating to the marina.  It has the power to decide the approval of projects within its delegations, included in Council’s Long Term Plan. 


3.       Recommendation

THAT the report Nelson Marina Strategy: Terms of Reference (R4641) and its attachment (A1381707) be received;

AND THAT the Nelson Marina Strategy: Terms of Reference (A1381707) (as amended) be approved.




4.       Background

4.1       In its Consultation Document, (p16) Council proposed increasing the fees for the marina by 4% annually over the 10 years of the Plan.    “Fees for Nelson’s marina are much lower than other facilities around the country, even allowing for differences in service provision.  ...  It is proposed to increase fees by 4% per year over the Plan and to use that income to assist with debt reduction.”

4.2       The Council received 36 submissions on this proposal.  In its deliberations, it resolved:

THAT Council will develop a Marina Strategy to full address the issues raised by submitters, including the appropriateness of the development levy; and

THAT the marina fees for 2015/16 be increased by the rate of inflation until such time as a Marina Strategy is developed and consulted on.

4.3       Council also resolved:

THAT the Marina Strategy be delivered by February 2016. 

5.       Discussion

Aligned Work

5.1       Officers have compiled those reports and information which should inform the development of any strategy.  These are set out in part 7 of the Terms of Reference. Copies can be found on the Google Drive for councillors and are available on request from an Administration Adviser.

5.2       This work also sits within other strategic property work, which is looking at the future use of Council property not held to support core functions.  The timing of this work fits nicely with any strategy development.  The marina strategy is tightly focused to the marina and land-based activities immediately around it. 

Terms of Reference

5.3       The terms of reference are presented to the Committee in order that committee members have the opportunity to have input into what has been, at times, a contentious issue; the future of the marina. 

6.       Options

6.1       Option one is the Committee could adopt the proposed Terms of Reference, for the purposes of engaging a consultant.

6.2       Option two is the Committee could choose to amend the proposed Terms of Reference, and then adopt it, for the purposes of engaging a consultant.

6.3       Option three is the Committee could decline to adopt this terms of reference and seek further work from officers.  This would mean that the strategy would not be delivered by February 2016. 

6.4       The recommended option is either of options one or two. 

7.       Alignment with relevant Council policy

7.1       This report and the proposed terms of reference for the development of a strategy for the marina give effect to Council’s Long Term Plan 2015/25. 

7.2       Funding for this piece of work is to be part funded from the marina account, and part funded by ratepayers. 

7.3       This project supports two community outcomes - that our infrastructure meets our current and future needs and that the community has access to a range of recreational facilities and activities.

8.       Assessment of Significance against the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy

8.1       The decision sought in this report is not a significant decision under Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. 

9.       Consultation

9.1       The decision to develop a marina strategy was made after public consultation on the Consultation Document, and was included in the Long Term Plan 2015/25.  No further consultation is required at this time. 

9.2       The terms of reference for the strategy development outlines a considerable amount of stakeholder engagement.  That will be reported back to Council, and the strategy as drafted will be the subject of further public consultation by Council. 

10.     Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process

10.1     Maori have not been consulted on as part of the development of the terms of reference, or the preparation of this report. 

11.     Conclusion

11.1     After proposing a fee increase for marina users, Council received a considerable number of submissions, which raised a wide range of issues.

11.2     Council resolved to have a strategy developed for the marina; it wants this work completed by February 2016 at the latest.

11.3     As matters relating to the marina can be contentious, direction from the Committee is sought.

11.4     The terms of reference are presented for approval, in order that officers can engage a consultant to undertake the work. 


Clare Hadley

Chief Executive


Attachment 1:    A1381707 Marina Strategy Terms of Reference  








Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council

Held in Council Chamber, Civic House, Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Monday 9 February 2015, commencing at 1.00pm


Present:               Carla Lindley (Chairperson), Zoe Palmer, Paige Byers, Lucy Field, Hannah Malpas, Emily Thomas, Bronte Shaw, Chloe Rumsey, Elaine Ang, Katie Shaw, Taylah Shuker, Evy Ngawhika-Elliott, Rachel Burton, Flynn Jankiewicz-McClintock, Jamie Morgan, Sam McIlroy, Jordan Lankshear, Keegan Phipps, Daniel Leaper, and Abbey Paterson

In Attendance:     R Large (Social Wellbeing Adviser), Councillors Rainey, Lawrey, and G Brown (Administration Adviser)


1.             Apologies

No apologies were received.                                                                  

2.             Confirmation of Minutes – 23 October 2014

            Document number A1265271


THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 23 October 2014, be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Rumsey/Malpas                                                                           Carried

3.             Nelson Public Libraries

Viv Rounce, Children’s and Young Adult Librarian, Nelson Public Libraries discussed projects relating to young people at the library.

