Minutes of a meeting of the Works and Infrastructure Committee

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 5 May 2015, commencing at 9.03am


Present:               Councillor E Davy (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, Councillors I Barker, R Copeland, M Lawrey (Deputy Chairperson), G Noonan, and T Skinner

In Attendance:     Councillors B McGurk and M Ward, Nelson Youth Councillors E Ngawhika-Elliott and J Lankshear, Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Senior Asset Engineer – Transport and Roading (R Palmer), Asset Engineer – Transport (C Pawson), Manager Administration (P Langley), and Administration Adviser (S McLean)

Apologies:            Her Worship the Mayor R Reese for lateness, Councillor L Acland for attendance



1.       Apologies


Resolved WI/2015/001

THAT apologies be received and accepted from Councillor Acland for attendance, and Her Worship the Mayor for lateness.

Barker / Noonan                                                                          Carried

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum

4.1       David Ayre, Friends of the Maitai

David Ayre and Tom Kennedy tabled a handout on the Maitai Shared Pathway Project: Collingwood Street to Nile Street and presented this to the Committee.

Attendance: Her Worship the Mayor joined the meeting at 9.06am.

In response to questions, Mr Ayre spoke about areas along the Maitai walkway having different characteristics and uses. He said wider paths in some areas would change the character of that area and encroach on grassed areas used for leisure activities. Mr Ayre advised that Friends of the Maitai had not been contacted by Council officers about the Maitai Shared Pathway Project.

In response to further questions, Mr Ayre said Friends of the Maitai were not opposed to any change, but were concerned the public were not aware of what was being proposed. He said there was also concern that the proposal was for a path much wider than 2.5 metres in some areas, which was different to what had been described in a recent annual plan.

In response to a question about the intention of the Maitai Shared Path being part of a main arterial network, Mr Ayre said information about that had not been provided to the public.


1    Friends of the Maitai Public Forum Handout 5May2015 A1351367

5.       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1       26 March 2015

Document number M999, agenda pages 7 - 14 refer.

Resolved WI/2015/003

THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Works and Infrastructure Committee, held on  26 March 2015, be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Lawrey / Barker                                                                          Carried


6.       Status Report - Works and Infrastructure - 5 May 2015

Document number R4202, agenda pages 15 - 16 refer.

In response to questions, Senior Asset Engineer – Transport and Roading, Rhys Palmer, advised that the delay in New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) subsidised funding for the Brook Area Walking and Cycling Improvements Project was due to a change to the NZTA funding category after the project scope was reduced. He confirmed the resolution made on 28 November 2013 was after the reduction in project scope.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey left the meeting at 9.36am.

In response to a question, Group Manager Infrastructure, Alec Louverdis, confirmed that information on discussions held with building owners about enhancing street frontages on Bridge Street would be included in the status report for the 18 June Committee meeting.

There was discussion on the Highland Pipe Band Hall lease and demolition. Mr Louverdis advised that negotiations were ongoing and it was unlikely that the hall would be demolished by the end of June.

In response to a question, Mr Louverdis said it was his understanding the Band had secured a temporary alternative location. He said there was further discussion to be had about long term accommodation, which was linked to vacating the current premises.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey returned to the meeting at 9.39am.

In response to a question, Mr Louverdis offered to provide the completion date of the Haven Road stormwater culvert works through the regular councillors newsletter.

Resolved WI/2015/004

THAT the Status Report Works and Infrastructure Committee 5 May 2015 (R4202) and its attachment (A1150321) be received.

Lawrey / Skinner                                                                         Carried

Transport and Roading

7.       Beatson Road Trial Closure - Investigation Results

Document number R4112, agenda pages 17 - 24 refer.

Senior Asset Engineer – Transport and Roading, Rhys Palmer, and Asset Engineer – Transport, Chris Pawson, presented the report and displayed the map in Attachment 1 (A1343631) on the screen.

Mr Palmer provided detail on the method of data collection for the Beatson Road trial closure investigation. Concern was raised that the data was not adequate to enable a decision on the matter.

In response to questions, Mr Palmer advised that a previous survey on Beatson Road had not been used to inform the officer’s report provided. He said the budget confirmed at the Works and Infrastructure Committee meeting in October 2014 had proven too low to enable the originally planned data collection to take place.

It was noted that the Turning Movements table in the attachment to the report should say ‘left turn movements  to Waimea Road’ instead of ‘right turn...’.

Concern was raised that closing Beatson Road could result in a number of unintended consequences.

In response to a question, Mr Palmer said information from the Southern Link investigation would create a transport model for the area, but funding would still be required to investigate Beatson Road further if required.

In response to concerns about baseline data, Mr Palmer said the nature of the route was variable and he felt the baseline data obtained over two weeks was adequate. He added that officers were aware the dates in November included NCEA leave days for students, and this had minimal impact on the data collected.

It was suggested that officers should have reported back to the Committee if they had required additional resource to undertake the investigation.

Mr Palmer confirmed that officers had not yet assessed options for closing Beatson Road and the impacts of this, as it would involve considerable resource.

Councillor Davy, seconded by Councillor Barker, moved to receive the report:

THAT the report Beatson Road Trial Closure - Investigation Results (R4112) and its attachment (A1343631) be received;

There was discussion on the original intention of the study, which was to gather data before and after a temporary closure of Beatson Road, to determine whether a permanent closure would improve travel time on Waimea Road.

