


Extraordinary meeting of the


Commercial Subcommittee


Thursday 9 July 2015

Commencing at 10.15am

Council Chamber

Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson



Membership: Councillor Mr John Murray (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor Rachel Reese, Councillors Luke Acland and Gaile Noonan, and Mr John Peters

Guidelines for councillors attending the meeting, who are not members of the Committee, as set out in Standing Orders:

·      All councillors, whether or not they are members of the Committee, may attend Committee meetings (SO 2.12.2)

·      At the discretion of the Chair, councillors who are not Committee members may speak, or ask questions about a matter.

·      Only Committee members may vote on any matter before the Committee (SO 3.14.1)

It is good practice for both Committee members and non-Committee members to declare any interests in items on the agenda.  They should withdraw from the table for discussion and voting on any of these items.


N-logotype-black-wideCommercial Subcommittee

9 July 2015



Page No.


1.       Apologies


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

3.       Interests

3.1       Updates to the Interests Register

3.2       Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda  

4.       Harvesting of the Dun Mountain Forestry Block    4 - 5

Document number R4536


THAT the report Harvesting of the Dun Mountain Forestry Block (R4536) be received;

AND THAT the Commercial Subcommittee transfer its delegations regarding forestry to the Governance Committee, in respect of harvesting of the Dun Mountain forestry block.






Commercial Subcommittee

9 July 2015




Harvesting of the Dun Mountain Forestry Block



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1       To approve transfer of the Commercial Subcommittee’s delegations regarding forestry to the Governance Committee, in respect of harvesting of the Dun Mountain forestry block.

2.       Delegations

2.1       The provision of strategic governance, advice and direction to ensure the maximisation of Council’s property portfolio and forestry falls within the area of responsibility of the Commercial Subcommittee.

2.2       Due to the possibility of harvesting the Dun Mountain forestry block in August/September 2015, it is recommended the Commercial Subcommittee transfer this matter to the Governance Committee to enable timely consideration.

3.       Recommendation

THAT the report Harvesting of the Dun Mountain Forestry Block (R4536) be received;

AND THAT the Commercial Subcommittee transfer its delegations regarding forestry to the Governance Committee, in respect of harvesting of the Dun Mountain forestry block.




4.       Background

4.1       PF Olsen, Council’s management consultant, has indicated that the Dun Mountain forestry block has reached its optimum harvest age. They have suggested that harvesting commence in August/September 2015.

5.       Discussion

The Commercial Subcommittee would usually be responsible for considering matters relating to forestry. However, due to the timeframe of the possible commencement of harvesting, it is recommended that this matter be transferred to the Governance Committee to consider at its meeting on 9 July 2015. This will enable further consideration by Council at its meeting on 23 July 2015.

6.       Options

6.1       Transfer delegations regarding forestry to the Governance Committee in respect of harvesting of the Dun Mountain forestry block, so the matter can be considered by the Committee on 9 July 2015. This is the recommended option, in order to ensure that the matter is considered in a timely and efficient manner.

6.2       Do not transfer delegations regarding forestry to the Governance Committee in respect of harvesting of the Dun Mountain forestry block. This option would likely result in a less efficient process as the next Governance meeting is set for 20 August 2015, which is after the recommended commencement of harvesting.

7.       Alignment with relevant Council policy

7.1       This recommendation aligns with Council’s Delegations Register. 

8.       Assessment of Significance against the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy

8.1       This is not a significant decision in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

9.       Consultation

9.1       No consultation is required with regards to this decision. 

10.     Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process

10.1     There is no requirement to include Māori in this decision-making process as it is purely a procedural decision.

11.     Conclusion

11.1     It is recommended that the Commercial Subcommittee transfer its delegations regarding forestry to the Governance Committee, in respect of harvesting of the Dun Mountain forestry block.

Shailey McLean

Administration Adviser