Ms Rounce said that if any youth councillors wanted to be involved with the library, then email addresses should be provided to her.

4.             Nelson Draft Urban Environments Bylaw     

Document Number A1264054

Daniel Leaper explained the submission, and highlighted the main areas. He discussed Youth Council’s involvement and that the draft submission now needed to be approved. He advised that the draft Urban Environments Bylaw hearing was scheduled for the 12 March 2015 and he added that Youth Council usually spoke to their submission.

Mr Leaper explained how Youth Council came to the conclusions for each of the topic headings in their submission. In response to a question, he clarified that poultry should be kept 2m from the boundary of the property.

It was stated that youth councillors were encouraged to ask questions now before the submission was lodged.

Mr Leaper advised that changes could be made to the submission as it was in a draft state.

Youth councillors were advised that Council had decided that a rule was not required to limit the number of cats which could be kept on a residential property, as there were only a minor number of complaints received, although he added that cats would be monitored.

It was added that there was some support at Council to enforce a three cat limit.

In response to a question, Mr Leaper clarified that Youth Council supported grazing sheep in cemeteries. Ms Large added that dogs did not need to be considered within the draft Urban Environments Bylaw as there was already a bylaw in place for the control of dogs.

It was suggested that there should be controls around the vaccination of cats and this could be discussed at the hearing. It was highlighted that Youth Council could present at the hearing as long as the point was highlighted in the submission.

There was a discussion about busking and the pedestrianisation of the top end of Trafalgar Street, however it was added that this could be commented on during the Long Term Plan process.

It was stated that issues should be brought up at Council, as issues would be noted and dealt with appropriately.


THAT the Nelson Youth Council submission to the draft Urban Environments Bylaw (A1264054) be approved. 

Leaper/Jankiewicz-McClintock                                                      Carried

Mr Leaper asked for questions in relation to a survey. It was stated that youth councillors needed to consider the broader picture and consider how the Urban Environments Bylaw would impact them.

There was general agreement that a survey should be conducted as the topics were relevant to all age groups, and it would only be directed at youth up to the age of 24. The three topics agreed were cats, busking, and alcohol in public places. It was agreed that Daniel Leaper and Abbey Paterson would compile the survey and that responses needed to be received by Daniel Leaper by 5 March 2015.

A number of youth councillors showed an interest in attending the Urban Environments Bylaw hearing. Youth councillors were encouraged to respectively speak their mind at the meeting.

5.             Creative Communities Local Funding Scheme Panel 

The chair called for members interested in the Creative Communities Local Funding Scheme Panel, and advised it was a nationwide scheme where local artists came to this panel to request funding which would then be reviewed. It was added that there would be two meetings.

Daniel Leaper, Sam McIlroy, Evy Ngawhika-Elliott, Paige Byers and Elaine Ang showed an interest.

It was advised that no date for these meetings had been confirmed.

6.             Chairperson and Nelson Youth Council Representation Rosters 

The chair asked whether any of the youth councillors wished to chair or represent the Youth Council at Committee or Council meetings.

Ms Large advised if any youth councillor could not make it to a meeting then they needed to advise her when the agenda was distributed.

A large number of youth councillors showed an interest in chairing the meeting. Ms Large advised of the chairs of the first three meetings:

Tuesday 10 March - Chloe

Wednesday 1 April - Hannah

Thursday 23 April - Daniel

Further meetings would be held on Friday 15 May, Thursday 4 June, Wednesday 1 July, Tuesday 11 August, Friday 18 September and Monday 19 October.


THAT the schedule for meetings of the Nelson Youth Council for 2015 be confirmed.

Paterson/McIlroy                                                                         Carried

7.             Council and Committee meeting attendance

The chair asked who wanted to attend the Committee meetings and various youth councillors illustrated an interest in attending.

It was advised that there were a smaller number of councillors at committee meetings, however any councillor could attend but could not vote if not a member.

Ms Large advised that meetings generally started at 9.00am and finished at 1.00pm, mainly on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She reminded them that if a youth councillor could not attend a meeting they needed to inform her as soon as possible.

Ms Large informed youth councillors that at a meeting they would be sitting next to a Councillor. She added that Councillors wanted to hear what youth had to say.

8.             Youth Council Constitution

Youth councillors were requested to review the attached constitution (A1245217) and provide any feedback to the meeting. 


THAT the Nelson Youth Council constitution as presented to the Youth Council on 9 February 2015 including the following amendments be adopted:

i)         The date be amended to 2015.