It was suggested that a sign could be installed to deter through traffic coming off the Beatson/Waimea/Whakatu roundabout and using Beatson Road as a shortcut.

There were opposing views on whether the study should or should not be redone, and what the repercussions would be if Beatson Road was closed.

Attendance: The meeting adjourned for morning tea from 10.31am to 10.45am.

An amendment to the motion to receive the report was made with the approval of the mover and seconder.

THAT the report Beatson Road Trial Closure - Investigation Results (R4112) and its attachment (A1343631) be received;

AND THAT a regulatory sign with appropriate wording be installed to prohibit non residential through traffic exiting from the Waimea/Whakatu/Beatson roundabout into Beatson Road between 7am-9am Monday to Friday;

AND THAT a letter be sent to the New Zealand Police urging them to enforce this.

In response to concerns about policing this, and the ability to install a sign of this nature, it was agreed the matter would be reported back to the Committee if it could not be resolved or if there were any issues. Mr Palmer added that discussions would be had with the New Zealand Transport Agency and New Zealand Police regarding the wording of the sign.

The amended motion was put and carried.

Resolved WI/2015/005

THAT the report Beatson Road Trial Closure - Investigation Results (R4112) and its attachment (A1343631) be received;

AND THAT a regulatory sign with appropriate wording be installed to prohibit non residential through traffic exiting from the Waimea/Whakatu/Beatson roundabout into Beatson Road between 7am-9am Monday to Friday;

AND THAT a letter be sent to the New Zealand Police urging them to enforce this.

Davy / Barker                                                                             Carried


8.       Licences for Street Stalls and Outdoor Dining

Document number R4132, agenda pages 25 - 33 refer.

Property and Facilities Asset Manager, Michael Homan, presented the report.

In response to questions, Mr Homan advised that going to market for street stall licenses would provide an opportunity to assess the balance of stalls and allow other members of the community to submit applications. He clarified that increasing the number of street stall sites had not been canvassed in the officer report.

In response to further questions, Mr Homan advised that several parts of the officer recommendation enabled the Nelson Parking Strategy 2014-2024 to run its course.

There was support for the removal of the moratorium on using any additional parking spaces for outdoor dining. It was advised that this could not be done at present as there was no policy under which officers could assess new applications.

In response to questions, Mr Homan advised there had been no requests from stall holders to relocate, and there were minimal requests on using parking spaces for outdoor dining. He confirmed that six years ago Council had rolled over the stall holder licenses, creating new licenses for a further six years.

It was suggested that the street stall licenses could be extended for twelve months instead of six months. It was also suggested that the number of stalls and carpark dining spaces be allowed to increase during winter.

Councillor Noonan, seconded by Councillor Lawrey, moved to receive the report:

THAT the report Licences for Street Stalls and Outdoor Dining (R4132) and its attachment (A1341408) be received;

There was support for allowing greater flexibility for stall holders, such as being able to transfer the license if they sold their cart.

A suggestion was made that the number of stall holder sites should be increased.

There was support for rolling over the current licenses for six years as the stall holders had proven to be good tenants.

Concern was raised that stall holders had not been made aware of the officer report and its implications.

Attendance: Councillor Barker left the meeting at 11.38am and returned at 11.39am.

Her Worship the Mayor highlighted the need to provide assurance to members of the community involved in street stalls.

Attendance: The meeting adjourned from 11.46am to 11.54am.

An amendment to the motion to receive the report was made with the approval of the mover and seconder:

THAT the report Licences for Street Stalls and Outdoor Dining (R4132) and its attachment (A1341408) be received;

AND THAT an extension of the current street stall and outdoor dining licences for six years be offered to licensees from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2021;

AND THAT the policy on Licenses for Street Stalls and Outdoor Dining, including the moratorium on public parking spaces, be reviewed by this Committee;

AND THAT a formal review of the rents for both street stall occupations and outdoor dining be undertaken.

The amended motion was put and carried.

Resolved WI/2015/006

THAT the report Licences for Street Stalls and Outdoor Dining (R4132) and its attachment (A1341408) be received;

AND THAT an extension of the current street stall and outdoor dining licences for six years be offered to licensees from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2021;

AND THAT the policy on Licenses for Street Stalls and Outdoor Dining, including the moratorium on public parking spaces, be reviewed by this Committee;

AND THAT a formal review of the rents for both street stall occupations and outdoor dining be undertaken.

Noonan / Lawrey                                                                         Carried


9.       Exclusion of the Public

Resolved WI/2015/007

THAT the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

Davy / Lawrey                                                                            Carried



General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interests protected (where applicable)


Council Owned Earthquake Prone Building Earthquake Assessment Update #4


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·    Section 7(2)(h)

     To enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities

Attendance: Councillor Barker left the meeting at 12.10pm.

The meeting went into public excluded session at 12.11pm and resumed in public session at 1.00pm, during which time Councillor Barker returned to the meeting and Councillor Copeland left the meeting.

10.     Re-admittance of the Public

Resolved WI/2015/008

THAT the public be re-admitted to the meeting.

Davy / Lawrey                                                                            Carried



There being no further business the meeting ended at 1.00pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                         Chairperson                                        Date