Rumsey/Jankiewicz-McClintock                                                    Carried

9.             Council Meetings               

9.1           Council meeting and Community Services Committee meeting – 30 October 2014      

Document attached for information A1285350

No issues were raised.

9.2           Works and Infrastructure Committee meeting – 27 November 2014

Document attached for information A1286234

No issues were raised.

9.3           Community Services Committee meeting – 4 December 2014

Document attached for information A1295773

No issues were raised.

10.         Youth Council Promotional Materials

Ms Large advised that there were promotional materials at the back of the Chamber for youth councillors.

11.         General Business

Stefanos attendance

All agreed that badges were beneficial.

            T-Shirt sizes had been provided.

            Youth Council calendars were provided at the back of the Chamber

It was advised that the minimum number of activities to participate in Youth Council was ten.

            It was noted that the sharing of taxis was encouraged.

It was advised that youth councillors did not need to sign into the council building.

There was support from youth councillors for writing articles for Live Nelson.

There was interest in helping at the Cricket World Cup on the following dates; 16 February, 19 February and 5 March 2015.

Heritage projects; it was stated that the projects were ready to go and would be going onto the PROW website. Ms Large indicated she would check with Council officers to find out if any further Youth Council involvement was required.

The meeting ended at 2.53pm


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:



                                                         Chairperson                                        Date




Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 10 March 2015, commencing at 1.01pm


Present:               Daniel Leaper (Chairperson) Elaine Ang, Rachel Burton, Paige Byers, Lucy Field, Fynn Jankiewicz-McClintock, Jordan Lankshear, Hannah Malpas, Sam McIlroy, Ryan McManus, Jamie Morgan, Evy Ngawhika-Elliott, Zoe Palmer, Abbey Paterson, Keegan Phipps, Bronte Shaw, Katie Shaw, Taylah Shuker, Emily Thomas, and Councillors Rainey and Lawrey.

In Attendance:     Manager Community Partnerships (Shanine Hermsen), Manager Libraries (Ian Littleworth), and Administration Adviser (Fiona O’Brien)

Apologies:            No apologies


1.             Apologies

There were no apologies received.

2.             Confirmation of Minutes – 9 February 2015

Document number A1310977, agenda pages 4-8 refer.


THAT the minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 9 February 2015, be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Phipps/Morgan                                                                             Carried

3.             Youth Events

Alex Bradley and Jasmine Turner, Youth Assistants from YMCA Nelson discussed youth events.

Alex discussed the organisation of Youthfest and noted that there was another event due in April and June and suggestions were appreciated regarding activities.

It was clarified that Youthfest was to take place on the 28 March 2015, and known musicians would be attending, with youth theatre, a market zone and Project Funway which was a cultural couture competition. They noted that new stalls were welcome. It was confirmed that tickets for the event were $10. The group were requested to distribute posters for the event.

The Youth Council confirmed that they would assist with promotion of the event through social media. It was established that funding for the event was originally started by Nelson Youth Council. 

Ian Littleworth, Host City Manager of the Cricket World Cup wished to show his appreciation for those who assisted with the event and distributed memorabilia gifted by the Cricket World Cup.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey joined the meeting at 1.10pm.

4.             Nelson Public Libraries

Bronte Shaw updated the group about the meeting with Viv Rounce regarding the library on Friday 27 February 2015.

The aim of the meeting was to help the library atmosphere become more accessible and interesting. Regarding a possible study room, it was established that students in NMIT would be unlikely to use this facility as the Institute had ample study areas. An inter-school mural competition was suggested for display in the library. In answer to a query regarding the potential location of the mural, Ms Shaw suggested the blank sections on the upper wall but stated that she would need to look into the health and safely aspect of this choice.

Councillor Lawrey explained that he had entered an application for murals in the children’s library to be done by a professional artist. He recommended approaching the ‘Friends of the Library” group as they could assist with funding. Ms Shaw suggested sending out a survey for suggestions. It was decided that this matter would be discussed again at the next Youth Council meeting.

In answer to a query regarding the benefit of a study area to older students, it was clarified that this area would have past exam papers and relevant textbooks to aid study.

5.             Nelson Draft Urban Environments Bylaw

The Chairperson updated the group on the outcome of the Urban Environment survey, stating that 300 surveys had been completed and that results had been collated in Survey Monkey.  Youth Councillors were confirmed to attend the Planning and Regulatory meeting to hear submissions on the Urban Bylaw. It was clarified that the group would meet in Ruma Marama before the meeting to discuss the details and it was confirmed that they would be the first group to speak.

In answer to a query regarding attendance and speaking, Councillor Rainey recommended that Youth Councillors become involved in this topic as it was possible to make an impact.

6.             Youth Week

A discussion was held around Youth Week, focusing on whether Youth Council wished to hold an event during Youth Week 23-31 May 2015.

It was clarified that the school quiz proved very successful the previous year and that it was colleges alone involved. It was suggested that local businesses were visited for potential prizes. Shanine Hermsen announced that Carla Lindley has stepped down as Youth Councillor and would be sadly missed, however had passed on some insight into past events. In her notes, she stated the high level of commitment necessary for these events and suggested choosing no more than two.

The event Rockquest was discussed and the role of the Youth Council in the prize award ceremony. It was noted that this was an enjoyable youth event which served as an excellent medium for Youth Council promotion.

It was decided not to go ahead with tree planting on Arbour Day as there too much organisation required.

A vote was taken, and it was decided that Youth Council would take part in Rockquest and a quiz. It was discussed that an organiser would need to be decided on in the next meeting and jobs delegated.

7.             Nelson City Council Long Term Plan 2015-2025

Shanine Hermsen, Manager Community Partnerships, initiated a discussion on the Nelson City Council draft Long Term Plan. 

Ms Hermsen explained that Council produced a 10 year plan which was reviewed every three years. She advised that legislation changed last year meaning that a short consultation document was also produced. Youth Council would work on a submission relating to this. Ms Hermsen highlighted the main points of the consultation doc.

Councillor Rainey advised that it was worth reading document and establishing the Youth Council opinion. He clarified the position of responsibility that Youth Council held.

8.             Cricket World Cup activities

Daniel Leaper and Zoe Palmer updated the wider group on the Cricket World Cup Mayoral function on Friday 13 February. As part of the Cricket World Cup, Youth Councillors attended the Bowater Hyundai launch party which had a mix of cricket representatives, councillors, and reporters. They stated that this was excellent promotion for the Youth Council and that they were thanked for their event assistance in the speeches that followed.

Rachel Burton updated the wider Council on assisting the Cricket World Cup co-ordinator on match days on 16 February, 19 February and 5 March stating that the event went very well with face-painting and assistance of the crowd. It was discussed that Youth Council t-shirts would be worn in future for better promotion.

9.             Council Meetings

Community Services Committee meeting – 26 February 2015

Document number A1314314

Ryan McManus presented the report and provided feedback from the Community Services Committee on 26 February 2015.

Governance Committee meeting – 3 March 2015

Document number A1326512

Abbey Paterson presented her report and provided feedback from the Governance Committee meeting on 3 March 2015.     

10.         Chairperson Training

Councillor Rainey discussed techniques on effective chairing.

Councillor Rainey queried whether they had received information on presenting is the past. He advised awareness of the Chairperson’s role in controlling the meetings and not just for facilitation.

He noted that Youth Councillor Daniel Leaper had been effective as he promoted involvement. He discussed the importance of taking notes and keeping on track.

He advised to get as involved as possible. He asked them to question why they had stood for Youth council, whether it was to challenge decisions and make a difference and to reflect on this. 

11.         Media Training

Councillor Lawrey held a session to provide techniques on media skills. He explained his background as a journalist and broadcaster. He discussed the importance of understanding freedom of the press and what they can and cannot print.

He noted to consider words used carefully, to take time to check details and if necessary refer onto someone who knows more on the topic. He explained the importance of communicating well and good use of social media and that it was always possible to request a copy of any comment before it goes public.

He suggested that it was very beneficial to have a good relationship with the media and noted that if they wished to promote a quiz night for example to consult with him for assistance.

In answer to a question about approaching media for an event, Councillor Lawrey advised to explain to the media why the event was newsworthy and draft a press release, making use of council channels if possible.

12.         General Business

Survey Monkey

A suggestion was made to purchase a full survey monkey membership, in order to gain a wider response and collate results more easily.

Attendance: Councillor Rainey left the meeting at 2.30pm.

It was clarified that the membership cost $35 per month.

It was queried whether alternatives were available and a suggestion of the survey tool of Google Drive was made which is a free service. This was also commended as it did not promote anonymity and therefore there would less time wasters. It was agreed that this option would be looked into instead of Survey Monkey.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey left the meeting at 2.45pm.

Tahunanui Beach Postcard

It was noted that conversations had taken place with the media regarding the tourist attraction postcard at Tahunanui Beach and feedback was excellent.

Group Photograph

It was discussed that a photograph of the full Youth Council was to be taken following the meeting.


There being no further business the meeting ended at 2.49pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:



                                                         Chairperson                                        Date



Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council

Held in Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Thursday, 23 April 2015, commencing at 1.00pm


Present:               Sam McIlroy (Chairperson), Elaine Ang, Paige Byers, Lucy Field, Helen George, Rhys Griffith, Fynn Jankiewicz-McClintock, Jordan Lankshear, Daniel Leaper, Hannah Malpas, Ryan McManus, Jamie Morgan, Evy Ngawhika-Elliott, Zoe Palmer, Abbey Paterson, Keegan Phipps, Bronte Shaw, Katie Shaw, Taylah Shuker, and Emily Thomas

In Attendance:     Social Wellbeing Adviser (R Large), Parks and Facilities Asset Planner (A Petheram), and Administration Adviser (F O’Brien)

Apologies:            Councillors Lawrey and Rainey


Rhys Griffith and Helena George were welcomed as new members of the Youth Council.

1.             Confirmation of Minutes – 1 April 2015

Document number A1338202, agenda pages 4-8 refer.


THAT the minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on 1 April 2015, be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Shuker/Phipps                                                                             Carried

2.             Youth Council Submission to the Long Term Plan 2015-2025

Keegan Phipps presented the Youth Council submission to the draft Long Term Plan 2015-2025 (A1346369).

Keegan noted that a number of additional topics had been added to the submission since the previous Youth Council meeting and requested feedback. The group clarified that they were happy with the selected additions.

Regarding the Waimea Community Dam, Bronte stated that the Youth Council should not oppose building of the dam but consider the funding implications and the negative affect on biodiversity.

The Performing Arts Centre was discussed and it was clarified that in 2009, this went out for consultation, but had been removed from Council’s work programme since. The group were advised to invest some time in research about this and put a case together.

Daniel discussed the change he recommended regarding footpaths around Saxton Stadium.

Lucy offered to write an supporting statement for the Connections (Boulevard) item and will provide some points to support this. She stated the relevance for tourism and the city to sea connection.

Following discussion regarding the Economic Services topic, and its importance to the youth of Nelson, the Youth Council agreed that this topic should be included in the submission.

A copy of Youth Council survey (A1347113) was circulated to the group. The Youth Council were asked to review the survey and ensure they were happy with it. It was suggested that they approach their schools to explain each topic to encourage more knowledgable responses. It was advised that this would be a good opportunity to answer questions and clarify any points. It was also suggested that the surveys be brought to form classes for distribution. The Youth Council approved the survey.

The group were asked to show better support for project coordinators. Keegan was commended for his work on the submission.


THAT the Nelson Youth Council submission to the draft Long Term Plan 2015-2025 be approved.

Leaper/Morgan                                                                            Carried

3.             Rockquest Award

Jamie Morgan led a discussion about current actions for the Youth Council Rockquest Award for 2015.

The form in which the prize for Rockquest would be given was discussed. It was decided that a Rock Shop voucher would be most appropriate. It was confirmed that a speech would need to be given.

It was decided that the award would be for “crowd participation”. It was advised that the band heats were taking place on 16 May 2015 and the finals were taking place on 22 May 2015.

4.             Saxton Stadium Developments

Parks and Facilities Asset Planner, Andrew Petheram, discussed the work taking place around Saxton Stadium. He mentioned the locations where the work would take place and the budget involved over the coming years. He advised that the first year was defined and following this a link would be created between other facilities in Saxton. Regarding the narrow path discussed, it was advised that this would become a 2.5 metre shared pathway for pedestrians and cyclists. It was clarified that Saxton Stadium had been in development for over 25 years and following the initial designs, improvements could now begin.

5.             Youth Week Event

Bronte Shaw provided an update on the quiz. She discussed the good communication that had taken place and reminded Youth Councillors that a subgroup meeting would take place following the Youth Council meeting to assign jobs.

6.             Council Meet and Greet

Youth Councillors were reminded to be on time and to prepare questions in advance for Councillors. The schools would be contacted with details. The time was confirmed as approximately 10.20am – 11.20am.

7.             Youth Employment Opportunities

Abbey Paterson led a discussion around employment opportunities for youth in Nelson. She discussed the growing problem and asked the Youth Council to discuss ways to mitigate this.

It was queried why young people were not being hired in Nelson and lack of job preparation and general job skills were discussed. It was advised that Council funded a scheme called “Connections” which assisted the youth of Nelson from school leaving until the age of 20. The aim of Connections was to track individuals and ensure they are connected to appropriate education or training.

Youth Councillors discussed various programmes in place in schools. Some focused on CV writing, job applications and how to look for job opportunities. Careers advisors were also present in some schools and early leaving programmes in others.

Youth Councillors were requested to speak to their respective schools and find out what programmes and assistance were in place on this topic. It was suggested that the “Council meet and greet” would be a good opportunity to discuss this topic.

8.             Creative Communities Local Funding Scheme Panel

Daniel Leaper informed the Youth Council of the meeting he attended on 19 March 2015.

He noted that the panel was a group of 5 individuals and that the meeting took place at the Refinery Art Space. The panel met every 6 months to review applications, and allocated $19,000 each meeting to projects. He noted that the majority of applications received funding and those who did not had already received alternative funding or had requested unrealistic amounts.

9.             Council Meetings – 2 April 2015

Document number A1343041, agenda pages 9-10 refer.

Sam McIlroy provided feedback from the Council meeting on 2 April 2015 through his report.

Sam stated that he was seated between Councillors Lawrey and Ward for the meeting, who had been very helpful in explaining procedure. Sam noted that a division had occurred regarding a controversial topic and Social Wellbeing Adviser, Rachael Large, explained the reasoning and the process behind this.

Attendances for the upcoming meetings were confirmed.

10.         General Business

It was suggested that this was a good time of year for Youth Councillors to introduce themselves to their respective schools during assembly.

It was clarified that the start time of the quiz was 6.30pm and it was expected to last approximately 2 hours.

Ms Large clarified that she had spoken with Team Leader Festivals, Axel de Maupeou, and he was very pleased with Youth Councillors’ contributions following the walk through Nelson together.

Ms Large asked if Youth Councillors would like Rosey Duncan to attend the next meeting and reminded the group that Dr Rob Beaglehole would be attending the upcoming meeting regarding high sugar content drinks. She clarified that feedback could be given following the meeting.

Ms Large commended Youth Councillors on the work they had done to date. She advised of the importance of trusting their instinct and also supporting each other’s events and projects. She reminded the group that they were forging their own paths and to trust that what they were doing was correct.

Ms Large explained the various community focused roles which she was in charge of which included not just youth but older adults also. She suggested that if Youth Councillors would like to be involved in anything similar, she could act as a conduit.

Abbey noted that she would be attending a social media policy training day and Youth Councillors mentioned that they would like a report back on this topic. It was decided that a 5-10 minute segment would be set aside at the end of the next meeting regarding this.


There being no further business the meeting ended at 2.59pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                         Chairperson                                        Date


Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Youth Council

Held in Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Thursday, 4 June 2015, commencing at 1.02pm


Present:               E Thomas (Chairperson) D Leaper, Z Palmer, L Field, H Malpas,  B Shaw, E Ang, K Shaw, E Ngawhika-Elliott, F Jankiewicz-McClintock, J Morgan, S McIlroy, J Lankshear, K Phipps, R McManus, H George, R Griffith and F Sawyer

In Attendance:     Councillor Rainey, Councillor Lawrey, Social Wellbeing Adviser (R Large), Cadet – Community Services (J Clementson), Administration Advisor (Julie Young)

Apologies:            T Shuker, Mayor Rachel Reese, and Councillors Rainey and Councillor Lawrey (for lateness)


1.       Apologies


The apologies were noted.

The Chairperson advised that Abbey Paterson had resigned.

2.       Confirmation of Minutes

2.1       15 May 2015

Document number M1223, agenda pages 4 - 10 refer.

It was noted that the correct movie title was “That Sugar Film”, and that the effective Urban Environment Bylaw changes date should be 2 June (not 1 June).


Resolved YC/2015/003

THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Nelson Youth Council, held on  15 May 2015, be confirmed as a true and correct record.

B Shaw / Palmer                                                                         Carried

3.       Discussion with the Mayor

Mayor Rachel Reese expressed her apologies as she was unable to attend, due to Council’s meeting continuing into the afternoon.

4.       Nelson Environment Centre

Andrew Goldsworthy and Carolyn Hughes, Educators at Nelson Environment Centre spoke on things Youth Council could be doing to advance education for sustainability for young people locally.

He advised that whilst Education for Sustainability is a credit-earning component of the school curriculum document, this has not brought forth the engagement hoped for, with fewer than one percent choosing to train in it.

Mr Goldsworthy urged Youth Council to take action for themselves, specifically recommending they:

Lobby for pressure on schools to implement their own sustainability policies; and

Lobby for a Sustainability requirement in the ERO audit process.

He further suggested these could be done by various means: submissions to Council, raising with student representatives on School Boards and general promotion. He explained how participation in Education for Sustainability could lead to public projects and recognition for civic responsibility, that could assist subsequently in securing university placements.

Mr Goldsworthy explained that the Nelson Environment Centre was due to speak with the Planning and Regulatory where they will be asking NCC to write to the Ministry and ERO, saying our schools want more done on environmental sustainability.

Replying to Bronte Shaw, Mr Goldsworthy confirmed that support from Youth Council would help. ERO could choose to dictate that schools demonstrate environmental sustainability, and any pressure on School Boards to reduce fossil fuels was progress. The best opportunities for solar power arose when schools built new buildings.

Mr Goldsworthy urged Youth Council to determine its priorities, and make a resolution to Council stating that this issue is the most important thing happening in our world today.

He concluded with an appeal for Youth Council to lobby their schools to teach Education for Sustainability.

Ms Hughes spoke about affordable solar energy packages and how a school could implement with zero upfront investment. It was noted that solar panels have a defined lifespan, but are, at least recyclable.

Mr Goldsworthy asked that, if the Youth Council was going to get behind them, to do so soon.

Youth Council to discuss and decide actions, if any, at the conclusion of the meeting.

5.       Spud Monday

Fynn Jankiewicz-McClintock explained the history of Spud Monday.  While the idea of a public holiday was popular, it was recognised that this was not a Local Government issue.  There was support for a celebration with fun activities to recognise the date (first Monday of August) such as a spud catapult. Helena, Bronte, Zoe and Daniel were among those who  expressed a desire to be involved. It was agreed that the next step was for interested persons to seek support within their schools, and that Fynn would continue to report on the issue.

6.       Sonic and Masked Parade

Huup Waagan, Masked Parade Co-ordinator, and Axel de Maupeou, Team Leader Festivals, were present to discuss the upcoming Arts Festival Carnivale.

Huup Waagan explained his role at Council and what events he had previously organised.  He expressed a keenness to work with the Youth Council age group and to get their input, working possibly with a core group.

He noted that the festival had, over the last five years, consolidated around the church steps, and had not catered for everyone properly. Programmes on the main stage had not interested everyone. He spoke of the possibility of separate zones, with potential for a DJ/youth zone in addition to a family stage.  Legalities around noise limitations in Hardy Street may impact.

Huup explained that festival activities would need to remain within the CBD to meet health and safety and resource consent requirements.

Suggestions received included a youth zone at Red Square, with DJs and dance groups, and music to appeal to youth. Jam sessions and a DJ song request board were also favoured.  There was the possibility that the Youth and Community Trust may have resources organisers could use.

The use of youth performers was suggested, and making youth responsible for the Red Square area was discussed.  Huup said several small stages, or a programme with pockets of performance was an option.  It was also possible to include a mechanical bull, to encourage audience participation. It was recognised that using local acts would save money. Karaoke and a photo booth were also proposed.

In answer to a question Huup said that nearby bars would remain responsible for their own security, but if Youth Council felt necessary, they could meet with police and bar representatives to raise concerns and plan ahead.

It was agreed that the topic remain as a general agenda item with discussions limited to approximately five minutes a meeting.

Questions around health and safety arose.  Normal policies will be in place, with no tolerance for intoxication or drug use. The Resource Consent dictates an 11pm closing, with the main stage closing earlier, as people with young families drifted away.

Rachael spoke about the importance of promoting good behaviour at the festival through Youth Councillors’ schools.  Sponsorship can be at risk, so it was good to have Youth Councillors spread the message.

The Chairperson thanked the guests for their presentation.

7.       Trustpower Community Award

Daniel Leaper advised he had submitted an application for nomination to the Trustpower Community Awards night, 29 June 2015. Daniel is to attend, with two others. Two names to be drawn from a hat - Sam, Keegan, Katie, Jamie, Zoe, Helena, Lucy, Emily and Bronte expressed interest in attending.

8.       Council Meet and Greet

Zoe, Ryan, Lucy, Daniel & Helena are not available to attend the Council Meet and Greet on 11 June 2015.

9.       Heritage Week 2016 Project

Keegan Phipps spoke about the upcoming Heritage story competition.  Stories will use photos on The Prow website as inspiration, and be judged by the subcommittee.  The Heritage Week theme for 2016 is ‘discovery’.

Funding of $6,500 has been applied for. If this doesn’t succeed, expenses will be scaled back and a $500 contribution sought from Youth Council.

Sam is to join the subgroup.

Helena, Ryan, Sam, Hannah, Elaine, and Daniel volunteered to promote the competition in their schools.  Rachael recommended booking an assembly slot to promote the competition without delay and reminded Councillors of their responsibility to be familiar with the issues, even if they were not involved in the subgroup.

Attendance:  Councillor Lawrey joined the meeting at 2.15pm

10.     Sugary Drinks

Helena George explained the plan to discuss current nutritional policies with the different schools, ahead of trying to establish new policies.  Concern was expressed that current policies are too vague and not well enforced. Councillors Rainey and Lawrey explained the political history behind school nutritional policies.

Bronte outlined the basis of That Sugar Film documentary, and Keegan explained how the audience had had a Skype conversation with the presenter, in which he urged everyone to promote awareness of sugar issues.

Daniel advised he collected posters which could be used for schools – see him at conclusion of meeting.

Councillor Lawrey noted that there was a special community screening of The Sugar Film, with tickets available through Victory Community Centre.

11.     Arts Festival

Zoe Palmer explained how the subgroup had been working with Axel to discuss installations in the streets of Nelson during the festival. These would utilise the hooks used for the hanging baskets, as they wouldn’t be in place then. Emily advised that they hoped to have some prototypes to show nearer the time.  Volunteers to assist will be called for in due course.

12.     Rockquest Award

Jamie Morgan spoke about the successful Rockquest Awards night.  Great value was found in the posting of photographs on social media. The winners, Turgid, certificate has yet to be given out.  The judging of the crowd participation award was the only difficulty of the night, and may be improved next year by limiting the number of judges.

Councillor Rainey pointed out the potential of moving the event to the Trafalgar Centre next year, due to the sell-out of tickets.

Councillor Rainey raised the possibility of making the involvement with Youth Councils a national opportunity.

13.     Youth Week Event

Bronte led a debrief of the Youth Council event during Youth Week.

Keegan apologised for the shortage of food at the Quiz Night on 28 May 2015.  The lollies, chips and mandarins supplied were universally agreed to be insufficient for the event’s duration.

Feedback included the following suggestions:

·        More time for socialisation;

·        Better entry control;

·        More roaming moderators to discourage cheating;

·        More substantial food, for example pizzas.

·        More difficult questions and not those aimed at girls, and include wider Nelson photos;

·        Questions to cover a wider demographic spread;

·        Healthier choice of prizes and table food;

·        More central location;

·        More music.

Rachael asked for a better response in future to requests for prize ideas. She asked Youth Council to think about what they wanted done with the leftover drink bottles.

Bronte thanked everyone for their assistance with Quiz night. Her contribution was recognised with a small gift.

14.     Council Meetings

Document number R4359, agenda pages 11 - 12 refer.

Daniel and Emily spoke to their summary of the recent Community Services Committee meeting and highlighted that Youth Council is asked to consider what role they may like to have in Nelson’s upcoming 175th anniversary.

A discussion took place regarding the CCTV cameras in Victory Square. In general they were thought to have made the Square feel safer. It was noted that cameras were installed in response to a specific request. If youth felt unsafe at other locations their first response should be to call the police.

Attendance:  Councillors Rainey and Lawrey left the meeting at 2.50pm

15.     General Business

Rachael Large highlighted the follow business:

·        Rachael confirmed the names of those attending upcoming Council and Committee meetings.

·        Rachael congratulated Youth Council for the way they conducted themselves as a Council, including respecting the different age groups.

·        Youth Councillors must seriously consider their upcoming commitments, and accept that saying ‘no’ does not mean an idea has no worth. School must come first.

·        Youth Council agreed that they would like a representative from Youth and Community Trust to present ideas for youth events in Nelson at the next meeting.

·        Ideas for an induction/initiation event in December are sought, and can be passed to Rachael.

·        The Tahuna Postcard subgroup is to meet at 3pm.

·        Taylah and Lucy to submit an article to Rachael for Live Nelson by 25th June.

Attendance:  Lucy Field left the meeting at 3.00pm.

·        Keegan is keen to coordinate the Youth Employment subgroup now that Abbey Paterson has resigned Youth Council.  Ryan, Sam, Fynn J, Fynn S and Zoe would like to be considered to coordinate as well. Rachael expressed frustration that so few had got back to her regarding meeting with the EDA, and thanked those that had.  Youth Councillors indicated that there was continued support for the plan to meet with the EDA.

·        Environmental Sustainability.

Prior to departure, Lucy expressed interest in participating in a subgroup if one was established.

Some members of Youth Council were unsure what exactly was being asked of them and queried the worth of getting something in written form. An alternative view was that Youth Council were being asked to decide their own course of action.

It was agreed that Mr Goldsworthy was seeking support for his submission to Council. How a subgroup could facilitate this was debated. Rachael questioned whether there was time for this. She reiterated earlier comments about over-committing to projects, reminding Youth Councillors that only four meetings remained.

It was agreed the Youth Council did not have the capacity to act as a group at this time, but that anyone wanting to pursue it within their schools independently could do so.


There being no further business the meeting ended at 3.13pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                         Chairperson                                        Date